is it just my imagination or did the first iron man have cg 10x better than current marvel films?
i just remember the mark iii looking spot on when they finally unveiled it
is it just my imagination or did the first iron man have cg 10x better than current marvel films?
i just remember the mark iii looking spot on when they finally unveiled it
i heard it wasn't CGI
if it was, then ye it is 10x better than now
It's not that the CGI was better, the design of the IM suit was just better. The most recent ones have been garbage, they look like Ned Flanders ski suit
This movie was really badass. What happened?
1st Ironman had real armor, IM2 and rest used CGI
That's when you put movies on an assembly line. You treat them like a disposable commodity rather than works of art that had passion put into them.
When you have nothing to lose you're at your most honest and creative. Jon "Grilled Cheese" Favreau is a talented guy, and Iron Man was pretty much Marvel's swan song before bankruptcy. On the one hand you've got a decent budget and aren't (or can't, maybe) blow it on inflated salaries for manchildren, but you also don't have much in the way for CGI.
Iron Man was so good it created a formula that Marvel has been gradually injecting botox into harder and longer than Mickey Rourke's face. It worked because nobody expected it to be as great of an action/adventure film as it was, especially after the lukewarm reception to Spiderman 3 and the Hulk. Iron Man wasn't a superhero movie, it was just a great movie that featured a superhero.
>put passion into movie
>it earns money
>put considerably less effort
>it still earns money
there you go
That moment when he lands and is shutting off the thrust is orgasmic even without audio.
Everything went to shit in the avengers when Iron Man became connected with comic book aliens, tom memeston and le purple zucchini man.
Age of Ultron is much better.
After Disney bought Marvel, MCU films took a noticeable dive in quality. Bland overly safe plots, much more concerned about merchandising, awful visuals, and quips every other line
>Age of Ultron is much better.
I still think that Ultron needed two movies.
bullshit, only in selected scenes and definitely not in OP's scene
I had such high hopes for Age of Ultron but there was no way JOSS could do it justice. That pre-release interview with Spader where he starts rambling on the integrity of filmmaking is when I knew it was going to be a pile of shit.
>beautiful scene with Vision and Ultron eternally ruined by Ultron sheevspinning while making some weird warglbargl sound
Fuck you, Weedone. You bald fuck, your movie's look faker than Patty Jenkin's.
Tony's armor during the Sokovia battle in AoU looks like shit
Otherwise it's looked consistently good, aside from some weird transitions when he retracts his helmet
Also, it was shot on film. Way better color grading.
Iron Man still remains to be the best MCU movie, imo.
It's frustrating how Ultron stole every scene he was in, until the focus groups decided long scenes of le verbose threatening man were too boring and had them interrupted by quips.
How do you go from THIS
they gave a fuck back then, it was all or nothing for them to get the movies off the ground. now they can churn out pure shit and the masses will gulp it down regardless of it looking terrible
a mix of both
To THIS....
10 seconds to 12 is really awful looking
To THIS...
It needed less time for stupid character shit, ironically. They already had the characters established more or less, everything should have just been the Avengers interacting with Ultron, building up their reactions to his actions.
>Cut the Mutants; Fuck your behind the scenes stupid character trade deal with Fox
>Fuck Hawkeye's family, these aren't characters
>Fuck that stupid woman and her kid who Quicksilver is supposed to care about
>Fuck the opening scene that doesn't even properly establish the tone of the film
>Fuck Tony and Banner discussing comic book logic
>Fuck the goofy attack on Stark's house (this may have been IM3, I can't even remember anymore)
Ideally the movie would have primarily been Iron Man, Banner, Ultron and Vision, with the rest of the gang just showing up once shit really hit the fan. These stupid ass Avengers movies need to stop trying to include everybody from beginning to end. It doesn't work and just ends up being like some Law and Order: SVU script where characters are having unrealistic discussions about the plot.
Fuck you, Whedon.
>terrorist shits getting btfo
Yeah no.
>bottom left panel
I'm sure its been said a few times ITT, but the suit in IM wasn't all CGI; it was part model part CGI, which makes it look a lot better. Later IM suits are all CGI.
It looks like the ending scene of Game of Shadows when he's camouflaged in the fabric suit.
>the state of CGI
Might as well just do a Pixar-Marvel team-up at this point and make it all animated. Would save them from paying $800 million to RDJ alone for q.
I miss Terrence Howard. Even if it was just acting, his chemistry with RDJ on screen was perfect.
>Next time, baby
You're an idiot. Real suit was only used in a couple of scenes while everywhere else including OP's pic is entirely CGI, good one at that.