This is your Mulan
Liu Yifei
Mulan Live Action
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She's no fan bingbing but I'd hit it
so why couldn't disney get a cute chink for the star wars movie
>Chinese actress Liu Yifei, also known as Crystal Liu, is set to play the lead in the live-action adaptation directed by Niki Caro.
Is she a pornstar?
Crystal Liu is clearly a porn name
I have no problem with this casting.
This is correct
Who will they cast for Ping?
idris elba comfirmed for love interest
Is Will Yun Lee too old?
>look at the top of her head
I mean, it is clearly like 45 degrees angle between the forehead and the top part of the craniun. This image is making me confused af, where the forehead ends? Does she have a second forehead? Do asian chicks have no flat upper part of the craniun, is it a continuun slope?
Idris Elba
Would lick her face. Can't wait to see her as a qt trap.
they didn't have plastic surgery for asians eyes in ancient China. Can we get a real Chinese actress please and not some plastic kpop whore?
Looks too oriental and retarded. Go with a mixed breed instead
Is Eddie Murphy going to be in it?
I wonder if the fight scenes will be like this
Dead ringer for Constance Wu
When she was an anisong singer.
Yifei- Mayonaka No Door PowerPuff Girls Z
Yeah man all those mixed kids in ancient China
Mulan was not mixed race
scene gave slight wood
qts with lipstick shouldn't be allowed to do martial arts
Who is that girl I see
but china doesn't give a shit about chinese actors, they want to see tom cruise and matt damon.
Nigga you face blind
Or perhaps a dead ringer for the fifty billion other chink girls who look exactly like her.
yeah, well bring em over
>literally Chinese
Bravo Disney
that's a billion dollars in the bank guaranteed. now watch them fuck up by shoehorning in some white dude into the story
what's the chances they actually make it historically accurate and don't put blacks throughout the movie?
If they're trying to please the chinks,they won't put any
the original had a little sidekick dragon that was voiced by a groid. I think it's safe they'll do it again, as they can just dub him over for China for a groid-free release
This., but unironically.
Same about Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast not having ni...oh wait
Zhangziyi 2.0
>Capaldi looking slightly proud when he says history's a whitewash
Also, if the Doctor is such an SJW, why does he manifest 99% of the time as a white man?
How they gonna disguise her as a biy she looks to girly
Back when black stars weren’t virtue signaling diversity hire faggots, they were universally liked.
>Eddie Muphy
>Martin Lawrence
>Will Smith
>Chris Tucker
Is my nigga eddie in it
Okay. I haven’t seen her acting, but they have a similar type of petite look. For now, she’s “discount” young ZiYi 2.0.
superior casting decision coming through
$20 says they'll make Donald Glover the dragon. He's the go-to nigga for nigga roles right now.
fuck off faggot. if MIB was made today, you retards would cry about how Will Smith only got his role because he's black. same with Chris Tucker in Rush Hour.
Sup Forumsfags need to be gassed
This is what Hollywood would never understand no matter how much they pander
>no songs
What the fucking point then
Is Zhang Ziyi or Michelle Yeoh gonna be in it?
Right? I'll Make a Man Out of You is my all time favorite Disney song.
> not casting a superior white actress
ok hollywood, sjw has gone too far.
Are you retarded? MIB and Rush Hour were actually good movies, and both Will and Chris played their roles well and were already international stars.
>Sup Forums boogieman
You’re a fucking brainlet.
>We have to cast a movie about this Chinese character
>how about a white girl.
"need to be gassed"
>talks tough
>is a cuck though
If MiB were made today Will Smith would at some point during the movie stop, look directly at the camera and either make a shitty political joke that dates the movie or talk about how much Black Lives Matter and how hard he has it being a black man in the Men in Black (instead of the story being about it being tough for a new guy in a strange world)
Not even that guy, but writing has become noticeably less subtle about social issues and agendas. Back in the day only comedians joked all the time about Clinton on TV.
Could we even have goofy black people on screen anymore? I have a hard time recalling the last movie I saw where any black male acted like Chris Tucker did in basically any of his movies.
At least she's not a nigger.
When Chinese people translate their names, they therefore often choose the direct translation, rather than pick an entirely new English name.
Naming conventions in China are such that names tend to have literal meaning, often in pairs such as heavenly-flower and stuff like that. A bit like some Native Americans.
This is because all morphemes in Chinese can function as words on their own, with each morpheme usually carrying 20-30 different meanings depending on context. Therefore, any name you pick is bound to mean something in a literal sense, so people obviously pick something that means something positive.
I experienced this myself when I lived there; dating girls named Sougar and Sunshine was a little strange. But when they try to pick new English names, they always tend to go for stripper names anyway; Melody, Stephanie, Stacy, Amy, those kinds of things.
I was going to ask how they think shes going to pass for a dude, but then I remembered:
She only has to pass for an Asian dude so yeah.... Ehh.
Still, you'd think you'd pick someone a little more androgynous.
It's not confirmed yet that this movie won't be a musical one.
>Chinese family adopts a little orphaned European girl whose missionary family was killed many years ago by Hun raiders.
>To spare her elderly adopted father from conscription and a similar fate of her biological family, she dyes her hair, disguises herself as a boy and joins the Chinese army to fight in his place the Huns who have suddenly returned.
>A beautiful film about gender and racial identity, love for family, honor, and a young girl’s strength and courage.
>Christmas 2020
>Mulán Rouge
Where’s my Oscar?
Quit ruining the thread with your autism please.
Oh shit, this can actually work, although how you gonna hide webm related as a boy in a Asian army?
80% of them seem to be called Vivian
With makeup, anything is possible. Ancient China wasn’t just pure Han Chinese. There were probably Eurasians “hapas” already due to proximity with Eastern Europe. It’s not out of the realm of possibility.
Quit ruining the thread with your racism please.
>melody is a stripper name
fan bingbing is plastic af now
Someone can share here the facebook/twitter/instagram account of Niko Caro the director of the film?
I think she's gonna cut it as a reverse trap, so good casting.
>post supports black actors who were internationally reknowned based on merit and charisma instead of political agenda
If that’s racist then you’re fucking retarded. Kys commie. Inb4 you were pretending to be retarded for (you)s.
>30 years old
At first I thought it was the angle of the OP, but looking at the other pics, she does have an AYY LMAO head.
The real question is will Disney try to shove a black person in this movie too?
>story about a woman that masquerades as a man to fight in a war
shouldn't they cast some buff masculine lady?
those are Viets named Vi