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will the CGI look like this pals?
There's like 180 days before it will be released, I think they will change it by then
I mean that's not bad at all.
The first pic doesn't look as good but then again it's the first trailer for a movie that is 6 months away so it might improve.
>u-unfinished cgi
Spider-mans abs being this prominent... whew
Ged this ma a sheit
Why does Spider-Man gets pinned and chocked on the groud by villains? First it was the Vulture and now Thanos.
Hes small and cute. Perfect for pinning and choking.
what's wrong with his abs man?
hes light and easy to throw around.
I also find it hilarious that OP actively searches for news of capeshit throughout the majority of his day each day
He's not just an average guy though, he has powers. He's supposed to be really strong.
not average like a normal human being, but takes more damage than most marvel heroes. Hes been dealt a shit card where he's super strong and is pitted against high powered villains, but just a few hits could literally kill him.
spider-sense hype?
Thanos without the gauntlet is still above Apocalypse tier, so that tells you everything you need to know.
>yfw writing a cum inflation/public humiliation/dick impalement/rape fic inspired by this scene
aaaaaah, tony help
When is the improvement of this coming?
If you were a super strong guy and this fucking faggot was bouncing around you the second you got your hands on them you'd pin them the fuck down and choke them too.
Literally Tony's fault.
that's dope
For some reason this was my favorite part of the trailer
post wat you have so far, my good man
Keep your hands away from peter
There are rumors nigga MJ will make a cameo in this scene along with his annoying fat asian friend. I hope they'll cut it.
>critics would bash DC if they had a kid in team fighting the most dangerous foe in the whole universe.
fuck you all.
>iron spider suit
>look metallic/reflective
this looks good?
don't forget to give us a link
wow glad he is a twink and not some hairy dude with one inch thick black hairs over his entire body
Damn, this game is looking good on the PS4
>“You humans are all so weak,” that voice Peter had taken to internally describing as ‘if goosebumps watching a horror movie alone in the dark were a sound’ said. Thanos, that was his name, this guy—thing, grapefruit-monster-alien hybrid. “But you, little one, you especially. It almost offends me that they’d think the likes of you would be a match for the power of even my forefinger.”
>Peter had a comeback. Peter always had a comeback. But he had no air to get it out, and even if he could, he’d tongue-tied by that look Thanos was giving him.
>He’d seen that look, the look of creepy older guys coming home from the library a little late all alone, the look that kicked his survival instincts into overdrive even pre-Spidey Sense. It was the look that meant “remember what Aunt May said about staying safe.” But it was hard to do that, stay safe, getting the air pushed out of him by this guy.
>“I deserve a bit of fun,” Thanos said.
>His hand, the one with the gauntlet on, was moving behind the black edges around Peter’s vision.
>Then — then — there was that thing, his thing, Thanos’ dick swinging around, heavy-looking like the pendulum of a grandfather clock except purple, a deep-dark purple like the eggplant emoji. Peter would’ve laughed if that eggplant emoji weren’t so close he could estimate it was bigger than one of his legs and that it was getting bigger.
tumblr police is here
Bad fucking design choices, good lord. Look at how fucked it looks with the light reflecting on his eyes. They had to give everyone who wears a full bodysuit the same material they use for the new Iron Man suit, so it all looks cheap as fuck.
At least it's better than this.
>le shallow focus telling dummy audiences what they should be looking at
more please?
my sides
>Thanos’ dick swinging around, heavy-looking like the pendulum of a grandfather clock except purple, a deep-dark purple like the eggplant emoji
Get off my back white male
I actually saw that on tumblr
God, I hope so.
>Thanos without the gauntlet is still above Apocalypse tier
are you literally retarded?
for you
>being on tumblr
are you a faggot too? do we have to gore up your site again?
i think he meant doomsday from the shitty batman v superman.
no I'm a fangirl
just as shitty cgi though
I feel like. Ready Player One has CG like this, but it's kind of cool because it's a stylized VR movie. But this is realistic. But not.
But at the same time we bitch about how ugly Marvel movies are. But now they try stylizing. How do we feel
Tom asked me what Sup Forums thinks about his Spider-Man. Looking at all the comments in every related thread is sad so I lied to him. Good thing he doesn't spent time here.
>Shooting a bus scene at f/22 so his arm and head is in focus
Do you have any idea how stupid this would look
Marvel announced Captain America’s beard will be removed in the final cut. They’ve hired the same talented FX artist used for Justice League. I have an exclusive photo. It looks soooo reeeeal!
How do you think Tom Holland got where he is today?
This shot looks pretty good already.
This shot needs work.
Why is this board obsessed with capeshit?
nice story bruh
be careful what you say, some people here imply they know him
Go away, this is a gay board.
can we make this a meme for Sup Forums? seems like the beard edit out thing has potential
I know most of you are also girls, why pretend to be gay guys? WTF is wrong with you?
.....go on
>TFW Cap took the bog-pill
>a deep-dark purple like the eggplant emoji. Peter would’ve laughed if that eggplant emoji weren’t so close he could estimate it was bigger than one of his legs and that it was getting bigger.
You'll be hanging from a lamp post one day
You might get a line from fat Asian but MJ was barely in Spider-Man let alone Infinity Wars.