I was watching The Shining and noticed there is a green bottle that says 'PEPE'


Nice find

I assume you saw the documentary

u onto sumfin op

followin 4 update

I haven't seen a documentary (you can link me), but I have seen The Shining like a hundred times before. I have a commentary track on my blu-ray, but I haven't listened to it either.

Sorry I bullshitted, no commentary on my blu-ray.


Are you fucking kidding me? Right fucking now I'm serious. It's called Room 323 or whatever.

Someone make the inevitable shoop

It's Room 237. Ok good thank you, will definitely watch, I put it on my list. So little time lately to watch anything...

Was Kubrick /ourguy/?

Behind bartender's right arm.

With all due respect, no list. This movie movie is your new and only priority.

illuminati confirmed

Don't bother, it's shit and filled with weird conspiracy theories. Making 'The Shining' is the only documentary worth watching.

Tío Pepe

It's still essential viewing even if you hate it.

No doubts about that - always was, always will.

I liked all the conspiracy theories about Eyes Wide Shut, so I might like this too.

stanley was a jew

Yes, he was but not all of them all evil. Only the majority. Sometimes even you can come across a really good person like him.

>not all of them all evil
JIDF detected

Tio Pepe is a spanish sherry wine.

Pepe is a spanish name, kekistani redditor

Pepe is a name MISAPPROPRIATED from FROGS! Why are warmbloods always so jealous of us?

Yeah but it's green. How many coincidences will it take for you?

Big if true

Did you also know that the main costume designers name is Bane Jewkiller? Its true, look it up

This means something.