Who are some actresses whose careers fizzled out immediately?
Why hello there
No problem, since she's Darth Vader, Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Wan Kenobi, Luke, Han Solo and Leia she can just switch to one of these others instead.
Does this mean Kennedy's is going to abort future sequels that she planned recently? Is this the end of Disney's reign?
>implying this bitch will have a career after SW
>implying she won't do whatever Disney tells her to do when the time comes
She just plays hard to get for a higher wage.
I just wonder when Disney will do episode 10, just two years later after the third spin-off? Does Rians trilogy replace the normal films and it becomes a six year hiatus? Maybe a onger hiatus through more spin-offs and/or spin-off trilogies?
Either they kill her off then in IX, have her disfigured like Vader as to end up in an identity-concealing suit so anyone can play her, or they pull some wacky force shenanigans where she's like comatose or killed or something but her soul gets transplanted to another body.
Or, Disney just doubles her paycheck and she sticks around.
I hope to god the next trilogy wouldn't even allow for her characters existence
Well of course, it's not like she gives a shit about SW, she's a cunt.
She'll be forgotten after 9 anyway.
Make her character older, recast Ridley.
Or better yet, leave the OT era altogether. Give us something new.
Digits don't lie
Porg spin-off when?
This career owes her role entirely for her dad's connection or whoever's dick she sucked. The girl isn't attractive and can't even act. She had never seen Sta wars and never cared about what it was, it was just an opportunity to make it in Hollywood. Now SW is dead and she just want to move on with other movies. Fuck this bitch.
>people really thought this wouldn't be yet another trilogy and the episodes would continue indefinitely when you can easily churn SW stories
Of fucking course she will be done with SW after IX, you dense cunts.
That's just a limp negotiating tactic.
>Ridley: Ughh I don't want to be typecasted, I wanna be known more than just Star Wars
>Iger: Here's another 0 in your check
>Ridley: Oh I am so energized to be Daisy for another trilogy!
RDJ did this a few years ago after Iron Man 3, so did Chris Evans. Daniel Craig made it sound like he was so done with Bond we almost expected EON Productions to announce the next Bond last year.
If Star Wars movies still make bank she'll be back, she understandably wants to be cut a big fucking check.
women just aren´t that into infesting time into one thing to get good at it or to start a career
Dude Disney has already confirmed that Rian Johnson is crafting the 4th Star Wars Trilogy.
There's no stopping the Disney train.
>so did Chris Evans.
Chris Evans hates a lot of the promotional stuff around doing marvel movies. They gave him a pass on a lot of that stuff. He's absent from premieres and some press tours. They basically went easier on him and became more accommodating toward him to get him to do it.
Kylo confirmed for redeemed, new (and sole, rather than sharing the role) main character, and only Skywalker.
Y'know, it's nice to get news like this that I don't actually care about for a change. Losing Rey and them having to write around it doesn't bother me at all.
What will bother me is if they redeem Kylo and/or kill him off.
They need to keep at least Kylo or have her die giving birth to their child (pottery), or else the Skywalker saga is basically over, and that's what really sells. This really could kill the franchise or at least greatly reduce it's lifespan and interest. So many people only care about 'saga' entries.
Set in a different time, in a different corner of the galaxy. So, not a continuation of episode 9
Carrie Fisher
*5th star wars trilogy
Kathleen Kennedy wants to make more movies with Rey, Finn, and Poe in addition to Rian's trilogy.
>the Skywalker family saga is done after episode IX - JJ Abrams
It's over for all of them.
Underrated post.
>snoke does shit in the 9th movie
>snoke is the ultimate evil, rey is the ultimate good
>both are reincarnations of the original personifications of the force
>rey fuses with the force because mary sue
>force explosion
>gigantic space boom with giant blue beam reaching across the cosmos
>kylo: truly the force has awakened and the force is female
That's how it'll end. Kylo establishes the New Republic and New Jedi Order, taking Luke's place. Vong are the next trilogy.
Come back in 2 weeks when the normies will react to the movie. Rian is on ejectable seat. Remember Trevorow? He was doing 9, but then his Book of Henry bombed and was panned by the critics. KK took her phone to replace him with JJ, ( the safe bet) LOL. That trilogy is a disaster and whatever happens next will be too, because KK is a secretary who made her way into production by sucking SPielberg's dick.
How the hell do you redeem a guy who murdered Han Solo.
Oh no, don't tell me he's going to be the Arthas of Star Wars.
we'll see her again in 30 years for episode 10
next main character better be male, but it will probably be some other tranny or dyke
Of course she does
RIP Star Wars
She has no say. If she's done after IX, that's only because they have a different idea for X.
Finn will become Kang of the galaxy in Rey's absence. Screenshot this.
Arthas is nothing original though
Wow can't wait for the rest of her not happening career
Sounds like a shit career move. Star Wars is a nice gig.
He murdered him on cold blood and we don't even know the reason. He wants to be dark side, we do'nt even know why he was pissed at this parent. The level of writing of JJ and Kasdan. Mystery box, we'll figure it.
Like that's his call to make. He's a glorified babysitter. Most likely he's trying to maintain ambiguity as to how IX ends, since as far as we know Kylo is the last Skywalker, and saying literally anything else basically ensures his safety and/or procreation.
If Disney really 'ends' the Skywalker saga with IX then they are fools, and that's one of the few things I would never call the Mouse. Rogue One, for example, still broke a billion but was nowhere near as profitable as TFA, nor did it's merch sell anywhere near as well.
The Skywalker saga IS Star Wars.
Plus, they already announced X-to-XII as far as I'm aware, even before this side trilogy.
No, it will be Rey and Finn's halfnigger son who identifies as asexual.
I thought Abrams was already dropped for ep X?
the next trilogy is clearly going to take place 30+ years later and be about a new group of grey jedis originating from her and kylo's teachings
she has no reason to appear at all other than as a force ghost
Adam Driver returning for a fourth movie is less likely than Daisy coming back
i'm fine with her leaving, i want a male main protagonist
how does he know about spinning
Very carefully? I'm not even sure what sort of answer you would accept, to be honest. The writing is on the wall though. Han isn't going to have his death end up meaningless by his last loving gesture being in vain and Carrie/Leia isn't going to die with her last and greatest wish (his salvation) unfulfilled.
I honestly don't see how anyone could possibly be so genre blind as not to see it coming.
I just mean I think Arthas's heel turn was so fucking stupid, I mean I hope Disney can write stories better than Blizzard but really after seeing 7 I just wanted Kylo Ren to be a full blown monster.
To me it's like having Norman Bates become a "good guy" at the end. Why is does the Fantasy Genre have such a damn hardon for Villain redemption. We've already had Vader redemption and Vader never did anything as cowardly as pretending to see the light and then murder his father during a hug.
>it is escapism, people running around with fucking lasers and shit
Daisy confirmed for new Alec Guinness
He's replacing Trevorow on episode 9
We have her likeness in SFM. She's free to fuck off now.
they'll just find another doll to exploit and a nigger to be Hollywood's new pet
Nah, I can actually see him being around for a long, long time. I could be wrong, sure, but as good an actor as he is, he was largely a tv actor and is never going to be James Bond or anything of the sort. He is too 'unconventional' looking and has a particular 'type' of role.
Daisy, being british and having tits, is at least assured roles like she has in Orient Express for the rest of her career, even when she is old and decrepit.
Driver will either stay a Skywalker/Solo, or slowly fade back to tv roles.
because they have big foreheads
>Daisy, being british and having tits, is at least assured roles like she has in Orient Express for the rest of her career, even when she is old and decrepit.
She has no tits and is already doing minor roles in movies thanks to Disney trying to give her some credibility. She will vanish faster than Keira Kinghtley after POTC. At least Keira could act.
Except Alec could act.
I want to strangle kathleen kennedy to death
You can spot all those street signs really fast.
>At least Keira could act.
what? he makes 3-4 movies every year since the force awakens. the guy didn't really rest.
From all the promotional shit she's done, she looks completely out of it.
I think she got red pilled too fast.
she will for the money. even when she's 60.
They did with Vader and he did much much worse things. so i don't see why not.
She's change her mind when her roles dry up, be it naturally or because she pissed off the Mouse. Same for Driver if he gets ideas.
I mean, look at how it worked out for Hamill, Fischer, Hayden, ect, and that was just Lucas. Star Wars isn't the golden ticket into being a leading actor that these fucks seem to think it is.
>doesn't want to
Hasn't she signed a six-movie contract for like 200k? It's the entire reason Disney went with a literally-who in the first place.
Doesn't matter. You can be butt ugly, but oddly, the british seem to look after their actors and actresses. When she's in her seventies she'll be getting classical parts.
read the article
is daisy unironically retarded
heh her soul belongs to disney now, she doesn't have a choice
Disney isn't dumb enough to continue with Rey's story after Episode 9. Unless there's some great nostalgia for her character years in the future. She isn't much of an actress and I doubt she will get many roles after the end of this trilogy.
Seriously...check out her attitude from months before Episode 7 released to now. She fuckin hates it.
If they do write of Rey and the Skywalkers, then she'll probably sacrifice herself in Episode 9. Kylo builds a new Jedi Order (since Driver is the only one who cares) then build eps 10-12 off of that.
Star wars or not, shed have never been leading man material. She's a black hole of charisma, and reeks of self-entitlement in all her interviews.
She's your average brit slag being propped up for six years while the trilogy is being churned, and that they'll drop as soon as it ends so that they don't need to pay actors big salaries in the future.
Once you go Disney, good fucking luck getting a good role ever again. But, I mean, I don't really care anymore, it's 9 episodes of Star Wars about the same fucking story line, when there is so much more they could build off of. It's also pointless for me to even pay to see it because the day it comes out every thing that exist will be talking about it. So you will know everything that happens in the movie without even seeing it.
>since Driver is the only one who cares
Is this true, though? Sources? I'd like to believe it, as Kylo/Ben is the only thing I can see keeping me interested in future movies, but I get the feeling he is just a professional and not an idiot. You can almost see the ambition to move 'beyond SW' in all these younger actors.
She feels like that because she's too lonely, too cold. She still hasn't met me :)
Does she not realize she owes the maus more than they owe her
dubs 7's
Her face seemingly only fits in a plot/role that's beyond her looks... good luck to her
Seems about right.. Didn't know she was british. Makes sense now why her looks are so washed out and bland
>A refurbished Star Wars is on somewhere or everywhere. I have no intention of revisiting any galaxy. I shrivel inside each time it is mentioned. Two years ago, when the film was first shown, it had a freshness, also a sense of moral good and fun. Then I began to be uneasy at the influence it might be having. The bad penny first dropped in San Francisco when a sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen The Force Awakens over a hundred times. His elegant mother nodded with approval. Looking into the boy's eyes I thought I detected little star-shells of madness beginning to form and I guessed that one day they would explode.
>"I would love you to do something for me," I said.
>"You won't like what I'm going to ask you to do," I said.
>"Anything, lady, anything!"
>“Well,” I said, “do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?”
>He burst into tears. His mother drew himself up to an immense height. "What a dreadful thing to say to a child!" she barked, and dragged the poor kid away. Maybe she was right but I just hope this young lad is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities anymore
sounds very Korra esqe
Give Disney 5-10 years and they'll announce Star Wars Episode X
>then build eps 10-12 off of that.
They have already said that the Skywalker Saga ends with Episode 9. They're going to start fresh with a new trilogy that has nothing to do with the Skywalker line. The current rumor is that it's related to the KOTOR era, but I doubt it will be an exact retelling of the characters we already know from that franchise. Another rumor is that Revan is being retconned.
They already did, they announced X XI and XII a couple of months ago.
>X XI and XII a couple of months ago.
No they didn't. They announced that Rian Johnson is doing a new trilogy, and that it has nothing to do with the Skywalkers, which means it's no X-XII
biting the hand that feeds. her talents will not go far. she will tank like that fat kid that played anakin.
women DO this
Aside from his terrible struggles with schizophrenia, the kid who played Anakin was actually a good kid. He just had a lot of mental health problems.
Does she not realize she owes the maus more than they owe her
Kennedy said there would be more movies with Rey, Finn and Poe. That was a few days to one week before Rian Johnsons announcement.
Makes sense, it seems unpleasant to be stuck doing franchise pictures forever.
>Kennedy said there would be more movies with Rey, Finn and Poe
No she didn't.
Whats the deal with Evans? The dude's very mysterious
I'll try to find the article but right before TFA came out they did an interview with Boyega and he said something like "Yeah Adam takes this role extremely seriously, he keeps his helmet and robes on even when he's not filiming".
It would've been fucking amazing to see Kylo traveling around the Galaxy finding artifacts with Luke (Obi and Anakin)
Is it a sad state of affairs when the villain is actually the best character in the movie?
Except nobody cares about Rey so they'll probably just kill her off. She's an actress, her value drops exponentially each year. They'd probably care more about Kylo or even Finn leaving.
>actor gets involved with McFranchise
>McFranchise isn’t LoTR so its shameful
>actor at first likes the attention and completely baseless praise, knowing full well they’re just a puppet for a studio’s money making scam
>insufferable families act like you’re a role model and what you to be surrogate mommy/big sis surreptitiously to their kids in the public’s eye even tho you’re a stupid coke whore
>beocming a much bigger coke whore with time and “maturing” aka need to get serious roles because no one needs you for other McFranchise entries
>exit gracefully
Affleck is doing the same thing, Bale and Nolan subtly did the same thing with the cancellation of Batboy Faggot’s sequels. Every actor who isn’t autistic or completely schizo doesn’t want to be involved with tainted genres and mcsequel machines like Marvel or Disney or SW or anything else like that. Its tiresom, Emma Watson has no career, Radcliffe has no career, Johnny Depp’s fucking career is over because of Jack Pissy Drunk Sparrow. These roles ruin actors. You people have the forethought of beetles
>How Star Wars: The Last Jedi's Rian Johnson Came Up With The Porgs
>Rey is a force being reincarnated to bring Kylo back to the Light.
>Born 15 years later than Kylo (when he started turning)
>Kylo returns to the Light in Episode 9 with Rey's help
>Rey's job is done, sacrifices herself to kill Snoke and save Kylo
Screencap this
>"No, no, no. I am really, really excited to do the third thing and round it out, because ultimately, what I was signing on to was three films. So in my head, it's three films. I think it will feel like the right time to round it out."
What did she mean by this?