
Funeral for Netflix continues

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>tfw Cox subscriber

I literally had no idea any of this shit was happening.

Fuck I'd rather kill myself then use Comcast with all their other shit.

>be comcast
>think "i'll just throttle netflix, cause there's no laws against that"
>six months later network neutrality is ironclad law and you are now a utility

>all small countries have good network infrastructure
Fuck me, learn to debate. Size has nothing to do with it and we have better internet connection speeds than many other first world nations despite telecoms ripping off taxpayers.

Your statement is as retarded as saying smaller countries have better roads because they need less of them. You know what we also have? A fuck huge GDP for funding large scale infrastructure.


how fucking dumb are you goddam

Now divide the US' GDP by it's square mileage.

Now do the same for the Netherlands and south korea.

>size has nothing to do with internet connection
Goddamn, this NN shit really brings out the retards, don't it?

I'm just going to tell myself its false-flag shills trying to sour the debate for anyone remotely intelligent who doesn't also hate themselves.

I can't deal with this level of abject retardation.


The cost for Google Fiber (from scratch AND on the high-end - $8,000 a household) to supply every household in America (i.e. 3030 million people living roughly 2.6 person a household) with 1 Gbps fiber optic line would be roughly ~199 billion usd. Hmmm, I wonder where I've heard that $200bn number before...

Son, I don't even think you know what you're talking about anymore.

Small countries with high (per square mile) GDP can easily have fast nationwide internet because they're the size of Rhode Island. The costs are practically nothing and the roll-out time is measured in months, rather than decades.

Size is moot. You'd only mention size of the United States as a problem if you had NO idea what you're talking about. Some of us are actually in IT and have been monitoring this shit since the 90s. Educate yourself before making stupid assumptions.

I can't believe it took until Archer and Sunny were taken off to finally cancel

>tfw when I have shitty AT&T Uverse
>they only offer the slowest speed

Send help

basic gestalt 'please'

So you're going to ignore me blowing the fuck out of your stupid belief that size is a constraint on telecom infrastructure and go back to "hurr, durr small countries get faster cuz it's shorter!"

Alright, I'm getting lunch. You have fun, sweetie.

I mean, for starters, you strawmanned someone saying all small countries have fast internet. The fuck you want from me?

>netflix may die in your lifetime

it probably won't but here's hoping


I've been in IT since the 80s, and you're full of shit.

>dude burying a foot of fiber optic line costs the same as burying several thousand miles lmao

>May 4th, 2019
>Disney Comcast Tmobile Fox releases a digital download edition of the unedited Original Star Wars Trilogy in 16K MEGA ULTRA HOME IMAX
>lol externally at redditors being willing to pay $100 for the bandwidth to buy one trilogy.
>Login to Google Fiber to access company VPN
>"We're sorry. Due to high traffic volume, use of Disney CTF's fiber backbone requires a $5/hr surcharge. Would you like to browse your city's local Google Fiber network or purchase a May the Fourth Be With you Disney CTF 7 Day Pass for just $5.40 for the first week and only $50/month with FREE Rogue Squadron digital download after the first month?
>cream myself at the beauty of the free market and my employer subsidizing 5% of my VPN bandwidth costs
>type Sup Forums.org into browser to gloat about excellent deals on Sup Forums and Sup Forums to libtard globalist zionist marxist
>"Error. Servers for this domain have been blocked by Verizon Spectrum, ATT BET ADF, and Disney CTF for racist content."
>cum again from euphoric knowledge of cultural marxist also being blocked from Sup Forums. Owned

>this many buzzwords
Cringe. At least when Sup Forums does it, they do some twist, like "It was my privilege" and makes it funny.

Whoa... this post really made me think

I'm a brainlet so explain how this works. And I don't mean just Google fibre or whatever, but with ISPs and putting new lines down in general.

I live about 5 miles outside of city limits. And there is like no internet options out here aside from expensive and slow satellite providers and some 3g shit. The thing is it's a boom town, so it's not like it's completely empty out here. It's basically an extension of the city with at least 20,000. You could say time, but it's not like this is recent. It really started blowing up 9 or so years ago. My house was built in 2010. I always just figured it was actually THAT expensive to expand their existing infrastructures, but idk.

Not that guy but it's a cost benefit calculation.
>How much does it cost to connect Bumblefuck, USA to the ring and are there federal grants available to reduce the cost
>How many guaranteed customers, how many potential
>Is there any regulation in place that would force the ISP to make the capacity available to resellers
>Is there any regulation in place that would prevent the price necessary to make it profitable

The they make a decision and in most cases Bumblefuck gets fucked because it's not worth it. In some cases it becomes a prestige project in the case of google it's also a case of acquiring new people to use their service portfolio to sell to advertisers that factors in.