Will Avengers: Infinity War™ feature a scene similar to this?
Will Avengers: Infinity War™ feature a scene similar to this?
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and he also has a bigger dick
>literally modern day Mansa Musa
Whiteys BTFO again.
>I raped my own country for her resources and live in a secret futuristic technopalace while the rest of my people live in grass huts. I also like to wear nice suits and attend summits where afterwards I run around dressed as a bullet proof cat while the people living in my country starve.
>art of jamal
I don't recall Tony Stark ever being openly racist in his movies?
>richest nigga in the world enslaved his own people to make profits
>Nigger is bragging to no end about how wealthy and powerful he is(aka how much money and bitchezz he have)
>the next part of the sentence he says ''be humble,sit down''
This is fuckin retarded,what autist created this stupid pic?
>More powerful
Why? Because he's a Kang?
post more of these pics theyre comedy gold
You silly goose. Being white is all it takes.
you put some real effort into this
Good job user
Reminder that Wakanda has a cure for cancer, but won't share it because the west pollutes too much
They also stole the Thundercats hq.
I think niggers believe "be Humble" means "Acknowledge my superiority"
Technically it's "acknowledge your inferiority"
>I'm better than you!!!!
>Be humble
Take that, white ""people""
Both of the white guys are geniuses whereas KANGZ got his tech from alien meteorites.
I GUARANTEE you that in either IW or the Black Panther movie Kendrick Lamar will be referenced or quoted at least once.
>tfw you will never ever be a nigger
The niggers that make images like that don't really have any understanding of virtue.
Billionaire genius playboy philanthropist
Billionaire genius playboy philanthropist
Billionaire warrior xenophobe murderer
Gee, who should I support
Black Panther and that hidden Africa place makes no sense, How can it be powerful if it is an unknown continent and leaves the entire black population outside to poverty and despair? Is the point that blacks are greedy and self serving?
Sorry, I don't support monarchical nations
The US should bring democracy to Wakanda
>stronger than both combined
No thats not true at all Ironman would wreck T'challa
>but his vibranium
Tony could throw him into space.
no but you are and we are collectively at the lowest point whites have ever been, if there is such a thing as reincarnation we aren't coming back as whites.
jesus christ who's making these? It's almost bad enough to be funny
Why did he make Wonder Woman Jewish?
>richest man in history
>legacy is a giant mud hut
So typical, black weebs thinking they're noble and humble and the ones with all the 'righteous' power and that white people are just deceptive assholes.
Newsflash: White people SEEM more deceptive because they're more intelligent and your nig-brain just models that with distrust.
>inb4 jews
There's a good whack of evidence for that though, and besides whitey has the actual military and industrial power to Gleichschaltung those ugly bankers - so its a more respectable chimp out if you can actually back yourself up.
Whites have middle stats, which is why we always won (before we fucked it up with Suffrage, obviously).
I may have gotten a little sidetracked in my hate... Fuck Black Panther.
tfw you retards are forgetting something
Does this nigger even have super strength?
Can you imagine how insufferable nigs would be if they actually had power and tech in their own countries?
That combination of low iq and off-beat, undeserved haughtiness is so cringey.
no, just good at commanding... that's really all
She'd have a hard time moving Justice Friends cartoon Wonder Woman, much less other versions. In one version her bracelets are actually holding her power back and she can pretty easily take down Superman. At the same time, Superman pushes back 12-quintillion tons with one hand like he's just having a bad day and leaning on something. That would make Wonder Woman powerful enough to very easily destroy planets.
...Nigress is NOT moving Wonder Woman.
I hate this movie it ignores the fact that Loki has a clusterfuck of magical spells to kill you indirectly.
That CGI looks beautiful. Why does he look like a giant turd in the trailer + Ragnarok
No. She's part of Black Panther's all-female bodyguard who he is expected to regularly bed until he chooses one to be his wife.
Just like Gadaffi
Umm sweetie did you even see iron man 3?
Itt 15 year olds. Jesus kill yourselves.
Why is Iron Miron about to suck him off?
>no more joss whedon
now you know why
>make up a character and says he has gazillion billions
>yes,that will show those racists!
Joke's on him,I just invented a hero called Mark White who is twice richer than the black panther.
>female bodyguard
>muh dik
Fucking niggers jesus christ
Im sure if niggers had advanced technology their crime rates would be legendary, and there would be alot of civil wars because of general niggertry.
>Don't forget who 'hangs' around here pal.
It's fine when the blacks do it.
I want this exact scene to happen with the exact same dialogue. I'd literally die. LITERALLY
the famous "walk" but with RDJ
and then thanos drops the cube
he is being humble
How long until afrocentrists claim that black panther actually is/was a real person
They must MUST get Black Widow to say cheese and crackers
This is how it should go in the next movie.
>would be
You don’t have to wait, they already are.
Panthers arent even Africa to begin with.
will be nice if it will turn out they also have walls to keep the poor niggers out
wtf I hate marvel now??
Its gonna cause a surge in Yakuub talk on black twitters and white liberals will just ignore it out of embarrassment because they are just as painfully aware of nig stupidity as conservatives are.
Isn't Galactus stronger than Thanos? Why isn't he the main baddie
Im pretty sure the jews in Marvel Earth would have found a way to parasite Wakanda's wealth a long time ago.
Galactus is owned by Fox alongside Fantastic Four
it's a reference to a shitty rap song
That's a paradox, user. I'm pretty sure the insufferability of nigs is the product of their inferiority complex, leading to them grasping at any possible accomplishment that their ancestors could have maybe had and overblowing it to the point that it's obnoxious and inappropriate in modern society. Their haughtiness is ironically the product of their weakness. The act of building an empire, technology, and maintaining a stable power system requires subtleties that would probably burn away their callous natures over time. A place like Wakanda would probably be nearly identical to America in that regard (except whiter).
Have you had your radical racial revelation yet, Sup Forums?
>more powerful
No. Well, he is stronger in his suit than Batman technically.
He is less intelligent than either, though.
I'm still looking forward to the film.
we're all black when we turn off the lights
shiiiet nigga i got mo dolla den you two crackas nam sayin sit down humbo yoself shiiiiiiieeeeet
technically hellcat is in mcu but nobody fucking cares about tv shows so it's either black widow who's going to say that, or mantis
>you, a simpleton
>me, an intellectual
Galactus would curb stomp him if he's just eaten a planet. Thanos might have a sliver of a chance against a hungry Galactus if he has prep time. Actually probably not even then.
What did Sam Raimi mean by this?
>imagine being a modern day shitskin haunted by memories of a past life where they were white
The Jamal Variations
>blacks act needlessly aggressive towards others who mean them no harm and would help them
Seems right.
Galactus is Death's retarded cousin, beating him up is not going to get Thanos in her good graces or between her legs
there was a comic panel in the other thread Thanos beating Galactus
this is like bizzaro Sup Forums
Damn........ wh*tes suck, just suck
I reckon. At least when they act like thugs its believable. This is just awkward.
>"would help them"
Excuse me si-
>WW is a jew now
Oh, I see. Carry on.
>product of their inferiority complex
Blacks are too retarded to have bad self esteem user.