Is this meant to be laugh out loud funny? It's dated as fuck
I don't get it
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It's called a dark comedy. It is the thinking man's genre
>Is this meant to be laugh out loud funny?
just enjoy the movie. If you can't, it's your problem.
>not having a hearty chuckle at the entire george c scott screentime
>the whole precious bodily fluids bit
>peter sellers as the president is masterfully subtle and deeply humorous
I'm affraid your sense of humor is trash, have you tried scary movie or american pie?
>a few years ago
>tell my dad I'm excited to watch this when I get a chance
>"it's pretty good, not sure if you'll like it though. It's quite dated and I'm not sure you'll get the references"
>mfw my dad thought I was a brainlet
Lolita's opening scene was funnier than this entire movie
I watched this on my first plane flight to Japan. I was afraid of my own plane crashing but seeing that bomber lose some of its engines and stay in the air actually made me feel better. Also I dunno, best picture of a big plane I had.
Thought that too. But it grew on me, came back a second and third time because the ending is great, sellers is great, the characters are interesting and it has plenty of genius iconic moments.
It's unironically too smart for some people. The humor can easily escape some people for how fast it goes by or how it's presented. The humor doesn't even kick in until, like, 30 minutes in, too.
Ah yes, the high brow quality of a man paranoid the commies will steal his bodily fluids. BRAVO Kubrick
I was thinking more specifically about the facial expressions of George C. Scott throughout the film. That aspect got a good laugh out of me.
The way it uses absurdist physical comedy and borderline insanity to underline the theme of the film is fucking perfect. It's so well done it is commonly overlooked
not really, just a bit of raw cynism upon your weewee
It's my favorite kubrick flick
I really liked it and still think it's very funny, but comedy ages a bit for some.
you're a daft cunt
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dr. Strangelove. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of history most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Kubrick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Dr. Strangelove truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in existential phrase “ Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kubrick's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
It's a dark comedy and a brilliant satire on the cold war and the arms/technology races going on at the time. It takes a real amerimutt to be THIS uneducated about their own country
This but unironically
>You can't enter here! This is a gentile's house!
What the fuck did Kubrick mean by this?
Still laugh every single time I watch it.
now THIS is the patrician opinion, brainlets BTFO!
Mandrake, have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water?
>“ Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons.
well played
>mein fuhrer I can walk!
What did he mean by this?
>responding to a b8 thread that's been posted countless times by the same autist
I'm English, you cunt
This is the first time I've posted the thread, as I just watched it today
>I'm English, you cunt
>search for this movie online
>get put on a list
No shit it's somewhat dated. Satire has a short shelf life.
How does I do the thumbs up emoji??
I tried :/
I thought it was great I have to say. But I love anything to do with Russia or the Cold War.
Of course it's a bit dated. It's almost 60 years old. But, I think it holds up. Sellers' performance(s) is funny, as is George C. Scott's. Some of the satire seems a bit to on the nose and overly dry maybe, but it's still very good.
>It's dated as fuck
Learn history you brainlet
Politicians acting like silly incompetent retards was humor in the 60s.
It's reality today, so you wouldn't get the humor.
Try it again, maybe a second or third time, most comedies I need to be in the right mood for if they're going to end up working on me, I got much more out of Strangelove on a second viewing.
Bongs are just the Americans of Europe.
It's a thinking man's comedy.
>whud u meen cold war? whuds dat? huh? noo-klee-arr missul? what? i have to read hes-to-ree book to understand movie?!?! why can't i just watch avengers instead?
>the selfdestruct circuit malfunctioned and blew it self up
i laughed out loud
it's god tier kino is what it is. And sadly not as far from the truth of today's politics as one would want. See e.g. the DNC's Russiagate hoax.
>See e.g. the DNC's Russiagate hoax
>Not Trump literally acting more ridiculous than George C Scott in every press conference and every insider report
This. It's practically a documentary
I thought I'd go with the less obvious one but I forgot this is Sup Forums.
Gentlemen, there's no fighting in the war room.
i lieked it coz thats wat the film sed
This but without the irony.
It intersperses subtle jokes with blatant wordplay and observational humor, all in the backdrop of the most paranoia-induced time in recent human history and the only time where our entire destruction was a very real possibility.
It's a perfect comedy and satire, but if you don't enjoy history and wordplay it will feel dated to you.
i have this weird feeling people pick which movies they don’t like on this board, but have no idea what would possess me to believe that. must be the flouride and lead in the water
The humor is definitely way over the head of your average American mobie goer.
I only saw it for the first time recently and it was a surreal experience for me... like wow, someone can make a movie that is funny and sharp without beating the viewers head over and over?
Refreshing tbqh
>birdy num num
Politics has always been shitty.
I legitimately laugh out loud when I watch this movie and that is actually fairly rare for me.
You're basically just a dumb pleb, OP.
You're not helping your case by purposefully making yourself look stupid, OP.
No, except for maybe General Turgeson and the doctor himself. And Bat Guano.
Should more comedies attempt the "play it straight like this is a serious movie" thing? I can't think of any big movies that have tried in recently, especially any that have pulled it off.
>Y-you just don't get it!
OP literally titled the thread "I don't get it".
In The Loop kind of does that, but not to the same extent
what the fuck were you doing in japan m8?
More like Americans are the English of North America
Death of Stalin kinda had the humour like Strangelove
You really had to be there, you brainless retard.
Average people were more intelligent then. You actually had to know stuff, and remember it. There was no google. Your phone was wired to the wall, and you couldn't go outside with it.
Saw this for the first time a week or two ago and thought it was funny as fuck.
When the officer tells Mandrake that he will have to compensate the Coca Cola Corporation of America, I busted out laughing
And even if you could - and only millionaires could do that - the only thing you could do with it was make phone calls.
Yeah, who could understand a movie where world leaders are childish maniacs marching the world to nuclear annihilation for stupid reasons, a right wing conspiracy theorist going on a rampage, and the only sane people are weak-willed cowards?
>See e.g.
How do I know you're not a native English speaker?
do you think e.g. isn't proper English usage?
> "Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"
Still one of the funniest lines in all of cinema.
"See" before "e.g." is never used. It's the kind of nonstandard--though technically grammatically correct--phrasing you'd expect from a non-native speaker or translator.
i watched 8 1/2 last weekend and laughed like an idiot at all the scenes with the critic
it was in the book, what did the russian mean
OP here. Just got back to find this shit thread is still going. Wanted to let you know I'm not reading half of the autistic shit you faggots have posted - thanks
>Average people were more intelligent then
>he doesn’t know g has gone down considerably since 1950 and its not just because of spics and nogs
C'mon baby, I told you not to call me at work.
reaaly make you think
>not 'avin' a giggle at the interactions between the President and the Premier
>not letting slip a chortle when the general works himself into an excited frenzy as he explains the bomber could well make it through Soviet Air Defenses
not rofling at the absurdity of the food fight at the end as the apocalypse ensues
You rick & morty geniuses only think you're smart. You're fucking delusional.
>hey george
>george do a silly take
>cmon george I promise it wont make the final cut
>hey george
>I kept all those takes
>I kept them all