and what is it with this shitty empty field battles they love to do?
Why is Marvel Cinematography so BLAND?
Interesting art-styles can make people scared or turn them off. Bland just means most people will accept it.
so bland it will gross 3 billion
I'm waiting for a justification for this that doesn't mention DC
We get it DCuck, Justice League is a disaster
There's literally nothing wrong with the top pic
>infinisneed wars
At last I see.
God is on the side of the seed feed.
Death to Suck and Fuck
The top pic isnt bad, bottom one is a bit bland but the scene itself was great.
people didnt enjoy seeing spiderman crawling on giantman? That was pretty great.
You think it's not bad because you're not seeing the possibilities of what could have been done with that shot. All I'm seeing is a bland composition, copy-paste characters and lack of anything creative.
Yes user, bland is exactly the word people use to describe Guardian of the Galaxy and Doctor Strange.
Looks pretty cool though. Are you pretending right now?
>hurr everything is so gray and why aren't they on an actual airport and why are they in an airport hurr why are there just a bunch of them so lame
>*makes large scale battle scene on a green field with good lighting*
>lol it's so bad it's just like the airport scene hurr those dirty niggers we wuz hahaha *signs petition to release Snyder's JL so you can consume more minutes of crap"
The Russos are tv tier directors at best, this is why the one on one fight choro on TWS were pretty good but everything that involves the usual epic shit that where on Whedon's movies, completely fails for them, and i don't even like Whedon.
A competent visual director like Snyder completely puts them to shame.
Are you?
Because that looks downright hilariously bad.
>A competent visual director like Snyder completely puts them to shame.
what happened to thor's eye?
why is HE missing the eye and not cap?
>too lazy to have cool multi-scenes of individual characters running in different shots
>crappily put all of them in one frame to save money and brain-power
Hilariously bad how exactly though? Heroes in costumes are generally silly looking if you want to be super serious about it, but you are in a Marvel thread, so
This. They aren't masterful filmmakers like DC directors.
And so does Just League.
I mean you can still make it happen. Just six times and it's best movie ever.
>New MGS movie
I don't know but fighting in the random open space like an airport is the most boring idea there is. Really a teenager homevideo we need a scene lets go out kind of tier.
Not sure what are you finding in this, capeanons, but your movies are becoming more and more bland.
maybe as a still
But Snyder is kino. Fucking reddit.
>Marvel does action scene full of fast close-up shots
>HAHAHA fast close-up shots are bad!
>Marvel does action scene full of wide panoramas showing the full scope of the action
>HAHAHA wide panoramas are bad!
I swear to God you people are getting as retarded as the console warriors.
>have all the characters in seperate shots
>have all the characters in one shot
Fuck you and your reddit-tier double standards. If I met you IRL I'd whoop your ass
Isn't Wakandia (or whatever) some utopic xenophobic ethnostate with highly advanced black technology?
Why are they running in an open field like a low middle ages civilization instead of using their literal Wakandian space ships that they showed in the Black Panther trailer?
I can’t even tell how many layers of irony this is
>Y-you're just a DCfag!
Like clockwork.
>green field
>good lighting
You’re beyond hope
All Marvel action scenes are terrible aside from a few in Iron Man movies and Ant Man, I'm not picking sides or being bias. They're all shit, dc too.
Waititi's Avengers when?
>green field
>bad lighting
What is going on in this thread
>good lighting
Because they don't need to. Marvel movies are cheaply shot and badly written to save money on the fact they need to hire these actors obscene paychecks to get them to stay.
Critics/audiences/RLM etc will do whatever they can to justify the terrible visuals and the movies still make huge buck. So why should they give a damn?
when breaking glass was a sci fi set thing, my god these movies age like milk
I'm actually worried.
This looks exactly like Age of Ultron and that was the weakest MCU movie.
Gee user good job spotting plot inconsistency in a film you didn't see. What the fuck
B-B-But DC!!! DCucks Suicide watch! Hack Snyder!!
Maybe it looks objectively shit. It’s not Marvel vs DC, it’s mediocrity vs any standard of quality. Even within Marvel you look at Phase 1 films or Raimi’s Spider-Man films. Better yet, look at movies that aren’t capeshit.
>A competent visual director like Snyder completely puts them to shame.
This looks straight from TWD ahahaha
I'm not gonna lie, I prefer this over this.
Me too. It’s onviously not real, but the choreography at least makes it more
visually interesting than the made by template action sequences in MCU slop.
What Armor was Tony wearing? is it the one that turns his entire body into the suit? Guessing he's gonna die in the next one
I prefer neither. At the end of the day, they're both forgettable. One is poorly done cosplay fights in costumes, they other one is cgi overload. There's a perfect balance that I don't think I've seen done yet, except that batman fight scene in the rescue Martha part.
I'm not an "SJW" or anything, but a white male leading a group of African Americans? Seriously? In today's climate?
Come on Marvel, you can do better!
>using the Hulk to fight a bunch of trash opponents
I'll be GREATLY disappointed if Hulk and Thanos don't fight. He's literally the strongest fucking Avenger and he's being used to fight with the B squad.
To be fair a AAA video game's budget would be a lot as well.
Chronicles of Narnia 2005 did same setting battle scene better.
Under ratted
Thats such a shit design, the Iron Spider suit in Civil Wars at least was a new thing.
This is pretty much how in Spiderman3 instead of doing the symbiote suit they just paint his suit black and grey...
Is that a horror or comedy?
>tfw this thing was stronger than Steppenwolf
Who was this directed by? Was it the guy that DC replaced Snyder with because Snyder's Justice League was unwatchable?
Whoa, obvious CG, it's amazing!
Marvel cinematography isn't bad, it's just not the centerpiece that is used to compensate a shitty universe like Snyder uses.
What were you expecting from a comic book movie?
you are tho
>People like it, so it should be good.
You need to go back.
That's not Snyder you fucktard. Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Watchmen have good cinemathography. If only he could tell a good story.
Isnt that the most objective way of measuring whether something is good or not?
That'd be fucking garbage too
This is much better imo, then the Synder bloated cgi battles
god, this is 10 times better than anything snyder would ever dream of making
The filter they use for the movies is fucking shit
I disagree, but i guess its just down to personal preference
Why was Winter Soldier so Kino lads?
What would be then. Imo the most objective way of telling if something is "good" is taking the largest sample size you can and have them give their opinions on it. Of the average of that comes back as good then thats much more valid then some anonymous autist on Sup Forums saying its bad because i said so.
Marvel found a formula and have stuck to it ever since.
That's why their movies look like tv shows with huge budgets. TV shows also throw in quips and humor to help the normies get past the boring dialogue and story building.
DC tries to walk a higher path with visuals, philosophies, allegories, and allusion to mythologies. It's too bad Snyder can't make a coherent movie.
Somebody get this hothead out of here
fucking hell look at this idiot
Because you can’t have good cinematography if literally (not figuratively) all of it is CGI
Again, if it’s CGI it isn’t good cinematography
It doesn't matter- it's rendered in real time which should mean it looks worse as a fuckton of techniques are inherently off the table. They can take dozens of hours of machine time per frame in a movie without issue.
I'm so sick of seeing every action sequence being right in the actor's face and having a thousand cuts for five seconds of footage. Every fucking movie. It has gotten to the point where it takes me out of the movie like a noisy Wilhelm scream.
>Interesting art-styles can make people scared or turn them off
>you share a board with snyder apologists
You guys are the new Whedonfags.
>L-like clockwork.
Marvel is DONE
familiarize yourself with the term "lowest common denominator"
Thanos will use the mind gem on him if he doesn't outright bitchslap him without the gems. But a 1v1 is likely.
I think they've learned their lessons since Civil War. I may be proved wrong, but a lot of the cinematography so far looks promising. less awkward quick cuts, more letting the atmosphere soak in.
from left to right
>guy with his head sprouting from his chest
>a box with arms
>not actually moving and just sliding across the ground
>a 2D hulk cutout
>an angry baby stapled onto the head of a destiny character
>an actual bird with a black man's head photoshopped onto it
>a power ranger
Video games cost way less to make than you think. Most of that "big" budget is marketing.
It's a random clusterfuck of CGI fighting. At least make it resemble a battle
Ragnarok has some nice cinematography. You're right though, for the most part it's pretty bland.
it looks bland in screenshots but looks great in the actual film instead of being a CGI mess like DC films.
>comparing a chase with a head on battle between two aliens
Yeah, Winter Soldier was great and all but the final battle was also a CGI shitfest.
It looks even more hilarious in the actual video.
i don't think their cinematography is amazing, but if you think that image isn't cherrypicked you're a retard
This is the best fight in the last 20 superheroes movies. Simple, fun and perfect; no needed fantastic explotions
It's a bunch of people in a field. How else are you supposed to show that?