DUDE, don't worry - it's all your parents fault LMAO
DUDE, don't worry - it's all your parents fault LMAO
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this is my experience with psychologists IRL
to be fair, you probably had really shit parents. not that it excuses you from your obligations, but boy your parents should be composted.
this is the reason I would never go to one. hearing from my (more) depressed friend who did go to them only confirmed my suspicion.
Psychologists are a waste of time and money.
Depression is and always will be a CHOICE.
The only people that can't accept that 1. Haven't realized it yet 2. Are comfortable having an excuse
I had great parents. But boy every shrink I went to wanted me to say they molested me. shit was fucked.
There are no bad pets, only shitty owners :)
My mother was literally like Livia, but my father was no JohnBoy, so that made things even worse.
I've gone to 3 different psychologists. I'm not sure what issues you guys had, but I've never had this experience.
>3 different psychologists
You have some other issues m8
Is it really their fault? They had parents too you know?
It's fantastically written. E.g. how Tony uses the therapy to become a better criminal all the time. Or how Melfi slowly starts to bond with Tony and goes as far to defend him before her friends, And how she finds satisfaction in the realization she could call him anytime and get someone whacked if she wished.
I did yeah and I got them resolved...without any reference or tie back to some issue relating to my parents.
Really? Because it isn't mine. I've usually just been told that it's a long process that takes hard work in order to "rewire" your brain to think like a "normal" person.
This is braindead boomer talk
>t. soyboy who visits xer psychologist every other day
user, please, we're going in order
No, it's the truth. It's like claiming depression is just laziness, when there's highly successful people who just out of nowhere kill themselves, and they didn't because they were lazy.
that's an oversimplified but basically true explanation. the sessions in the show are actually based off of david chase's long experience with therapy. this interview is very helpful for anyone who has any questions about the show:
Killing yourself is the cowards way out and it's selfish, but at least if you soyboys try suicide, do it right the first time, it's not that hard, you should figure it out
destiny ended u kekistanis
gib milkies
>tfw therapist seriously asks if parents abused you as a kid
Anyone else?
What the fuck are you saying you self hating numale
>Falling for Psychoanalysis meme
CBT is where its at my dude