Why did Whedon keep trying to make him look more grape-y?

Why did Whedon keep trying to make him look more grape-y?


>one time he does have a lines above his lips
>the other time he doesn't
I don't give a fuck about the color crap, but why they change his facial features aswell?

Gunn version is the best, I don’t like the IW version chin looks like the underside of a nutsack.

based Russo brothers

I kinda like the new one, but Gunn's the best. Whedon's are both shit.

>They took off his hat because it's cheaper to animate

fucking disney

what movies are those from? cmon dont make me google

Avengers, Guardias of the Galaxy, Avengers 2 and Avengers 3

This can be done with make-up and a bodysuit and it would look better


2018 version looks like shit. It looked better when his eyes were glowing blue

Thanos is near hulk size

>It's cheaper to animate a face than a metal helm
hint: it's not

So size him up in post or do what they did in the LotR and Hobbit movies? There's plenty of ways to get around size without making the character a walking cartoon

>comparing Grapefruit

I like the Infinity War version best, but I wish his voice was deeper like at the end of Avengers.

It's almost certainly more expensive to animate the skin on the top of his head than a helmet would be.

Schindler's List and its three sequels

The took away his armor so they have more toys to sell when he puts it back on in Avengers 4.


Why is Heavy purple?

the lines are there, look closer you blind faggot

Holy shit Based fuck Krager poster

He looks like the next overwatch hero

good god, whedon's is terrible. looks like something from Reboot

>changing color and face every movie
Nice cinematic universe continuity there marvel lmao

So basically this is the same as the first avengegrs film another alien attack on earth... im so done

The fact that Thanos looked much more like a grapefruit the first time he appeared in the comics notwithstanding, at least the prosthetics in the first three in OP's pic make him look like he actually could exist in the real world. The current one is just lazy. It's the same type of shoddy, colorless, poorly-lit CGI that brings to mind the many, many terrible sci-fi gambles that Hollywood's shelled out in the last decade, like John Carter from Mars, Cowboys & Aliens, Warcraft, etc. It looks unfinished for fuck's sake.

>You can see it get worst in each iteration.
>Hey this character looks to comic-booky. We need to make him look less like the comic book character he's based on.

I hate these film makers.

>expecting consistency or attention to detail from McDonald's: the movie franchise

Capturing the urban market

he wanted him to be more lovecraftian

Wow the Whedon versions look like shit. The Russo one is decent and the Gunn version is the best.

but he isn't in prosthetics in the last three it's CGI, the first one is from Avengers and it was before they cast Brolin as Thanos. explain how the 2018 one looks any different besides no helmet and the purple skin

> The current one is just lazy. It's the same type of shoddy, colorless, poorly-lit CGI that brings to mind the many, many terrible sci-fi gambles that Hollywood's shelled out in the last decade, like John Carter from Mars, Cowboys & Aliens, Warcraft, etc. It looks unfinished for fuck's sake.
It is unfinished. And it looks ten times better than the previous ones, at least tone-wise for a movie.

Changing facial things is Disney speciality

Russo version is the best
t. some1 who doesnt read comic books


Guys he isn't ivan ooze I swear!

X-men apocalypse called they want their meme back, faggot.

it's there but it's not as protruding as it was, he also has some shaved mustache kek

Thanos is such an unintimidating villain, especially now that he looks like a Captain Quark real doll


You've had your chin on the underside of a nutsack


full cgi man looks better than supermans lip

That fucking ballsack chin.

I wonder how his penis looks like haha

He looks just as bad as Steppenwolf

Lol, he does not. That shit was silly bad.


you wish

Is that Bruce Willis?

He's a much more finished version in the last one. In 2012 version he looks just like a comic character. Now he's actually a character


He looks a lot better than Steppenwolf

no thats thanos

Having a pretty normal looking buff guy villain who fights like a wrestler is somewhat appealing, but then he'll just put on his powerglove and do some lame magic.

hahah grape-y

2018 looks like they modeled it off of a person's face and then added ballskin to the chin.

It looks like they were trying to integrate Josh Brolin's face into his new design.

On par with Thanos

10 years of build up and this is all I can think of

>piano-man left humanity behind to reincarnate as thanos

>pianoman didn't make it to pass the release of this movie

New one looks best, but Whedon's first looked good also.

Compare the two. They're the same.


What sort of ball sacks have you been looking at? This literally looks nothing like a ball sack.

What is it, Antler? You want me to find these colorful pebbles and grow a ballsack on my chin?

mother of god

Why does he all of a sudden have human-like eyes?

I was gonna say he looked like rick harrison
Why do bald people look the same?


Remember Fellowship of the Ring?


did you post in the wrong thread m8

Jesus Christ, Marlel.

They made normal sized people look like both hobbits and giants in that just with camera placement.

Watch everyone get buttblasted when it turns up Infinity War has the same plot as Justice League.

>grapefruits are purple

Russo version is best

the more human looking the better

Fucking lol, every design sucks in a differnt way

>purple monkey
>indigo wrinkly guy
>blue wrinkley guy
>a bald guy


it's only been 7. They had no real plan until 2011.

Didn't watch JL, but in this picture, Steppenwolf has a lot more details in his face than Thanos.

This is kind of Hollywood's best kept secret, so keep it under your hat, but Whedon is kind of a retard

For real. They had four shots at this nigger, and all of them missed the mark. Marvel is a fucking joke.

>Final boss is the man that guided you during the whole journey


Why is he cg? Looks doable with makeup

this guy was absolute garbage in motion

the CGI team practically gave up on that movie

Who the fuck is this super mutant?

It's a signal of down syndrome or alcoholism during pregnacy. Search it

Steppenwolf had more unfinished detail on him. They might have gone the wrong way with taking the subtle approach to Thanos but at least he'll look better in motion than Steppenwolf

DCfags, BTFO!

The goal here was to reduce Gods to lowly men with lowly desires on par w/ the elevated good boy super heros born of man.
> 2018 version
> Russo
> (((Russo)))

The whole franchise has gone to shit and is literally an assault on any higher minded sensibilities. Gone is the ability of such a film to evoke wonder and amazement about the beyond.. Now you get quips, drama, love triangles, soyboyism, childish depictions of good vs. evil, bantz, comedy, and idiocy...

Perfect formula composed by (((them)))

>changing color and face every second
Nice continuity there DC

Is it just me or is he basically pic related withoug glasses?

how dare you!

Will best girl be in it?