is it actually good or is it just YAAAS SLAY QUEEN the movie?
the racist white cops get btfo
hope this triggers u
movie is unironically woke
is it really SJW bullshit?
Legitimate 10/10. Doesn't feel like there are any good guys at the beginning and everyone becomes better through the film. Go see it
Its a great film about the grey zones of morals. Do you think just because it has a female-centric character its some diatribe on feminism?
No. All of the "police brutality against blacks" memes in these threads come from like 3 lines which are meant as a joke. The film isn't about that at all.
oh ya?
too bad its only a movie and in real life they shoot and beat whoever they want on camera and still get aquitted
There is one character with 4 lines who is the main character's black best friend who is so fucking token it hurts. That is the only SJW shit in this movie.
Racist white cop saves the day and people on twitter complain about him getting a "redemption arc"
Actually good.
... are we going to name what film this is or is this like the early Infiniti car commercials?
>wahhh, muh dindu should be allowed to run away and resist arrest and cops have to let them go
Three Billboards outside my Ability to Care
...are we able to use reverse image search or will we continue to be spoonfed like all those Marvel films you like so much?
Kek kek
Soyboy soyboy soyboy soyboy
Soyboy soyboy soyboy soyboy
Soyboy kino of the year confirmed
Why should I go to any lengths just to find out what the fuck you're talking about?
Do you make a thread to encourage discussion or stifle it?
Omg what a soyboy amirite?
>Cop refuses to give up doing his duty even after authority smites him down
>Decides to kill a man for acting subhuman
>hates black people
MOfag here.
Gonna go see it tomorrow.
Ironically I had never heard of this movie until it was airing.
Sup Forums, let's face it...and I'm not being funny. I mean no disrespect, but you're a cunt. You're a cunt now and you've always been a cunt. And the only thing that's going to change is that you're going to be an even bigger cunt. Maybe have some more cunt kids.
>clicking two buttons
>my time is precious! dont waste my time
this film might be a bit too much for you then
Hahahaha nice defense soyboy!
It does a great job of defying expectations. At first it feels like what you described but the character progression is executed wonderfully and maturely.
If you haven't seen it yet, and don't even know what movie it is, what could you possibly have to add to the discussion?
couldn't stand the main actress
everything else was top notch. another dwarfkino from mcpaddy
Be humble. Sit down.
LOVED the first 2/3ds of this film. unfortunately... it really slowed down by the end...
>you're an old cunt!
>i'm not old
and i hoped they would find a guy who killed angela. also, what's with the ambivalent endings to every single film lately?
>Rockwell reading the letter from Harrelson
pretty hacky all the way through desu