Wakanda suppose to be the most advanced civilization on Earth

>Wakanda suppose to be the most advanced civilization on Earth
>not a single tank or jet fighter

Really makes you think

>no pyramid mobile fortress
Damn if they're going full KANGZ their missing out on the cool shit.

>most advanced
>dont use remote controlled machine soldiers


The Melanin in their skin is more powerful and valuable than any weapon.

>most advanced
>doesn't have velociraptor soldiers

>BP goes to Giza
>takes-out some mysterious key/relic thing and sticks it on some obelisk
>pyramids turn into pyramid ships
>WE WUZ KANGZ all along

That's because the Black Panther hoarded all of his nation's wealth and created some super sci-fi secret city while the rest of the population lives in dirt huts. In the one trailer with the rap music, the guy asks what he knows about Wakanda, and the reply is that it's a third world country. Then he says that all a front.

So basically T'Challa lives in a golden palace surrounded by advanced tech not even released to the American or European public and does so because he was made rich by mining his nation's prized metal. He flies around in jets and wears suits and forces his people to live in shit to hide his hoarded technology and wealth from the world. Then he has them dress up like fucking Zulu warriors armed with leather shields and spears to fight against an alien army.

Not that I even fucking care, it's just the audacity of the guy. His fucking attitude, I don't like him. He has this air about him like he's holier-than-thou.

>Ooga Booga, where the white women at!


ywn see comfy pharaonic terminators kino. Why live?

What human characters can do, that regular Joes can't? Falcon IS regular G. I. Joe with advanced (stolen) wings.

>That's because the Black Panther hoarded all of his nation's wealth and created some super sci-fi secret city while the rest of the population lives in dirt huts
>T'Challa is Mugabe
Fucking kek

Imagine, if that spears would be from that magic metal.

They use shield and spears ??
Are they dooing a zulu

While his concubines spend Wakanda's maize money at Gucci in New York.
Sounds about right.

Towelhead with old AK would still kill them before they could run to him and use it.

I know right? Imagine that it would be showed as something incredible cool and noble, but in fact it would be biggest waste of resources in humanity's history.


Magic metal or not the Brits prevailed against this tactic with martini henry's. Imagine if Thanos mastered the art of machine guns...

Well LMDs are canon now

I am a white African.
I was born and raised in Africa.
400 years ago my ancestors fled Europe because of the Edict of Nante, not for a desire to conquer. They wanted refuge.
They introduced the WHEEL to the native tribes of Southern Africa. Yes they had spears all right, but no wheel.
Introduced writing and reading.
Slavery was banned in my country before America.
1833 to be exact.
I live in a country where positive discrimination is practiced on a racial minority. This means when I lose my job I will not get one again because I'm white and I'm male.
I can never be sure of owning a property because I can be disowned at any time.
I have come to curse this continent.

>implying Newcrons lore isnt the worst


In the comics Wakandan soldiers basically have living metal armor and laser guns that can take out tanks and aircraft single-handily.

>I am a white African.

no such thing. Africa is the homeland for the blackman, take your pasty ass to any number of white people countries and stop oppressing Africans you ignorant piece of Sup Forumsshit



>being this much of a islamo-phobic anti-refugee neo-nazi fuck

>my ancestors fled Europe because of the Edict of Nante
>american education

it's Nantes and the edict protected the protestcunts in france it didnt threaten them in any way

>baiting this hard
fuck off nigger

are niggers the ewoks of this marlel universe?

Ewoks were more comparable to Native Americans. Niggers are just niggers.