He's right
He's right
Other urls found in this thread:
1. He's some indian shitskin
2. "Dude, turn your brain off lmao" is not an argument
>"everyone who does not agree with me is an idiot" the video
This could be said about how most anons are about their opinions on this site. Just replace video with post.
this guy is a huge faggot and I'm ashamed to know him IRL
Most criticisms against Tfa are stupid anyway. Just a bunch of people desperately nit picking and making up issues. It's really quite pathetic. The film has issues but overall is quite good, definitely one of the better blockbusters in recent years.
>The film has issues but overall is quite good, definitely one of the better blockbusters in recent years.
definetelly this guy got paid to do this
/po/tards that invade Sup Forums hate TFA because they can't handle a black dude and a girl in the main lead, cause
The extreme right has now become even more annoying than the left. They're both fucking annoying.
people who say tfa is just like the original star wars are retards and don't understand storytelling.
>that part about defending Rey that she isn't mary sue
I had to turn this shit off
>I had to turn this shit off
Well that's because you're sexist.
Only black Iron Man is more tryhard than a girl wearing a batman sweater.
Meh even discounting the rehash stuff the entire movie falls apart half way into when some terrorist orgainziation has a super Death Star and blows up some planets
Up to that point the plot was finding Luke the Death Star shit was totally pointless and killed the movie
Also the AHDH style was annoying . Did Kanji Klub need to show up and fight a cgi tentacle monster ? What the fuck was that ?
Finn and Poe were alright though.
>mary sue in itself is sexist because it's name of a woman
>this reasoning
wtf is this shit
You can't expect a man like that to know there's also Gary Stu.
Or maybe because it's an extremely pointless rehash of A New Hope that's worse and invalidates the ending of the original trilogy?
>worst music in star wars series
>worst world building
>quips out the ass
>worst creature designs
>worst space battle
>completely unlikeable new cast
What is the redeeming feature of this new film supposed to be? Someone who is pro TFA please explain it to me. How is this any better then the plethora of Marvel shit thrown at us every week?
>How is this any better then the plethora of Marvel shit thrown at us every week?
>implying Marvel shit is even that bad
The music really is total shit. The scores practically make the other 6 movies.
I like this guy's channel, he actually makes good reviews
I'd go so far as to say TFA is worse than at leaat half the Marvel flicks. Certainly the first Iron Man, Winter Soldier, GOTG1 and Ragnarok are superior.
music for prequels is Williams' magnum opus, he can't beat so he rest on laurels
>TFA's score has absolutely no choirs because "muh OT score"
holy shit. he looks like a normal human being ,
Well it's not a bad movie. There's a lot of movies that aren't bad. Why are we still talking about it? It's just one of thousands of movies released that year that weren't bad. It's nothing special though
>ummm tv just can't handle a strong female
Why does tv like R1 then?
Because it's not episode 7.
>Just a bunch of people desperately nit picking and making up issues
Wow, seriously? For TFA, they literally copy/pasted the story from A New Hope and changed the names.
>It's Okay to Like The Force Awakens
goddammit that's fucking depressing, that we live in a times where phrases like "It's Okay to Like The Force Awakens" are used. That people have to make 20 minute video how "it's okay to like this star wars flick". Jesus fucking christ. Just fucking nuke us. I'm so fucking done
>getting this upset
Are you one of those autists that takes his posts very seriously or something?
name one (1) memorable scene from tfa awakens. good or bad.
Marvel shit is about as bad as TFA
The very last one, it's very memorable in a "what the fuck were they thinking" kind of way.
>name one (1) memorable scene from tfa awakens. good or bad.
At the end when Luke looks at Rey and says...nothing.
when adam driver mind raped the girl
that was hot
When Han Solo dies
That was easy
So this is Sup Forums now? TFA hate threads and TFA defense threads every day forever?
blame Sup Forums for shaming people who like it and throw around words like soyboy and cuck if you dare like it
it's a near 1:1 remake of a new hope and rey is the maryiest of all sues
>Theres people that unironically believe this
Manchildren and geek attention whores were a mistake
>all the disney shills coming out to defend TFA.
The fact a video like this even exists and gains ground is a testament to the idea that the movie had some major fucking problems. There's no credibility to be earned by telling everyone why they should like The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Lawrence of Arabia, or any other mostly agreed upon "good film." Instead, people try to look smart and gain credibility by seeking out flaws in those films and saying "see, I'm so smart because I found flaws!" For a movie like TFA, it is so riddled with flaws that it is more rewarding from a social standpoint to try to find things that are good and then try to get on a soap box and convince everyone else so you can look smart. So the end result is that in spite of any argument he made in that video, the fact he made it in the first place is largely an accidental admission of how fucking bad that movie was, particularly in the face of so much evidence.
I might not be the most hardcore fan of starwars but i always had a hard on on the extended universe, specially video games and watching how they basically shitted on all what it means train to be a force user after Rey defeated kylo made me finally throw away this shitty franchise for good
Its sad that i also heard this IRL specially in latin america where supposedly SJW are still mocked
but as a good or bad?
>not as bad as they say
who's "they"? The only people who hate TFA are contrarian autists and prequelbabbies on the internet
agrees externally
>dude I noticed the movie had an X-Wing and a Death Star in it I'm so smart!!!
The plot was the exact same in TFA and ANH.
Even the visuals are the same. You should re-evaluate what you think you know.
Its good if you're a cuck I guess.
WHY can't the left meme?
Same visuals video, a side by side comparison
In order to make a joke, you have to not be afraid at offending someone.
>The film has issues but overall is quite good, definitely one of the better blockbusters in recent years.
It had a LOT of issues. I was one of those people who was looking forward to it and knew it was going to be similar to ANH, but this shit still disappointed me enough that I couldn't watch it for the third time.
>le soyboy am i right
TFA is trash, Sup Forums is trash, the same thing happened with ST:D. Le ironic Illinois Nazis drowned out any merit-based criticism.