What are some Dolphkinos besides rocky?

What are some Dolphkinos besides rocky?

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All I want is a video of these two ubermenschen fucking.

This skin contrast gets me hard.

universal soldier

Red Scorpion

Jake Paul is looking good these days.

Masters of the Universe

This, hes so much coolervtjan Van Damme in it.
Andy Sambergs hbo specials he appeared in were pretty funny too.

The Expendables

Not just the first Universal Soldier. He really shines in the later films (pic related is one from 2012. Absolute kino).

Also: The Punisher, Masters of the Universe, The Expendables, Missionary Man, Kindergarten Cop 2.

Coming soon: Creed II, Aquaman

He's excellent in Johnny Mnemonic.

Yes, Reckoning is great.

A View to a Kill

every movie dolph has been in has been an absolute classic

Red Scorpion
I Come in Peace
Missionary Man

How do I achieve Dolph mode (both physically and spiritually?

Fun fact about I Come In Peace: The aliens super high-tech personal weapons are wrist launchers that fire CDs, which in 1990 when the film came out, nobody really had or knew about. If you're interested in this movie you may have to look for its alternate title Dark Angel

>tfw have the jaw line of dolph but I don't work out

One does not simply "achieve" Dolph mode.

he looks like a Nazi statue
perfect Nordic specimen

You get lucky with genes.
You workout a lot.
You study a lot.

germans aren't nordic

It's reckoning the one with Andre arlovski? One of the newer universal soldiers was partially good.

Germans idolized the nordics though and considered them the most aryan.

you mad black boi?

>nords are aryan
Literally pseudoscience

>tfw everyone would have looked like that had Hitler been allowed to win

Those weren't exacty the Nordics they were worshipping, user.


>tfw have the jaw line of dolph but don't work out
>tfw I'm still ripped somehow

>literally pseudoscience
Hey, I'm not a 30's-40's nazi, It's not my opinion.


Skin Trade, where he fight Tony Jaa, was pretty good for a direct-to-DVD flick.

films that would never be made today

All I remember from that movie is Dolph naked in a trunk filled with ice, but that's all I really need to remember.


Essential Dolphinkino here, OP.

>Tony's already doing direct-to-DVD movies

That makes me a little sad.

>be a god among men
>date a nigger

What did he mean by this?

The Punisher fuck yeah

How can u be this alpha

Based Dolph thwarts home invasion robberies when isn't even in the country and doesn't afraid of anything.

>I Come in Peace
and you're going in pieces

>tfw ugly as shit and don't work out
The game was rigged from the very start

She got him into the industry, plus the sex was probably un fucking real.

>be a human being
>still cant get a gf
what did you mean by this?

too soon.