What is it exactly about DC that makes them apparently lacking in comparison to Marvel?

What is it exactly about DC that makes them apparently lacking in comparison to Marvel?

I don't really have a side given I've liked movies from both, but judging by the internet, it's not even close.

DC has one decent character which is Batman. All the other characters are shit.

You kind of have a point. I mean, Batman is probably top 3 comic book characters of all-time as well as being a compelling person. Superman, despite being iconic is just kind of boring, which is why the only thing they can do to spice him up is make him "bad" for a while before turning good again.

Superman 78>>>>>>Burton Batman >Nolan Batman >Raimi Spider-Man>>>>>>>>>dog shit>>>>>>MCU

fuck off back to Sup Forums you weird fuck

Even at his goofiest and most over powered in the Silver Age Superman was an interesting character .
Stick with getting your comic book facts from Wikipedia you Sup Forumsck sucker

>he likes MCU
sorry kiddo, this is a board for discussing cinema . Not your fast and furious tier meme flicks

t. someone who has never read a superman comic

I’m not even a dc guy but come on man that’s just not true. Green Lantern, Swamp Thing, Aquaman, are just a few example of the good characters they have. Batman has become such a meme over the years I don’t bother with him anymore.

The "internet" hasn't been the internet since about 2005. It's when both governments and large corporations started realizing what an effective tool to shape public perception and popular opinion.

So forget about comics movies having deeper meaning or anything remotely resembling even-handed messages. All your gods are thieves and buffoons now. Just sit back and watch the pretty lights, the walking trees, the talking raccoons, the whistling, mass-murdering father figures. They're your heroes now.

> hates the MCU

> likes other capeshit

this is how I know you're a comicbook reading faggot.

marvel fanboys are some of the most toxic people you will ever meet

also, disney marketing machine

Marvel has better characters than DC, that's it

Marvel characters are likeable and relateable which is something DC is too fucking stupid to understand

The movie side of things have just been a mess. Marvel has been at the MCU for ten years, yet WB thought they could play catch up

DC has been pretty fun comics wise at least

Sorry pal but
Burton Batman
Nolan Batman
Donner Superman
Raimi Spider-Man
Are actual films and not extended toy commercials made by committee with zero artistic value

Marvel spent years building a cinematic universe, DC is trying to do it in 3 movies.

In the comics Marvel basically only has Spider-Man that's as good a character as dc hero
You might like the movies more but that's not because they are from the comics

>Green Lantern, Swamp Thing, Aquaman
All shit. The flash and Wonder-Woman are shit too. The green nigger is also shit and so is Hawkgirl and Cyborg.

Marvel decided they'd take their characters created to entertain 12 year olds and create movies with them to entertain 12 year olds.
DC decided they'd take their characters created to entertain 12 year olds and create movies with them to entertain 30 year olds.

Then how is it they all have so much better comics than Marvel characters?

better according to what? Your feelings or objective stats about comic books sales?

> donner Superman
> Raimi Spider-Man
ok there big guy

D.C. Sells better than marvel

You know how much time passed between Lord of the Rings being published and Wonder Woman being introduced? About thirty years. And that happened nearly a century ago.

Anyone who thinks these characters need introductory movies is a culfurally illiterate fucking retard. The youngest, least-known character in the League is Cyborg and JL was essentially structured around him before it was butchered by a moron, acting on the orders of other, better-dressed morons.


Marvel counts overshipping as sales

> n-not fair
oh fuck off

Sup Forums is pro MCU

the higher ups
marvels executives know what they wanna do and do what they wanna do.
they are not out to make art but they do make a shit ton of money that is liked by the general public
DC on the other hand, the executives gets scared so easily and neither have the vision for the franchise or the balls to let the directors do what they want to do.
the result is a mess

It's all memes and brand loyalty
People like Marvel because they like the movies, and because an expectation has developed that Marvel is "good" and DC is "bad", that's the beginning and end of it


The DC characters are, at least for the most part, born with their powers. I guess Batman is the big exception, but not really since he's superpower is extreme wealth (which gives him lots of tech gadgets) which he inherited. Marvel is really the opposite. Most of the Marvel characters were just normal people and then something happened to them and they behave superheros. That's a lot more relatable and it's also more interesting since you see normal people dealing with extraordinary situations. DC is just superheros doing superhero things.

I know that's a simplification of it but I think it captures the main thing about the DC vs Marvel debate. Also, that being said I think DC has a lot of great villains and their villains are a bit better than Marvel's villains t b h. The Joker is a great example of that.

He's right . Comic book stores can't stand marvel for their over shipping. D.C. Sells more now , though back in the day marvel was doing better (mainly because of their 100 xmen and Spider-Man's comics)

Warner Brothers treats DC like a redheaded stepchild. They have zero faith in any of the properties outside of Batman and maybe Superman and are cynical towards the brand as a whole. Getting them to greenlight anything is an uphill struggle, as evidenced by how long it took them to make a Wonder Woman movie when she is their 3rd most recognized property globally.
Disney views Marvel as an investment and is smart enough to be mostly hands off and let Feige do his thing. Marvel is not afraid to take risks on unknown properties and that gives them a lot of momentum in the box office because people want to see what they'll do next.

But Sup Forums is pro D.C. comics
(Like everyone else is too)

DC comics are kicking Marvel comics ass atm, the issue is Marvel is essentially the Apple of movies.

They make bland overpriced stuff the same as everyone else, but are masters of branding and media manipulation so make the mainstream think it's better. People will wait in line for days and pay out of pocket for the latest Iphone despite the fact that Apple's competitors are cheaper and the same or better. Meanwhile critics and audiences will salivate at the MCU and ignore all of its shortcomings while ripping apart their competitors.

It's pure marketing and little else, Disney is very good at tapping the Millennial and "reddit internet nerd" market.

Marvel can and does take risks and it can make legitimately good things like Logan and Deadpool (idgaf what you Dkeks say those were really good) . You can't make an R rated action film with fucking Superman or The Green Lantern you can only do it with Batman

Modern Marvel Comics are absolute dogshit though.

Marvel only has Wolverine and he's dead.

It's their fandom really, or rather their fans.

If you've ever met a DC fan, you will find an oblivious tasteless mentally handicapped manchild. They are the scum of society amd whem you see those "DCucks on suicide watch" memes... they're not really memes. Everyone wishes DC fans would die, including themselves.

The ONLY redeeming character they have in the DC Universe is Batman, and they only get him right 30% of the time. DC is a fucking joke and anybody who supports them is part of the problem and deserves to die.

Ok fair enough I have no idea how comic book sales work but if you look at what's actually being sold it's all Batman shit and maybe some Justice league shit (with Batman in it) followed by Superman and Batman supporting characters

That's just flat-out wrong. Bruce spent his whole life becoming who he is, Cyborg's an accident, the Flash is an accident, so even just looking at the League, it's an even split. Then there's the Lanterns, none of which are born Lanterns.

DC has better stand alone stories and would perform better than trying to make a DC universe over the course of 8-10 movies.

WB trying to follow the same formula as Disney is what is fucking them over so badly. There are so many well-liked stories they can use and they would be just as successful as the Marvel films.

whoever has say in how DC portrays their characters on screen doesn't understand the characters. you CANNOT make a DC movie like a Marvel one. their heroes are portrayed differently.

DC characters can actually be really compelling and human, even Superman. It's just the WB doesn't care about actually developing the characters beyond their most superficial traits.

The DC characters are from a different era, and there's a different spirit behind them. There's a grandiose quality to them that makes them hard to bring to live action, as well as the fact that they are more fantasy based. It's why DC has done well in comics and cartoons, because they work well in those mediums.

Marvel characters (at least most of them) were average guys with flaws who had pseudo-science origin stories. That's much easier to bring to tv and film for interesting stories, particularily today.

Spiderman is a character who kind of straddles the middle line. He's like a DC and Marvel character put together.

Another reason Marvel is better in the films and comics is because it has more and better pusy. There are so much good X-Men pusy, good avengers pusy, she hulk, gamorra etc.

They're owned by Warner Brothers.

I said it dozens of times, Marvel make relatable heroes, heroes with flaws and you can easily identify with one of them: Dumb, arrogant, selfish, poor, alcoholic, manlet, fat, bald, old, racist, useless with no powers, menatl breakdowns, paranoic, etc.....

DC heroes are overpowered allmighty gods with no flaws look at Superman, perfect being, then Wonder Woman, same, Flash, kindaimmature, but still to perfect, Aquaman, pfffft the same, the onñy one that has flaws is Batman and is not surprising he is the most beloved DC character to date.

All star. Every godamn time.


So in short:

Marvel = Humans trying to be Gods

DC = Gods trying to be Human

Marvel = Humans who just happen to be gods

Which is what MoS was supposed to convey but failed spectacularly, because the director thinks he's a god himself.

any criticism about the thematic differences between marvel and dc dont know jack shit about either of them.
They both told stories that were very very popular either in comics, movies, tv shows, and cartoons.=

I strongly believe that the DCEU should had started right when the MCU did, instead they had to rush the natural flow of their character and universe development to keep up with Marvel, who is in the most important and climatic moment of their cinematic universe, full of grandious and 'epic' long awaited events and moments while DC is practically obliged to try to equal this sense of immensity and importance the MCU plot has reached after all these years while DC is just new player entering the game.

DC should be still doing origin movies but instead they had to push something as big as Batman v Superman or Justice League after only 2 origin movies, missing the chance to get people to know and love the characters first in their own origin movies because the public is fucking bored of origin movies, they already saw them for years, now its not the time for origin movies, its the time for the big showdown, the epic conclusion to the journey, and i believe thats why DC movies fail, they lack the journey and the hype that it builds for future movies.

DC has much more compelling stories and major event arcs, but it doesn't matter when all people care about and spend money on now are movies and DC has an incompetent studio in charge of its movies.
DC only lacks a good movie studio and that's it. Even if i look at your picture, marvel studios doesn't have access to the fantastic four or the xmen, so you can remove those.

Marvel hasn't given a shit about the comics for a long time. They sell like shit

It's because Zack "The Hack" Snyder

that's fox though not marvel

Not solely, but he contributed. He doesn't really get what makes the DC characters work beyond a superficial level, most of the WB crew doesn't.
His Superman completely missed the mark and his Batman was a condensed version of the character based on a story at the end of Batman's career, which could have been good but the audience got no real education as to HOW Batman ended up that way outside of a few teases and easter eggs.
There's a movie's worth of character development there that the audience never got. Hell, when the animation team did Dark Knight Returns they had to split it into two movies.

Marvel movies are far from brilliant but they're very accessible to new audiences that aren't familiar with the deep lore of the comics.
The stories are intentionally simple so that the characters have to do the work. The characters have compelling hooks and that's what keeps audiences coming back. Iron Man is a guy who went through a traumatic experience and weaponized his PTSD, Cap is a war veteran who can't ever truly come home, Star Lord is a little kid that ran away to a Cosmic Never Never land.
DC needs to stop trying to make every movie a huge story and set up smaller stories that highlight what made these characters so popular in the first place. Ya know, like Wonder Woman did.

>He forgot that literally no one gave a shit about his Iron-faggot, his Captain Burger, and Bore God of Shut before 2008.