This CG is unfinished r-right MCUbros??
This CG is unfinished r-right MCUbros??
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It isn't released for 6 months, these big movies are still worked on and touched up until release, so yes
This from the new PS4 game?
Justice League being the exception right?
Yeah, it is, and it’ll look better in the final release
Meanwhile, Warner Bros. release shit CGI in their trailers then cba to change it before release bc they’re too busy getting rid of Henry Cavill’s moustache
>I-it looks great y-you DCpajeet
This looks laughably bad
Nothing will ever be funnier than slavering hordes of retards here genuinely reeeing at imagined CGI mustaches in the wrong scenes where literally no CGI was present because they’re not intelligent enough to come up with a bona fide criticism and so resort to this Emperor’s Nu Clothes absurdity
You’d be a fool to ever take the wretches on this board’s opinion on CGI to mean absolutely anything after how badly they embarrassed themselves these past few months
This is all just a cartoon. How the fuck can you people watch this nonsense?
Not exactly comperable since reshoots and changing the director at the last minute fucked the budget and post production schedule.
Wait until Justice League Ultimate Un-Cut Extended triple disk Blu-Ray comes out.
The French version will have CGI mustashes for all.
The most ironic part is that they could’ve just let Superman have a beard and mustache for his resurrection - like in the comics - and fans would’ve been hyped
But instead they made the mistake of announcing they cg-removed the mustache and the very dumbest among us started hallucinating cgi in original footage where Cavill was handsomely clean-shaven
yes, just as usual. Are such hreads are some sort of tradition or it's you who is retarded?
I'm sure it was funny to you. I'm sure while everyone was laughing at your shitty Zaddy kino you were just sitting behind your screen, laughing at all of us. Probably periodically looking up from your copy of Plato's cave allegory and sipping earl gray tea. Yep, you were actually the one who had the upper hand in that embarrassing situation.
>trying this hard to sound not mad that your fav movie series was being dissed
No the Ultimate Un-Cut Extended Triple-Disk version is shit. You gotta get the Super Director's Ultimate Despecialized Extended Hepta-Disk version if you are a true Snyder Kinosseur.
I wanted JL to bomb and bought a ticket to Bad Moms when I went to see it to avoid funding it, but nice try
I just enjoy looking down on retards, y’know?
Look, shit happens and poor quality films are made. Some of those shitty ill thought out movies will be based on something you care about.
It's just tax you have to pay for all the good films you get to see.
Get over it is what I'm trying to say. It was a shit show about characters invented to delight the minds of children.
>they could’ve just let Superman have a beard and mustache for his resurrection
Except that there is more footage of him without the removed moustache than scenes with the CGI lip. You'd have to go back and either reshoot EVERYTHING with the moustache, or CGI the beard on him in those shots.
manchilds arguing about CGI
*deep sigh*
that's why y'all single
>talking about cgi after this
The game actually looks way better than this
10/10, I thought original French rips was long dead.
>That receding hairline
Holy shit
Looks fine to me.
Haven't seen the film. Is this scene supposed to be the UK?
So you think it makes more sense to have him grow a full beard and then reshoot 99% of his scenes, instead of just CGI the moustache out of the 1% of scenes they added?
manchilds see post at
>it’ll look better in the final release
To me too. Ignore fedora tipping DCcucks.
Watch it in 4K, you shitlord.
From what I’ve read, it’s much, much easier to add the facial hair than remove it. They even put together a demo reel for Paramount showing how easy it would be to add facial hair for Mission Impossible if he shaved it (WB would pay for it), but Paramount said no
I think the real reason they didn’t do the canon beard (and black suit!) is that the “not muhs” were already in tears over the previous two films, so god knows how loudly they would cry if they changed his look / costume, despite having precedent in the comics
I don’t think your numbers are accurate, but regardless the problem was that once dweebs knew about the cgi removal they started hallucinating it every time he was on screen to the point that it overrode everything else about his character to them
You can make a case for whether or not this should have been foreseeable, but wanted the beard and black suit anyway
what videogame is this from?