Say A Little Prayer For Me Iain
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Iainfags will be btfo again tonight
>Iain Lee 'can beat his depression demons like Winston Churchill won WW2' and claim the I'm A Celebrity crown, says best mate
>“Stanley is about manipulation. The Johnsons are cutthroat. That is the way Boris has been brought up. He is not going to learn it out of thin air.”
>She called her pal “the most honest one in there”, saying: “Iain has said he could do with a big pay cheque and he wants to publicise his radio show.”
Reminder that even Iain lost count. Stanley did NOTHING WRONG and Iain apologised to him.
Unfortunately I SHAN'T be watching with you tonight lads. The Apprentice thread takes priority.
stanley task tonight
Who else /BeckysPatheticLittleWorm/ here?
highly motivated overachieving low class slag
fuck off then pleb
based bumposter
>bush tuckar treeal
Fucking Geordies.
>It's a Kezia chuckles to herself as Iain and Stanley talk about suicide episode.
>Labour in charge of not being sociopathic freaks.
literally me
its a amir gets exposed episode lads!!
Hope Stanley does well lads
>muh blood pressure
Give the bitch a vibrator.
She's a rotten chav who gets fucked for money git a grip user, there is much better out there to abuse you.
Vardy BTFO
Absolute state of becky
Goddess Becky doesn't have to do the trial, based medic Bob
>toff will never call you precious
Based Aussie Bob.
Apprentice, Peaky Blinders and I'm A Celeb all at the same time, just dropping in to post the cursed image before coming back on +1
I've missed the last few days, has she done fucking anything yet?
Will she be the first to get the boot, and have a humiliating media gauntlet as they revel in her being a complete non entity?
It's a Tory vs Labour showdown episode.
Absolute Kino
This was definitely not a coincidence, drama incoming innit
Based Labour will win
Whoever wins, we lose.
Will be watching on +1 lads, tell me if anything good happens
Just like in real life soon
>Morrisons Christmas advert
Please die.
get a job, lads.
Reminder to vote Vanessa to stay in once the eliminations start
Is this tonight trial
>the asylum tree.
shes a top qt but does fuck all
What have you got your mum and dad for Christmas bros?
Managed to bag some Peter Kay tickets before the scalpers. Can't stand the cunt but they're worth it.
Nice to see the rare arboreal poojeets are coming back in numbers
Can't fucking stand this Thompsons or whatever they're calling themselves now advert
But she hasn't done anything
no personality
built like a builder
But she's in the Saturdays though lads
shes the non white one
Stanley going to fail this desu
If only there wasn't any fire under that spit for Keiza.
hate this old cunt
is he like a middle aged person trap? My dad is normally together with his tastes, but he loves Peter Kay, even his shite stand up
peter kay is top tier british comedian
Why is Kez being such a bitch?
tom ridley
absolute state of that
i think shes ruined her career
They haven’t seen Chamber of Secrets lads lmfao
Wtf i hate stanley now
I will never hate Stanley but I disliked how he was for remain 2bh
Why is Kez only putting one at a time through, she should have been putting loads through so he can fire them off quickly
cant wait to see toff console stan
what? im doing my best
Stanley is fucking useless lads.
He had loads lying around him
It's her Labour nature coming through. If she was in there with Amir she'd be sucking his dick.
He had a few out of reach, she should have emptied her section of balls
>trying to stir up another brexit argument in a imaceleb thread
It's not an argument, he was and is very pro-remain as a former MEP.
I hate Stanley and how he was for remain
Why wasn't Kez throwing them?
Who fucking cares?
i wanted to do it with him
fuck off you clearly cant stand him
>is very pro-remain
Because he is intelligant
And throws like a girl
The Apprentice kills this thread, where are the rest of my Beckyposters at?
Reporting in
right here, you pathetic soyboy
>only 22 posters
state of /imaceleb/
its apprentice night
sad user
No one completed this "Where's Kiosk Kieth?" from last thread
We're watching The Apprentice m8
here we go
amir and iain fucks over the other campmates
>It's the first time I've been a cat
>Dec's height deniers BTFO
5'6" confirmed
>all these anti-Brexit Iainfags
LOW ENERGY thread tonight lads and it's because of you
Amir is clinically retarded
They dislike being reminded of Brexit that's why they get upset.
>Metrefags blown the fuck out
Imperial system wins again.
ITV using Electroshock Therapy to try and cure iain's depression, baka
This whole challenge is mad bantz, Amir is actually funny fuck
>Sly Cooper soundtrack
They licensed that?