> Have WB creat DC studios
> solely to create movies.
> Have it be producer driven.
>Geoff Johns be DC's Kevin Feige
> Hire animated movie writers
>Fire Joss Whedon
>Give DC Studios full creative liberty
> No more WB interference.
>Fire Jared Leto get better Joker
> Tone down seriousness
> Doesn't need to be so dark
> Doesn't need to be like Marvel.
How to fix DC
Any other ideas?
>Geoff John's
No, Feige's not a writer or an editor. He's a producer, he understands how the movie business works behind the scenes.
DC needs an independent studio with a producer at the helm, not a writer.
Besides, Geoff hasn't written anything good on years.
kill Snyder
problem solved
Just release this already so we can all go home.
>make Wonder Woman 2 so the normies shut up
>wait for 10 years and hope people have forgotten
>try again but this time don't fuck it up
He's the closest DC has that I know of.
Unless you know of someone else.
He has lots of great comics, like aquaman he could help build the DCEU.
I think normies would buy the idea of "dc studios" being the solution even thought they had less freedom than nowadays. most normies I know bash non disney marvel movies (even Deadpool or Logan) because they are not "marvel"
make Bruce Timm architect of all that
It doesn't have to be someone the fans know or who worked for the comics company. Nobody knew who the fuck Kevin Feige was before the MCU and he's never worked for Marvel's comics division.
A producer doesn't need fan recognition. WB doesn't need to find somebody that the fans know, they need to go to the Producer's Guild, get a list of names and line up some interviews.
>Bruce Timm
Are you sure about that? Don't say things you can't take back.
Timm is past his prime, he's not making good material anymore. Maybe if you reunited him with Paul Dini, but good luck ever getting Dini to come back to DC.
IDK, let's look for a fat guy, with glasses and neckbeard, obsesed with DC with almost encyclopedic knowledge about the comics, with experience in direction and able of make conected movies.
Put that guy in charge just like Feige
I have no idea why nerds think Johns can effortlessly transition to film producing. They are completely different skill sets
why? he wrote the Arkham games
He liked Justice League. Really liked it. Unironically. He saw it twice in theaters.
Keep in mind that these are the same people that want to cast models and wrestlers instead of actors. They only have a superficial understanding of how it all works.
>Geoff Johns be DC's Kevin Feige
This fucker is responsible for the Suicide Squad and JL production mess, retard
>Make Wonder Woman 2
>It also sucks and they fuck up their only success so far
Make Bruce Timm be creative supervisor for all movies
>>Geoff Johns be DC's Kevin Feige
>How to fix DC
send flash back in time to warn bruce about money hungry ceos who don't care about artistic, creative integrity
Dini's always had a rough relationship with Warner Brothers, going all the way back to Batman: TAS. He's always been a bit outspoken about executives interfering with the creative process so getting him on board for DC movie studio would be a hard sell.
Which is a shame because Paul's got a talent for understanding what makes a character fundamentally appealing, which is something WB sorely needs right now.
He couldn't fill a Feige role, but he could be a damn good script supervisor.
>>Geoff Johns be DC's Kevin Feige
>> Doesn't need to be so dark
this is the guy who wrote SUPERBOY tearing people apart and whose Watchmen sequel comic is full of gratuitous violence. Do you really think he's not on the same page as Zack "Zod's Snapped Neck" Snyder?
Some scenes are great, like the big battle from the past, but part of the cast is bad and the plot is weak, I really think Steppenwolf isn't a villain for Justice League, would be better wait and keep Superman dead in this and bring him back against Darkseid in a sequel
>>Geoff Johns be DC's Kevin Feige
>> Hire animated movie writers
this is a troll right?
Well Snyder wanted Batman to be raped in prison.
Ok so no Geoff Johns as a producer.
But he could be a writer and help build the DC movie Universe.
so apparently it was all PR from the beginning while snyder's been a good boy and played along this whole time
the more time passes the more and more i cannot say a damn thing about the man.
>>Geoff Johns be DC's Kevin Feige
make it Bruce Timm then we're good.
>Fire Joss Whedon
>Well Snyder wanted Batman to be raped in prison.
that was an example of an actual 'dark' situation, contrasting it with nolan's movie where bruce goes to prison beats dudes up then joins secret ninjas and blows up their house
you have to rely on twisting his words, but the context here is the comparison of what is and isn't dark, batman begins -> cool, raped in prison->dark
there is a greater irony present in how people complain about this quote but miss a lot of mostly unspoken details in BvS
What skills does it take to be a producer?
Johns might work as like an architect, working in concert with someone who knows the technicalities of movie production. Johns drives the characterisation, overall plots and arcs.
thanks for that user. I just want some guy or team like the Timm/Dinni duo to make DC shine
>Unspoken details
Everything is either so on the nose it is impossible not to get it (HES LIKE JESUS SEE HOW HE PUT HIS ARMS OUT WHEN HE FELL BACK?) or he sacrifices character and story to set up his references or cool shits. He has good visuals and is ass at literally everything else.
>> Tone down seriousness
You don't have to do this. No one complained Nolan' s TDK was too serious.
The problems with DC films so far is not that they are too serious, it's that they are terrible.
better fix: have disney buy DC
>Everything is either so on the nose it is impossible not to get it
not true, otherwise you would pick up on the irony of people's reaction and twisting of zack's batman rape quote in relation to how batman... operates in BvS
take for example lex luthors "no man in the sky intervened to save me from dad's fists and *abominations*"
and how later superman stops the punch of the creature luthor himself unleashed
its a simple mechanic here, tying a character's dialogue to later events in an ironic way, yet something so 'in your face' that's present throughout the movie in general got 'missed', despite being so 'in your face'. why?
that sort of framing is in the comics, the man himself has said that they took that from the comic books, they didn't add it or make it up when making MoS
it's been shared here a lot, but clark's framing against a stained window has a direct precedent in the comics
Just let the directors do whatever they want and stop dicking the fucking movies, the same could be said about Disney tho.
All of this except toning down the seriousness and firing Leto. Leto did a fine job in a bad movie. And the film makers should decide on how serious the movie should be. Mandating one tone is bland, especially given the range of DC characters.
I see nothing wrong here except that it offends shippers who like Barb with Dick
>Watchmen sequel
This is all anyone needs to know that he's a fucking hack
I bet he would want to adapt that shit in the movies too
there's a meaningless plug for johns' current work in JL
It's shit because she's shit that should die alone
For more proof Timm has lost his touch, look at the recent animated movie
>it's shit because I have autism
Oh okay, user
Which is the latest? Cry losing his touch all you want but Gods and Monsters was amazing. Though I'll admit I'd take Dini over Timm
Harley Quinn Batman crossover
gods and monsters was amazing because of harley ass
>> Tone down seriousness
>> Doesn't need to be so dark
So more le epic quips like justice league? No.
Whedon has always sucked
that was the interesting thing about BvS, it played its premise straight
Marvel is basking in the glow of happiness and you DCucks continue to bitch and whine about how you fix DC.
I fucking piss on your graves!!!
>Tone down seriousness
>Doesn't need to be so dark
kys. If DC is going to be succesful they should do it extremely dark. Even darker than the source material to be honest.
I just came home from watching the latest Thor, and with every ''serious'' moment they just had to put in a fucking gag. Marvel really is the worst.
Didn't he work with Donner?
Funny way to spell Paul Dini and/or Alan Burnett
> Tone down seriousness
> Doesn't need to be so dark
> Doesn't need to be like Marvel.
these contradict each other
>moment they just had to put in a fucking gag
something that people get twisted here is that they take statements like this to mean that 'humor' is bad, the point here is that incessant jokes take you out of a movie
>Well Snyder wanted Batman to be raped in prison.
He didnt, but you already know that.
Johns is an absolute moron. And he has been cancer to DC movies since 2010
Not only nerds, Warner hired this idiot to be the head of the DCEU, so you now understand how Warner don't know what they are doing
Warner got him his job at DC, he has always been "their guy", he is the insider of the executives.
or they could just stop. one retarded universe is bad enough.
I wish they would do this and focus on animation and videya
Which movie/episode was that? Need to download the rest of the animated movies.
most of the animated movies since flashpoint or whatever have been absolute garbage.
Instead of Geoff Johns replace him with Timm and instead of Leto's Joker it should be Luthor that needs to be recast.
>Luthor that needs to be recast.
i want them to take what they have with lex in BvS and the post credit JL scene and take it as far as they can
>Really liked it
No, he just "liked" it.
Right? People bitch too much about new things. If they had introduced younger millenial Lex in the comics, autists wouldn't cry as much
this. The hack as failed 4 times, when will WB learn?
the character just doesn't feel like Luthor, back in the Christopher Reeves' Superman movie it introduce a completely different Luthor from the comics. This Luthor played by Gene Hackman was not an evil scientist trying to get revenge on Superman because of his baldness (Superboy caused Lex to go bald when he was a teen), this was a Luthor that wanted to make a fortune in real estate, it might sound silly but Hackman was a way better Luthor than "millennial" Luthor (who is trying to be a cheap imitation of Heath Ledger's Joker with his mannerisms and quirkiness).
>Geoff Johns
Fuck no. Cereal Man needs to stay the fuck away.
Gene Hackman's Luthor was a joke. And EisenLex and Ledger Joker are nothing alike. Their mannerisms are nothing alike, their motivation is radically different, their dialogue and style of speaking are nothing alike. Compare any two scenes from both characters.
EisenLex is a better Luthor. He's a mad scientist, criminal, and businessman. He's reflective of modern tech genuises. He lords his intelligence over everyone. He hates Superman for the best reason (his own sense of inferiority).