ITT kino scenes women will never understand.
ITT kino scenes women will never understand
is there actually a vid to this? Can someone link it
>when you drink your espresso before it gets cold
useless fucking retard
>when you perform a cowards act under the guise of heroism
>t. soyboy
thanks bitch
Just so you're aware he already served most of his sentence by waiting the final trial (15 years to be exact) and he would more than likely be completely free in less than a year, but he rather chose death instead of injustice.
>but he rather chose death instead of injustice.
You are aware that time served while waiting is counted towards the sentence? Also, his 20 year sentence had been upheld, thats why he offed himself. Dude is a coward who'd rather die than face justice.
which bo selecta character is this
I think that you don't understand that he feels that he is facing injustice, not justice
kek how the fuck do you fuck up security this badly
what an embarassment for the ICC
>I think that you don't understand that he feels that he is facing injustice, not justice
Most people who are evil feel that. Doesn't mean that it's true. He's a war criminal, He deserved to serve that sentence. He's lucky he got that little of sentence to begin with.
I'm assuming he had a sympathizer who had access to the building or his legal team.
There is nothing criminal about removing kebabs, the world would be better off if people followed his example (the kebab removal, not the poison part though in your case the poison would do).
I laughed
>There is nothing criminal about removing kebabs
According to ICC there is. Regardless, He was BTFO. Makes me kek.
I was there during the 90s
I've seen some sick shit done by croats,Serbs and Bosnians
what's the It ain't me of kino yugoslavian flashbacks?
I don't know what you mean but we were patrolling in the street it was dead silent, not a peep except for a static noise
So I went to check it out and it was the tv but in the other room I saw and old man and boy tied to a chair they were both dead and naked
The boy had his penis cut and and was put in his mouth and his mouth was sewed shut
Is Santa a ded?
Mrs. Claus got custody of the reindeer.
Shit man were you a soldier or just a child? Either way it sounds dreadful and I hope you're doing ok
Jao lazljivca,pa kako te nije sram?
>instead of injustice.
what injustice? hes a horrible person
why do you guys hate each other so much?
Not as much of an embarrassment as their verdicts.
edgy croats on the offensive, kek, you might act all civilized and grown up, but as soon as someone steps on your shitty nationalism, you show your serb brotherly resemblance clearly.
Based Mel isn't guilty.
is this the real life kino thread?
>Le funny anti communism meem xD!
Fucking kill yourself
t. butthurt commie
boss way to go out fair play to him
how many kebobs did he remove?
>asians can't drive.gif
yeah, muslims did this penis cut shit.
haha fag
He just died.
>entire argument of all three sides amounts to this
Comeon mate, even a deluded pinko like you has to admit that was the most aesthetic assassination ever.
pretty much any Seagal flick
propaganda and dumb people
That's fucked up
It's really easy to smuggle in something to any prison unless it's like gitmo.
That was kyno af
That's a respectable way to go out, sometimes suicide is the only noble option
any torrents?
>That last frame where it looks like the impact made a shockwave
anime is real
this is very emotional for me, but this man dedicated 10 years of his life building his defence, he turned himself in in 2006, pleeding innocend and ready to defend himself. but nobody gave a shit.
nobody gave a shit in croatia, bosnia or the court, they knew what was coming, and he knew too.
that's why he took the poison.
Criterion release when?
The same thing happened during Nuremberg. Probably the tightest security of any trial ever and a arsenic pill was still snuck in
he did? i am going to track it.
He looks like a rugged Bill Clinton
It's on jewtube!
enjoy hell
>that video got uploaded a decade ago as of today
holy crep
>He planned this ten years in advance.
Wrong meme new friend, us fedoras wouldn't dare be nationalists.
kys communist aren't human
Why are live suicides so fascinating?
Your kind will never take over Sup Forums at this rate.
>Live rest of life with the stigma of 'War Criminal' when all you did was remove serb and bosnian muslim trash
>Or kill yourself, making mockery of the court and their 'security' before doing so
Hmmmm, really makes you think.
Because it's conjured spectacle. That's why executions are still public in Saudi Arabia.
>16 year old sees how much socialism will ruin his country
>decides to end it all, and destroy his own future for the betterment of his countrymen
You will NEVER be this much of a man. Dude is 16 and was a bigger man than you will ever be.
Hope you die the same way faggot
no time for a runedown, just gimme the bulletpoints on this dude
>serbshits start acting up
>bosnianshits start acting up
>CroatChad stomps them down before they can muslim up the balkans some more
>suddenly western powers intervene
>Call guy war criminal
>spends decade and a half in prison, decides a final fuck you to the 'court' is to shittalk them and then poison himself
Look of disbelief on kike judges faces was hilarious.
>Engineer, film and theatre director, businessman, author and retired general in the Croatian Army
>Three university degrees.
>Thesis on the correction of the chromatic image in the main of an electrical signal for television work.
>Theater director in theaters in Zagreb, Osijek and Mostar.
>Formed a unit composed of the Zagreb artists and intellectuals with whom he held positions in Sunja.
>Although he did not have any military education, he successfully defended this position from the technically superior forces of the Yugoslav People's Army and the Army of the Republic of Serb Krajina
It says "Dodge", you're supposed to dodge. :)
Honestly I respect th guy,instead of rotting away after some really corrupted court decision he rather go out on his own terms
>I really respect a war criminal coward who can't accept his own sentence
>Ability to read
Dude was about to be released in about a year or two.
Decided to go out on his on terms as a statment against injustice.
True hero.
t. bosnian scum
islamic kike
>He drinks a poison drink
>He sings the songs that remind him of the good times
>He sings the songs that remind him of the better times
It's legit in all the news here. Where do you live?
>blows up a bridge used to supply city during a war
>this "disproportionate damage to the Muslim civilian population" according to meme international court
>after spending 15yrs in jail he decides to become an hero even though he would have been released due to serving 2/3s of his sentence already
Why is there a mini-explosion at the end?
thread theme:
It's a camera flash.
Anyone knows what poison he used? Asking for a friend
Learn something new everyday. I thought only religious Jews did that weird circle dance thing.
So who will play him in the inevitable kino pic?
No one knows.
So this is a different murder then? They just happen to look extremely similar?
hol up