What did Spoderman see in her?
What did Spoderman see in her?
This Spiderman has Jungle Fever.
Xer pusy
his cum.
but spiderman liked the older black girl
Nothing, seeing as he was going after the other girl literally the whole movie
>le epic meem for something that hasn't even happened in the Marvel movies yet
New face of America.
any ideas as to why this thing is being promoted so aggressively?
The future of Amerikkka Cracka!
She is MJ though right?
What a shock most girls look average or below without makeup.
Objective best girl
Diversity power script
The genetic death of his people. He wants to become the 56%
Nothing, he had the fever for another chick.
Honestly she brought absolutely nothing to the movie, she wasn't even friends with Parker. I assume they only put her in it to bring in tween girls to watch the movie.
Her smug, ugly, cunt face
Based based pusy poster poster
Her baby, 'cause he impregnsted her.
Obviously it was her sparkling 'Fuck you, normies' personality.
This meme amuses me given it's most often spread by people who probably live in countries that will demographically collapse sooner than that 56%. Replacing 20 million people is a lot quicker and easier than 160 million.
They did a Honey Boo Boo spin off?
Not when your country is sharing a border with the people replacing you.
>Be Spider-Twink
>Can't come out, terrible hateful world out there!
>So scared.. just want Indian Flash's cock up me bum
>My cute aunt can not know.. she would hate me.
>Better.. hook up with an ugly girl that nobody wants so I won't have to fight anyone for her.
>Save the city during the day, suck cock during the night and in between give her some flowers and shit.
Except the US is cracking down on that versus Europe doing absolutely nothing to stop migrants from Turkey or the Mediterranean. The UK is dropping fast and Germany is already at 80% or so. That's not counting smaller countries like Sweden or Canada that will be gone demographically in less than twenty years.