Is this the next big series after House of Cards and Stranger Things

Is this the next big series after House of Cards and Stranger Things

Seems like it

heard it was nothing special so didnt bother with it

Thing is this one ends pretty definitively. All the main characters are retired, dead or going blind.

You stupid fuck it's a miniseries of course it's not

It's miniseries but a S2 is very likely

I heard there was some good lesbian sex kino

Okay. I'll watch it

Jeff Daniels is fucking great in this.

Director there would be new stories coming up in the neat future

I want Dockery in a lesbian sex scenes

isnt it literally yassssss queeeeen stronk womyn cowgurrrlz?

what is it about?

40%, 60% full of action and sex

A town run by female after all of the men died during a coal mining explosion.

Sounds gay

and there's alot of lesbian sex kino stuff that's too gay.

I love that black bitch getting whipped in her side ass.

Gave me a boner

You whitey have black fever

I ain't nothing wrong running a town full of lesbian widows trying to rebuild their town.

I'm ready for lesbian Kino action

wait till S2

Netflix really lost all subtlety when the character called Whitey wanted to fuck a Black girl.

it's pretty good, but there were a lot of interesting characters, it feels like it should have been a longer series, Deadwood-style

the story arc felt kinda underwhelming for a 7-episode run

there's lesbians in it?