Has anyone seen it? I think it is really interesting, regardless of whether you think it is "sjw propaganda" or not. It raises many interesting points.
Documentary about the impact of the character Apu for Indian-Americans
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wtf I hate indians now
were there ever even any jokes abot apu smelling awful, shitting in the street, or being a scam artist? they should be happy for that at least
why do they hate immigrants so much?
>may interesting points
like what? name them if you saw it shillboi
The problem with Groundskeeper Willie.
> Main character is a white American who is fat, lazy and ignorant
Do they at least address this?
> It raises many interesting points
Like what?
>The problem with Krusty The Clown.
They're making a big deal over nothing. I mean, is there a single Simpsons character who isn't deliberately offensive?
>deliberately offensive parody of the average American father
Chief Wiggum and the entire police force
>deliberately offensive parody of the police
>deliberately offensive parody of Scottish people
Grandpa and pretty much every old person character
>deliberately offensive parody of old people
>deliberately offensive parody of every workplace's second-in-command
They might as well just make "The Problem with the Simpsons" subtitled "Clue: I'm a humorless fuck"
This. If it admits that Apu is not even close to being the only stereotype i might watch it.
As an Indian American I FUCKING HATE all these lil bitches who act like white liberal soyboys
Only pussies get offended by this shit
>Shows Apu as hard working, brave, integrates into American society well, and learns American history and goes out of his way to become a legal citizen and doesn't have a criminal record
Who is racist now? Indians actually talk like him
No, I'm not particularly interested in watching a rich, privileged American complain about how a cartoon hurt his feelings.
Scam artist kinda
whats the deal with indians always talking on the phone at gas stores. WHO ARE THEY TALKING TO AND ABOUT WHAT!?
Maybe in a future episode Apu will yell at Marge to open bob and show vagene. That is, if the writers don't immediately make an episode where Apu leaves forever in response to this so they can maintain SJW cred.
see documentary The Problem With Chuck
from what i heard years ago: the indian-americans were actually ok with apu even if its sort of a racist caricature : they were appreciating the little representation they could get .
ok this is funny again
how about the impact of our noises that we have to smell them all the time?
I like how you put sjw propaganda in quotes, as if it's something silly when the show you post is exactly that.
>the problem with Apu is interesting, raises many interesting points
I think I'll pass.
>The problem with Cleetus The Slacked Jaw Yokel
why do they bitch constantly about Apu but never mention Willie or Krusty or Cletus or any of the other ethnic stereotypes in the show?
I don't know, but I don't like it.
neither do I
Chutiya goray ko please karna chhoro
Ye kuttay tumay nhi accept krnge
Whatever, Groundskeeper Willy is a worse stereotype. Apu is a pretty admirable character.
Cab drivers do the same shit.
Haven't watched the documentary, will later when I'm bored but I'm guessing the answer is because Hollywood has shown Scots, Jews, and Country People in positive ways many times before.
American culture has never really focused much on Indians or Muslims so our view of them is frankly built on stereotyping. I literally don't know one single Indian and I live in a major city. So when I think Indians I think Slumdog Millionaire, the autistic character from Community, and Apu.
But the onus falls on culture at large not the fucking Simpsons.
I did a 12 hour drive from new York to north Carolina for thanksgiving and all 4 gas stations I stopped at had Indian guys working there.
If you don't want to be stereotyped then stop being stereotypical.
they use some loophole to sell the shops among family so they can get tax breaks for startup companies. thats what someone told me at least.
Spy has helped me understand more about Indian culture. I watch the apu trilogy because he was named after them. I learned about there deity ganeish. I have a better understanding of there culture than I would have not knowing about apu.
This dude seems ljke he’s embarrassed by being Indian American but just keeps using the cover of being offended to hide it.
>the autistic character from Community
not Indian
you don't understand what's it's like to be paeet in America, my dad couldn't even top 400k this year
>It raises many interesting points.
Like fucking what?
>It raises many interesting points.
Oh wow, totally not a shill.
Reported for advertising.
inb4 can't announce reporting
Indian people are super social and will literally scroll through their contacts and call up people and have conversations with them about anything and everything. Then after the call has ended they'll just call someone else.
I used to think it was a side-job. They were scam telemarketers and would be calling people to "fix their windows computer" while ringing up lottery tickets.
I can hear your gay numale lisp through the screen.
>I think it itsth really interethsthing
can someone do joe camel and felicia day please?
Literally played by an Indian. Dan Harmon is a fucking hack for labeling Abed a "Palestinian." Undoubtedly just did it for liberal goodboy points.
Pakistanis and Indians are worlds apart from Arabs for crying out loud. I'm a fucking White Male and even I know that.
I work at a gas station and all my coworkers are indian
>Thank you come again!
came here to poast this. Good work, user.
Apu was a thing because Indians taking over industries programmatically was and is a thing. Look into Indian medical fraud. Try to get a job at a business run by an immigrant: that immigrant's blood relative employee will tell you they are not hiring. Not only is there no mainstream discussion of this, but now "being offended" is being selectively used to preclude any.
The only negative impact that I'm aware is idiots using the Apu voice to make fun of Indian descendants, the character itself isn't offensive just wacky like any other simpson character, I can understand how someone may feel offended by the character but all characters from the simpsons are made to be offensive, that's what makes them funny.
I watched it.
It's not very entertaining or funny, I feel like it was only made for the creator's own pleasure and nobody else's, but he seems pretty open about so whatever.
I thought I was gonna hate it but it was actually alright, can kinda understand their angle for disliking the character. None of them hate the show or think it's racist other than one guy as well as talking about how everyone gets it (Cletus, Bumblebee man, Italians, Willie) , but the main problem with it was that there was no other Asians on screen at the time.
There's a few instances where the guy verves off course to lowkey imply Hank Azaria is a massive racist and liar, like where he states Hank Azaria came up with accent by himself despite having the flimsiest evidence. There's also a bit with Whoopi Goldberg where he's pretty misleading, making out Apu sometimes randomly bursts out into songs, similar to old minstrel shows with a cane and whatnot, despite it only happening once and that pretty much every character has done on the show.
It's really not worth a watch honestly, but I was pleasantly surprised still.
I thought you guys were extinct.
Yep. I think we are done here
the problem with "Fat" Tony
I didn't even bother reading the thread because I know it's full of triggered white boys.
Just watch the Master of None episode "Parents" if you want a real perspective on this topic. It's on Netflix.
This. Indians are the worst people by far
Honestly, I don't understand this white boy mentality of "what about all the other characters!?".
First of all, the documentary actually addresses the fact that there are many stereotypical and offensive characters in the Simpsons. But they were focusing on Apu since they are all Indian people discussing it. Would you really want an Indian to discuss whether Willy is offensive to Scots?
I'm illiterate in all Indian languages and only understand a regional dialect from Goa
Dot not feather
No, but the point is that Scots don't care about Willie, because it's just a fucking joke.
>Go for a road trip across the US
>Stay at various motels
>Every Days Inn manager sounds like Apu
yeah Apu is portrayed as a normal indian man.. right?
Most of them are alright with it being a joke and shrug it off, it's just them talking about their childhood's where to only person of their ethnicity in pop culture was Apu.
They even address the point of them taking the piss out of nearly all ethnicities and sub groups too.
>some indian guy is trying to makie money off of talking about a simpsons character
I suppose he's fortunate that the Apu character exists if it's going to increase his income
How can you be so buttblasted about a cartoon character from your childhood you make a documentary about it all these years later?
Who gives a fuck about what Indians think. They will continue to be a laughing stock until they stop shitting in the streets and being overall a garbage people.
Highlights at 2, 5 and street shitting at 8:30.
Is there an episode where Apu goes to the cinema?
I mean he own his store and has a wife and many kids so he seems pretty well off.
He's doing a lot better than the grounds keeper porridge wog that's for sure.
El problemo with Bumblebee Man
I wonder people on Sup Forums realize this a post made by a promotion agency, they are trying to reach tech indians who browse Sup Forums
t. former shill
But Indians only come here to post about capeshit
There are probably more Indian Amercians on here than you think, this is a great place to advertise this documentary as their target demographic of highly educated Indian men with disposable income are likely over represented
>Just watch another whiny brown millionaire pretend to be persecuted if you want a real whiny brown bitch perspective on this topic
I'm gonna take a hard pass on this one
Best sneedpost of the past 2 months. Nice job, user.
>Owns his own business
>Has a wife and family that loves him
>Treated as an equal by other Springfielders
>Speaks with an accent
Holy fuck! How deplorably racist!
nobody cares aziz
I've watched it...
So when do white americans start bitching about Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin?
Fuck this hipocrisy
>tfw unironic white australian hindu and have visited south indian ashram & temples many times
r8 my gullibility or hyper intelligence
We're living in an age where there are people actively trying to destroy comedy now.
Indians immigrants hate Apu because he reveals uncomfortable truths about themselves. Most Indian immigrants to the U.S. come from the wealthy upper tier of Indian society and have a hilariously inflated opinion of themselves, of their intellect, of their culture. When they come to America the first thing they realize is that absolutely nobody gives a shit about their beloved history and customs. They realize with horror that even dumb white slobs look down on them because Indians are greedy and conceited ripoff artists, their religion is kind of stupid, their accent is annoying, they smell bad, and they have no social skills.
This is accurate. They're a very conceited and two-faced people and they seem to develop an inferiority complex when they're hit with the culture shock that all white people tend to look down on all nonwhites regardless of class.
>Holy shit my sides
>their religion is stupid
no Christfag/Pagannigger its actually the only religion smart people like
>all whytes look down on anyone whose not them
sounds like racial supremacism
both the character and the actor are half Polish half Arab
Thank god someone could breathe life into this toxic meme
I never had an opinion on pajeets until I worked a wagie retail job. They're the pickiest, most stubborn, smelliest group of people I've ever come across and they ALL do the head bobble shit
>sounds like racial supremacism
Yes and?
I'm sure all those Indian immigrants running Wendy's chains, hotels and convenience stores across the Midwest will truly identify with these brave comedians born and raised in doctoral households who went to private, mostly white schools in the Northeast on their parents' dime.
Truly brave, highlighting the issues that matter, such as trivial racial jabs spurred from a cartoon caricature that their rich white friends used to joke with them about to break the ice and ease the awkward air. Thank God for them for giving a (very white sounding) voice to the poor, underrepresented Indian community they have little to no actual daily interaction with.
Idk why having an accent is considered racist. I get if it's an exaggerated one and out of context, but Apu is an immigrant. Many immigrants I know, including my parents, speak English pretty well but still have accents. If anything, it's accurate and goes against being "too PC" and in turn making the character unrealistic. Yeah there are immigrants without accents but it's retarded to always be afraid to portray them that way.
>These people sound white so their opinions can't be valid
Man you really are some advanced form of simpleton
Oh shit nigger what are you doing? That's one of the worst cable networks out there. They make A&E look like distinguished journalism.
and so people might take extreme offense to racial supremacism and want to change it regardless if its seen as alien or invasive or destructive to that society. if might is right and the ingroup is allowed to murder or torture or imprison or enslave another group by de facto then other groups of course will seek to do the same with total justification and white supremacists whining about it is as boring and tasteless as kikes and loos whining about it you dumb sophist faggot
Younger generation poos are ashamed of their parents accent, that's why. Or anything that reminds them of their homeland. Ever notice how they always try so hard to speak without an accent?
Exactly. I have a southern US accent so I'll roll with the banter when called a fucking hick when traveling abroad. It comes with the territory. I really need that pic of the American guy who was going to sue some brits because they bullied him too much. Fucking lighten up people. It's called a joke.
>Waah might makes right but white people shouldn't fight for their rights in their countries
It's always the second generation, isn't it? Just underscores that diversity is a lie. Nobody hates anything worse than the feeling of not belonging.
Thank God for you for connecting two unrelated trains of thought for simple humor's sake to misrepresent what I said in order to stand up for those poor NYC comedians. They are real salt of the Earth people in tune with the issues facing the community they pretend to identify with for karma points.
It's just like when someone famous equally as out of touch with the reality I face every day as a common Joe espouses things I'd never think or say as if it was basic fact about everyone my race/gender/religion/nationality. I just fucking shit myself with glee every time a rich and famous person gets on their soapbox and opens their big, stupid mouth about the injustices in the world.
I don't get it though, they'll always be a shitskin so there's nothing you can really do to make yourself more appealing.
This, I'm from Fargo and people always ask me to say "You betcha". I roll with it and give it in return. It's called banter and fun. No need to get upset over something so trivial.
Indian immigrants hate other Indians because they all realize how much Indians suck, that's why they moved away in the first place. But for some reason they think that non-Indians don't hate them as well.
Yeah. It doesn't help that their culture fetishisizes white skin, with creams that lighten skin color and shit. Or that they're all short fuckers. It all just contributes to a lot of self hatred.