Who’s worse: UK Frank or US Frank?
UK Frank is the better actor
Really? I've never watched it, but WHM is a great actor, and he's excellent as Frank. Really the only reason to still watch this shitshow. Well, maybe that and to see just how awfull a human being they can turn Debbie in to.
UK Frank, in terms of his performance, interms of the quality of his character's writing and in terms of how "good" the character is as a person
I've never seen US Shameless, does US Frank still do inspirational monologues?
>see just how awfull a human being they can turn Debbie in to.
How bad has it gotten?
I only ever watched one ep of Shameless US and it was Frank taking out a doctor that found out she had cancer and showing her the "rough" side of life, all the while giving long monologues and it feeling like a hobo eat pray and love, while the rest of the cast was just having random sex scenes and cursing to prove they were badass.
Made me not want to watch any other episode.
Really bad. She seem to have no shame or sense of guilt, she seems to be totally indifferent to the sorrows or others and how she affects them.
Seems to have*
Sorrows of others*
>tfw just read through the summary of her plotline
Fucking hell
Yeah, she's human garbage. I hated it at first, but now it's sort of entertaining to watch how bad they can make her while still trying to pretend that she is a good person.
How often do they pull the 'Just a struggling teenage mother' card whenever she does something awful?
It's more of a "strong, independant woman" thing now.
If you think the writers aren't aware of how awful she is you're an idiot
And in any case she isn't 1% as bad of a human being as Frank is
If you're thinking about that whole Neil calling her a horrible person thing, you are an idiot. Of course they are aware that what she's doing is wrong, but they are excusing her with the single, independent, smart, teenage mom stuff all the time.
Frank is different, everyone knows Frank is a piece of shit, and they never make any excuses for him.
>but they are excusing her with the single, independent, smart, teenage mom stuff all the time.
And no, plenty of fans make excuses for Frank. I maintain that the writers are smarter than the fans, even though I personally think 50% of the show is just liberal propaganda at this point.
American versions of things are always worse
US version is superior you cucks
I wasn't talking about the fans. The writers don't make excuses for Frank.
They make those excuses for Debbie all the time, they did right after Neil broke up with her, with her talking to Fiona, giving her the little speech on how they are both SIW who don't need no man. But hey, maybe they'll surprise me with having things go to shit for her.
What is US Office, wew
an overrated sit com of a near perfect uk show.
Remind me again about amazing the us inbetweeners was?
Is Shameless UK worth watching? I've already seen US, and I wanna see how they compare.
It's a lot more silly and it's not that funny if you're not from the UK. Also the majority of the characters leave after the first like 4 seasons. Fiona is only in the first one lol.
Shameless UK has a young James McAvoy which is it itself enough of a reason to check it out.
>Americans called Fiona, Ian and Liam
>white people living in the south side of Chicago
US version was too unrealistic
Watched all of UK Shameless... not a single bad episode.
Watched season 1 of USA Shameless... had to literally force myself to watch more than the first episode.
It's well known that American versions of already made things are fucking awful... BUT OH MY GOD... what an abortion USA Shameless is.
The comparison is just silly... the UK Shameless is actually SHAMELESS in every sense of the word... it's vile and repugnant and degenerate and that's everything it should be...
The USA version? Barely PG in comparison.
It's a bad remake, a really bad one.
Yeah you're trying way too hard there bud.
tell you what lads I'd knacker that mental barmaid from UK Shameless
for the rest of her life every time she took a shit she'd smile and think of me
US office is so much better than the UK shit and i love Ricky to bits. But yeah any other US remake is complete tho.
US Office is a better sitcom, UK Office is a better piece of writing
UK Frank is scummier, US Frank is too well spoken to be the real dregs on society.
>And in any case she isn't 1% as bad of a human being as Frank is
A character, good or bad, and make the audience like him or hate him.
You can like terrible people (in movies/shows) or hate good people, if they're boring or something.
Frank is entertaining. When you see him do his "bad person" moves, you don't feel annoyed, because it's entertaining, or funny, presented lightly, etc...
Debbie getting in a relationship for some crippled retard for the money, treating him like garbage and all that.. It's not fun or interesting in anyway. Just makes me hate her and not watch any more of her scenes.
And before some SJW tard makes it about gender...
I think the same of the Frank/Sheila stuff. It just wasn't fun, and I'm glad it's fucking over.
Why do they keep bringing characters for 1 episode before throwing them away from good, what's the fucking point?
I liked Jimmy/Steve a lot and I was shipping them hard (him and Fiona)... I was sad when he left, and glad when he came back... then he leaves for good.
And now they're bringing Sean back... Never really liked him but fine, whatever, bring him back. Some 2 minutes drama about omg what is Fiona gonna do? Before she goes to meet him, makes a speech and... Oops, he's with another girl, and he's probably never gonna be back on the show. Then why the fuck bring him back? His story arc was ended correctly, there didn't need to have more? Fiona was over him because he's a lying addict, end of the story.
Why the fuck do they keep doing this? It doesn't even serve as filler, because they spend literally 5 minutes on them, and they have to bring an old cast regular for it, that's not how filler works...
Anyone else miss him?
His scenes were some of my favorites, damn fun character to watch. Not much into the lovey-dovey gay shit, but everything else was great.
Whats with the britbongs?
When murricans makes sitcom, people are the world can relate to it, enjoy it, find it funny.
But when britbong makes sitcom, no one outside of uk enjoys it and you have to listen to endless
>we are superior, we have queen