Does it hold up to the book?
Does it hold up to the book?
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it is pretty good tbqh i enjoyed it
Yes it's a true classic
Not bad, though.
Classic Dano
Andrei is the best boy and Natasha a fucking shit
it's not bad but Dano and maybe Brian Cox are the only notable performances.
> the literal state of british acting
yeah its worth a watch. not as good as other adaptations but these days if the BBC hasn't made half the characters muslim you can call it "quality"
peak dankino
Haven't seen it but of course not. No adaption can hold up to one of the greatest books ever written.
I've been meaning to watch it though, hopefully it holds up on it's own.
Lilly was naked in a movie and she played a live action DISNEY princess.
it's absolute crap made for dumb amerifats.
the soviet version is superior
>the soviet version is superior
kys, honestly
>brought to life for a new generation
all the cringey millennial shit finally makes sense
Being this fucking soy.
The book has the luxury of not including Lily James' gormless face in every other scene
Hold up to the book? No.
Is it good? Yeah, better than you'd expect.
ah yes leave it to the SOVIETS to make a series about the lives of noblemen and women during the napoleonic wars :^)
After Stalin's death everything was possible. There were adaptations of all kinds of Russian literature.
Well, to be fair the revolutionary spirit died pretty soon in the USSR, after they figured out just how insane marxism is when put into practice. By the later years it was a sort of unspoken rule that everyone pretended to be marxist withouy actually being marxist - just a horribly inefficient, bloated bureacracy.
Most classic literature was accepted and respected to some degree.
Pal, please for your own good put down the soy and pick up fucking book about soviet cinema.
fucking retard
War and Peace the novel and the movie was about a foreign force invading Russia. You know, something Russians experienced literally during WW2, just years before the movie was made?
Bondarchuk as Director vs. Bondarchuk as Pierre
Who would win?
It's probably the best adaptation of the book ever, better than anything from Russia that's for sure.
Also be happy it was made a few years ago, because now BBC has ran out of fucks and is casting black guys as Zeus and Achilles
Who /denisov/ here?
You clearly haven't seen the Bondarchuk's version.
what was his fucking speech impediment
He was so likeable. Felt well bad for him when that kid died
The costumes are fucking GOAT
that soundtrack was good