The holy trinity of Super Hero movies.
Will anything ever top these 3?
The holy trinity of Super Hero Films
Other urls found in this thread:
>no mcu movies
The absolute state of dcfags
Spiderman 1 is better
Willem Dafoe is the GOAT
spiderman 1 and batman begins already topped those two lmao
Logan sucked though.
I'll give you that, but MoS is 4th just behind
TDK is leagues above any other super hero movie.
Mainly because it isn't one. It's a Michael Mann crime drama with the batman name slapped on.
Spider man 1 and batman begins is better
Maybe one of the early wolverine movies, Superman Man of Steel, Dark night
The only kino film in your trinity is dark knight
Replace DK with Batman Begins.
Come at me.
Logan is shit, you and your kind have to stop pretending it's any different than your run off the mill capeshit.
I feel like you confused the names.
>Man of Steel
>can't spell Knight
>thinks any Wolverine film was good besides Logan
No I didn’t you retarded ape faggot
I feel like you confused your ass with your brain
Fucking stellar list.
While I disagree with your opinion, I completely understand why you may feel this way.
>Willem Dafoe is the GOAT
He sure is.
not him but, boy you're edgy
how old are you user? 16?
Take a seat and calm down.
>not him
So you’re a faggot and a liar?
I’m 22 so you’re wrong again lying faggot
>take a seat
I’m already sitting you retarded faggot
Logan is overrated. Swap it with another of Nolan's Batman films, or Iron Man 1 and you got the holy trinity.
Superman 1 & 2 get honorary mentions
you're right
Logan and TDK were among the ten best movies of their years according to National Board Review. Spiderman wasn't.
Superman 1978 was too.
where is my Tim Burton batman?
Absolutely plebian
Logan was fucking boring
I would rather have watch Superman 78 again than Logan
Please stop.
Superman (1978)
Batman (1989)
Spider-Man (2002)
>I feel like you confused your ass with your brain
you mean brain with his ass, right?
It was pretty good
The true holy trinity:
Batman Returns
Logan was great compared to the usual capeshit. Every Spiderman movie ever made is just complete and utter garbage because the character is complete shit and TDK was just plain stupid like every other movie that centers around a mortal, fighting organized crime on such a scale, with muh martial arts and some gadgets and not getting killed by a .50 cal, an IED or a RPG.
The only truevcapekino in existence is watchmen.
The Incredibles
Fight me.
Logan is better than all Batman shit and That shitty spiderman movie. It's major downside is you have to have watched the x-men to be invested in Wolverine and Xavier for it to hit you in the feel
Spider-Man 1 > Spider-Man 2
Replace Logan with TDKR and you've got a solid trinity
it did. 2 Wolverine was better.
Would I be wrong in assuming you own some Funco Pop figures?
Honorable mentions: Batman Begins, Watchmen
X-Men: The Last Stand, Thor: Ragnarok and Guardians of the Galaxy are the best superhero films
When there was not black guy agenda and being a black protagonist was cool.
and a guy who wears a batsuit and a cape and a villain who dresses like a clown in addition to a guy who had half his face scarred with acid and flips a coin to decide whether or not to be evil. sounds just like heat or collateral.
>TDK better than Batman Begins
I understand why it was more acclaimed but now years later it's obvious that BB is the better movie.
X2 > spoderman 2
>The character is complete shit
Just piss off with that non-argument.
>I was bitten by a radioactive spider now I have super strength and durability
How about you go fuck yourself
why don't they just mass manufacture those spiders and have all of humanity get bitten by them to make a human race of super people?
Do you really want niggers to be super people?
Yeah, they would be perfect as slaves.
Fucking marvirgin. Two marvel movies and gets assblasted cause one isn't in the bloated shit universe where every movie is the same shit regurgitated 3 times a year
Spiderman 1 holds up much better. It feels fresher and livelier than the sequel which covers the same territory already explored in the first movie. In many ways, the sequel is redundant.
Because it was an illegal immigration ad dressed up as a super hero flick, also a black farmer? I thought they hated picking cotton.
Spiderman 2 is worse than The Phantom Menace
The Phantom Menace wasnt even bad compared to the capeshit being pushed out now
Batman Begins was significantly better. If Heat Legend hadn’t died, no one would care about TDK.
I prefer Spiderman 1 over Spiderman 2 honestly. Also the Dark Knight wasn't good.
Ah, that explains it
Don't really get sexy posters likes spiderman 2 anymore. Back when I was younger, that shit got me hyped
Spiderman 2
xmen 2
xmen dofp or first class or Logan or Deadpool
Jesus christ the xmen series is kino
Remove Logan and put Watchmen or Unbreakable in there
Spider-Man 1 and 2 are indisputable. The Dark Knight earned its spot. Logan is trite horeshit. What the fuck is it doing among two infinitely superior movies.
Logan was alright and properly finished wolverines story. It was kinda boring and slow but it was worth a watch.
That’s the same thing dumb shit
It was ok. One of the best X-Men series but not in the same league as TDK, SM2 or BvS.
I would add Batman Returns to that lineup
replace with the Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy
Okay, someone needs to post a couple screenshots from the movie with that fucking blu-ray logo on the side of his head. What fucking retarded placement on the box. They couldn't bring his head down a tiny bit to compensate?
i thought the logo was also shaved into his head
>thinking BvS was anything worth talking about
fuck off and die
Bro where do you think you are
if something is popular, it's nothing other than shitty and appeals to lowest common denominator regardlesss of if it does or not. If something isn't popular, then it is only because it is secretly amazing
>having watched both of those movies
fuck yes Darkman is so good
>batman over watchmen
Logan has a terrible second half. Replace it with Iron Man and you have a respectable list.
Got to rewatch this in a theater earlier this year, had totally forgotten that line. The entire room loved it.
I like how you slip BvS in after two universally loved movies in hopes people wouldn't call you out
>Winter Soldier
Replace Logan with Superman 2 (directors cut) and you got it
>winter soldier
Might wanna give that one a rewatch fella
In for the Logan thread
At evil as the Goblin was, Dafoe made him somewhat sympathetic as well. You can see that it's a tragic human under the suit, someone who could be just like Spider-Man if he wanted, but he only wishes to lash out instead of build up.
There is not a SINGLE MCU movie where the villain is like that, they only shoehorn the villains in because there needs to be an antagonist.
Spider man 1 and 2 were definitely big hits and received well, especially during a time movies actually had standards.
Get this weak ass bait out this manor league bait thread.
>Heat Legend
Was this his porn name?
Fuck off and die?
I'm inclined to agree but I might swap out Logan for Pic related,
Why are the Hellboy movies so under rated?