Fresh Details Emerge of Disney's John Lasseter’s Behavior

>In the wake of John Lasseter’s announcement that he would take a six-month leave from Disney-Pixar Animation, fresh details have emerged about conduct that he vaguely described as “missteps.”
>Lasseter apologized last week to those who have been “on the receiving end of an unwanted hug” or any other gesture “they felt crossed the line.” People who had regular contact with the executive say Lasseter’s behavior extended well beyond the childlike exuberance hinted at in his statement to uninvited kisses or a hand that would stray to the leg during staff meetings.
>“He’s very tactile in a weird way,” said one former female executive who, like others, spoke with Deadline on condition that she not be named in the story for fear of reprisals. “He would rub my leg in a meeting … It was creepy and weird. It got to the point where I wouldn’t sit next to him in a meeting, because it undermined everything I said.”
>Lasseter was observed passionately kissing a female subordinate at a 2010 Miramax party, according to an executive who witnessed the amorous display and another source who corroborated the account. The incident at the Oscar night celebration, attended by celebrities and Pixar and Disney executives, prompted high-level discussions about Lasseter’s conduct.
>“He was inappropriate with the fairies,” said the former Pixar executive, referring to physical contact that included long hugs. “Wehad to have someone make sure he wasn’t alone with them.”

He made Rashida leave

>long hugs

Is that all it takes these days

Long huggers could be trying to absorb you.
You just don't know.

Welcome to Brave Nu-World

is he really not a flaming homersexual

le numale smile

Isn't Lasseter a big fan of Miyazaki? Explains everything.

>He was inappropriate with the fairies
is that disney for 'faggots'?

no he did not

Did you not read the text?

Delete this


he would also forcibly kiss his female co workers on the lips as a hello because he was their boss

What's even the point? Like what does he possibly get out of that? I'm not doubting it, I just don't get the reasoning
Is it an ego thing? A power thing?

maybe you shouldn't call your employees fairies.... you're begging for some bad touching

Sounds like he's just really friendly in a childlike way and doesn't understand that's it's really socially awkward. If he really meant anything sexual by it, then he would've done a lot worse.

maybe he likes women? what kind question is this?

maybe he is impotent, he looks vaguely diabetic

>>“He’s very tactile in a weird way,” said one former female executive
>Lasseter was observed passionately kissing a female subordinate at a 2010 Miramax party, according to an executive

Well theres your problem. You gotta stop hiring female executives. Bitchs truly are snitchs.

Apparently Disney owns one of the last known collections of real fairies in the world.

But there's no passion or sexuality to a brief peck on the lips, so what's the point?
He's just exposing himself to the risk of herpes

he's a short sighted bug chaser hoping that the next exec is going to be his poz princess

>>“He was inappropriate with the fairies
Dang.. fairies look like that?

John did nothing wrong Fairies aren't even real

my wife on the right

if true, I hope they treat them nicely


No thats disney talk for Tinker Bell and her sisters

I need that collection in my life

the guy had enough money to pay girls to dress as fairies and have a fucking orgy for the whole weekend

Read the text, he did way more than that

>He said he'd made an error in judgement

this is how disney wants you to think about the situation


>maybe you shouldn't call your employees fairies

But they are fairies.

I can't imagine the line for this ride
*raunchy laugh track*

This was meant for this

Literally developed a fairy fetish now.

Been here.

I think the size sounds kinda hot too.

>made out with a bimbo at a party

Whoaaaaaaa oh my Goddddd

in a web series legend of neil a tiny fairy goes inside his pants and gives him a blowjob to regenerate his health


Not the mama!
Gotta love me!
I'm the baby!
Kinosaurs was the GOAT


Today we get to the bottom and find out what Sexual Harris meant

You have good taste, user You are in good company.
You know who was also a big fan of that Dinosaurs tv show back in the 90s? Trump

>Disnep is a family-friendly children's corp--

That's not Trump, that guy's face isn't even orange?

>>Lasseter was observed passionately kissing a female subordinate at a 2010 Miramax party, according to an executive who witnessed the amorous display and another source who corroborated the account.


We all family friendly here

Smee! You let her go right now! What happened to you bro?

>What happened to you bro?
He got laughed at by Tinker Bell one to many times so he went after Wendy because she couldn't fly away from him

It's so nice we live in a world where hugging someone can ruin your career because the sharks smell blood in the water.

Entering into sexual relations with a workplace subordinate is sexual harassment. It doesn't matter if she's fine with it, it's still sexual harassment because of the power imbalance. and her inability to choose.