Is this just a case of white guilt? That movie makers have created a fictional world where the African continent is technology more advanced to the West. Yet for some reason they kept this secret.
Als this white guilt and diversity stuff is doing my head in. Personally I find it more offenisve, demeening and condecending when a minorty gets a leg up As if people are saying "hey we know you are dumb, so here have this seat a UNI because we feel bad for you"
What happened to earning your way in life based on merit and not sympathy?
John Lopez
Aaron Gomez
>tfw they didn’t even develop the tech themselves so the proudest African achievement is the fullest realization of the cargo cult mentality
Jason Rodriguez
give blacks a bone man, their heaven is just a world where they are more intelligent than whites, to have the ability to outdo the godly whites
Blake Harris
It isn't the whole continent, just Wakanda
Nathaniel Edwards
if Wakanda was so powerful then why did whites dominate all of Africa during the 19th century?
Lincoln Thomas
Lies told to you by the patriarchy WE WUZ KANGZ
Easton Bell
You wanted another one where they find out about ancient Egyptian technology or Atlantis or some shit? Stop criticizing something just because black people trigger you
Jacob Allen
>where the African continent
Wakanda is a tiny ass country. The rest of Africa is still a shithole in the Marvel universe. Wakanda is isolationist as fuck. They're also not more advanced than the west. They're on par with western organizations. They're an exception in the sea of failure that is most of Africa.
Ethan Lee
>movie with a predominantly white cast... >"teh okey" >A Black stand alone movie is made for the MCU >fictional comic book world has a technologically advanced population who are situated in Africa >???? >this triggers the Sup Forumsack
How low does your self esteem have to be that this bothers you?
Jaxon Roberts
Sup Forums whines more than fucking SJWs at this point
Gabriel Carter
Just admit it. This is how Africa would've turned out if whitey and arab didn't ruin it.
Jayden Cruz
>pointing out cultural marxism actually means you're just triggered lol ok
Ryan Bell
>his entire political beliefs are based on a strawman lol ok
Jayden Hughes
People should advance based on merit. You are correct.
I don't give a crap about what Disney does because I know better than to give them money.
Austin Foster
>They're also not more advanced than the west. They found a cure for cancer. All cancers.
Charles Smith
It's not the African continent. It's an protectionist, isolationist ethnic nationalist state within Africa. Wakanda is only for Wakandans.
Joseph Sanders
What the fuck are you taking about, Sup Forumslack
Luke Bailey
Why don't Wakandans help out the rest of Afrika?
Jose Young
>That movie makers have created Comic makers*
Asher Sanchez
>That movie makers have created a fictional world where the African continent is technology more advanced to the West. Consider that Marvel also has this place called the Savage Land, which is also more advanced then most human nations even though its a dinosaur infested jungle in the middle of the Arctic because it's full to the brim with alien tech despite the cavemen.
Connor Wilson
Wakanda isn't some isolated indecent of a made up African nation that is advanced despite Africa. That shit isn't knew, Richard Pryor had a bit about an advanced fictional kingdom called Zamunda, which Eddie Murphy then used for Coming to America.
Carter Jenkins
Evan Thompson
Because nationalism is only bad in white countries. Haven't you studying at your local indoctrination center in the current year? Duh!
Liam Kelly
No OP This is black over compensation. White guilt would be the studio donating ever penny of profit to low income minority charities. Instead ((their))wood is exploiting a fantasy fetish for profit.
Owen Cruz
>Sup Forums makes retarded conjectures OP BTFO
Samuel Anderson
>we need representation! >monkey see monkey do
Nathan Morales
>They're an exception in the sea of failure that is most of Africa. stop it user, that's the white mans fault and you know it