>Actor Bambadjan Bamba revealed his illegalimmigration status in an interview Tuesday and outlined his efforts to push powerful Hollywood figures to fight for the kind of amnesty program currently being debated in Congress.
>“I’m going public first and foremost because I’m sick and tired of living in fear and hiding about this issue,” Bamba toldVariety.
>The 35-year-old actor was 10-years-old when he moved to the United Stateswith his parents from the West African country of Ivory Coast. Bamba realized his illegal status while applying for college. Barred from receiving financial aid, the then-budding actor drove a cab to help pay for drama school. Now he’s organizing for himself and theestimated800,000 people who illegally entered the U.S. with their parents as children and who had been previously shielded from deportation, thanks to Obama’s controversialDeferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program — a decision President Donald Trumprescinded earlier this year.