Kinky Vulcan sex edition
Watching season 3 of TOS right now. Aside from a few episodes, it's been really meh to shit so far, not even many silly episodes. How do you feel about season 3?
Kinky Vulcan sex edition
Watching season 3 of TOS right now. Aside from a few episodes, it's been really meh to shit so far, not even many silly episodes. How do you feel about season 3?
spot the spots
Wanting it this badly
Season 3 is good, but the show really started to take a hit there. Spocks Brain is absolutely art
it was quite something, butthe space hippies one takes the cake, holly fuck
Odo probably, he can make it look literally anything. And no, they can't knock anyone up. I did read a fanfic once where Data managed to knock Tasha up after they're drunken sex and everyone was very confused. It turned out his "sperm" accidentally cloned her and Tasha was basically carrying her own clone.
On a side note my favorite episode from that season was probably The Enterprise Incident. Thirsty Romulan was cute
>who has the better dick? data or odo
Odo for sure
Was it rape?
*blocks your path*
yeah, that was a good episode. The Tholian Web was also nice, tho I did laugh every time they showed Kirk flailing around in nothingness.
I stopped at the hyppy episode, had to take a pause from Star Trek
It would appear, dear friends, that assimilation is indeed quite...futile.
Star Trek is all inclusive. Even fat neckbeard can join.
I bet this is the Borg Queen's sex slave. Because this drone sucks so much it has no other use then to be the Queen's toy of pleasure.
All in all I'd say watching Star Trek for the first time has been a great experience so far. I've seen TOS, TNG, and am currently in DS9 season 2. I wish I could watch it faster but I only watch it with my brother and he doesn't always want to watch it.
most bitter character?
-it is a yes
make him
>playing STO
>in the alpha quadrant, need to get something from my bank
>dock at DS9
this is one of the most comfy experiences ever
>I only watch it with my brother and he doesn't always want to watch it
Fukken normies. Whenever I want to watch something with my family I always just pray I'll like it enough to see it twice and watch ahead on my own.
>when your brother prefers to go around in spaceships instead of living like it was the 19th century making wine
It's a "Major Kira takes a defiant moral stance"-episode
I'd love for the Borg Queen to be my Mummy
I would but it's no fun when he's not into it. At our current rate we can watch a season in about 2 weeks.
I wish the Tholians appeared more. They seemed like they could have been a cool race to explore.
Have you watched the TOS movies yet?
>he doesn't always want to watch it
Might as well toss him in the trash and continue on your own
Did you go to Quark's? Quark's is fun. Go right now, don't walk: run!
I don't need to tell you, that is unacceptable.
do borgs fart asking for a friend
yea i played dabo for one of their bi-daily missions or w/e
also there are erpers there
That form is actually known as Major Bajor. You make it rhyme to annoy the crinkle cuts.
>Have you watched the TOS movies yet?
not yet, but I'm really looking forward to it. I'm hoping to see them in a few weeks, after I'm through with the season.
It's fun to experience it for the first time with someone else, though, and my brother likes Star Trek as well, so we both share the interest. He just isn't as adamant about it as I am.
I shan't be questioned on this.
It's a "I'd like to violate her neutral zone" episode.
Yes, but only once per year. The Queen says when, and then they all have one long, wet, juice fart. They are very vulnerable during that time, so that's when Starfleet needs to destroy them.
I already told you, everyone is a jew in Trek, just different kinds of em.
>tfw no Romulan gf
Grainy McGrainington
remember when o'brien was put in a virtual concentration camp for years and years and he got ptsd from it
remember when o'brien's kid fell in a portal and came out a feral retard
remember when o'brien got infected by incurable super space aids
remember when o'brien's wife screamed MILES at him
They're fairly enjoyable except for the first one in my opinion. It's a mash of ideas from the canceled Phase II series and it kinda shows. The fifth movie is absolutely art no matter what anyone says and the 6th is my personal favorite.
Just don't expect the TNG movies to be anywhere near as good
He should've just killed himself that one time.
>Doesn't age.
Wouldn't a phaser set to maximum like this have vaporised him and taken a chunk out of the cargo bay bulkheads too, killing Jewls?
one would hope.
how come phasers sometimes just disintegrate non-important characters
I'll take "girls that were fap material 20 years ago" for 500, Alex.
Where is Bashirfaggot? Did it an hero?
>The fifth movie is absolutely art no matter what anyone says
lel, I've heard it's considered shit and a Shatner ego trip, but that just makes me want to watch it the most.
also I watched the TNG movies already, after I finished the show. I went in the TNG->TNG movies->DS9->VOY(two seasons) order (VOY was so boring I decided to come back to it later and try to see if TOS was more interesting, which it was thankfully). I randomly saw TNG's second seson episodes on the telly one day so that's why I went from there and afterwards my Trek buddy wanted me to catch up with DS9. As for the movies, I liked FC, Generations was 50/50 and I thought Insurrection was worse than Nemesis.
I don't like that Bashir is sexualized. A Doctor, to me, should be a professional and an asexual character. At least, that's the way we, as an audience, should see him. Anyone else think like this? Also, I love medical ASMR :)
Too bad, those were comfy days, that was filtered autism, not the absolute state of now.
From a cinematography standpoint it's beautiful at times.
No, doctors and nurses are naturally sexy.
Read Shatner's bio, he describes what he originally intended to do in the fifth movie for he ending scene it would have been great but he then got Jewed by the studio despite technically being one.
>I thought Insurrection was worse than Nemesis
I think nearly everyone did. Insurrection's first act with the holoship was a great setup, but it just shits the bed after that. At least Nemesis had some balls and blew up all the models, as it were, seeing as they knew it would be the last one.
I guess you could also say Insurrection suffers from Final Frontier syndrome, that too has a great act with all the planet of galactic peace stuff, but as soon as the fan dance occurs, it just goes full retard. The Shat is a great director though.
Some of them are fap material now. I refuse to apologize.
None of the doctors are sexualized in the shows, though, at least not when they're on duty.
Bashir is. He is drooling over Dax to the point of becoming an embarrassment.
>Shatner ego trip
It is, but here's what makes it really great:
It's about televangelism
you are a faggot
Could you make it a bit grainier, pls?
The "Planet of Galactic Peace" was great.
It was I think the first time things were, say, darker, grittier, showing that not every problem can be solved with positive thinking and power of friendship?
But then the whole movie shits itself, too bad.
The nagus is a cunning guy but a bit sentimental, i think
>how long will it take to get there
>three days at warp 6
so go quicker then. why don't they just go everywhere at warp 9.99?
nice, I'll try to get it for my bday probably, I need more Trek related stuff anyway tfw eastern-yuropean and Trek isn't popular here
>I think nearly everyone did.
I have heard people defending it more than Nemesis, but I just don't get it really. It's just boring and doesn't have much to it as far as story and morals go. Nemesis at least had things happen and I actually remember the main dilemma in the storyline.
because the dilithium coils would cause a phase variance with the port nacelles and the resulting ionic interference would fuck everything up
wasn't warp 6 the highest "safe", sustainable for longer periods speed? Sure you can go warp 7, 8, 9, but the chance of shit going wrong increase so it's used only in emergency?
That doesn't mean he's sexualized. He's interested in a woman. That's pretty typical. Sexualizing someone is more about showing off their attractiveness too much. Troi was pretty sexualized. Cleavage and tight spandex pretty much every episode until season 6.
People gotta sleep. I assume when they say something like this it's a compromise because if they went to maximum warp they'd arrive in the middle of the night shift and fuck everyone's sleeping patterns up, so they worked out that at warp 6, they'll arrive about half an hour into Picard's morning shift so everyone will be there and alert in time for the danger.
Engines can only handle short bursts at highest speed, they usually have a designated top cruising speed much lower than the top possible speed. Also the more they push it, the more energy they drain and the more damage it does to structural integrity and the engines (think how often they micro-fractures on the hull)
>odo is perfectly able to recreate human hair, just not the eyebrows.
What did they mean by this?
Do any of the more villainous races ever make a ship in the style of a more friendly one? Like Cardassians in a pretend Federation ship to get the jump on someone.
Maybe he really just doesn't give a fuck? He's not like Data that wants to become a human
It's a real strain on the engines. Scotty had a heart attack every time Kirk started going faster than warp 8 and always reminded him how the ship couldn't take much more of this. It's good for short pursts, but long-term you just burn it out and fixing it in the middle of nowhere is a bitch.
Odo had the 'tism, no bully
The show took a hit after Roddenberry left.
I want to say they did, but I'm having a hard time remembering a specific example
don't be a tease
The show took a hit after Gene Coon left, Roddenberry already had little to do with the 2nd season
klingons, cardassians and romulans, oh my!
i would fug
in that order and then again in the reverse
Dukat captures a bird of prey and uses it against klingons. Federation uses a dominion ship against the dominion
Romulans like it in the reverse
Well that was a comfy episode
>odo doesn't get better at shapeshifting human faces at all over the course of the entire show
>literally would have made complete sense, and would have allowed them to save time and money on odo's makeup
stupid fucks...
>huge expanse of an entire galaxy
>bitch and moan and fight each other anyway
just fuck off a million lightyears away and never have to see each other again
I told you
>>odo doesn't get better at shapeshifting human faces at all over the course of the entire show
He is better there though
they're fighting over scarce resources, lad
i want to cry but the tears won't come
get some onions my dude
What would you do in a Holodeck?
sex stuff
Everything to Dr. Crusher.