>CGI gets wor-
CGI gets wor-
2015 Thanos looked fined, wtf is this 2018 bullshit
2018 - i am heavy weapons guy?
Looks like a video game.
>fucking Marvel poo cgi AHAHAHAHAHAH *inhales* dood *scratching cheeto dust from microdick* AHAHAHAHAHAA
He looked cooler with glowing eyes and more purple skin
no it doesnt.
He's supposed to look like a buff, purple homosexual, right?
I guess he's okay. Almost as intimidating as Enchantress, maybe.
Why is he different shades of purple?
better than steppenwolf
He changes flavor as his Xbox achievements accumulate.
Did you forget about your SoyGI?
His tan faded
Those lips look so soft and luscious.
I'm only bothered for the normal eyes he has now, also want the helmet but he might get that after.
Infinity War or Web of Shadows for the PS3?
Ron Perlman has a brother?
>being this mad over capeshit
Both are fucking garbage and you're a idiot for taking sides in comic book movies
Feeling a little insecure there fella?
If I'm honest, Gunn's Thanos was best. Especially that vicious smile at the end as Ronan is walking away.
>"Take this nigga seriously...please?"
That's cavill's real mouth, you moron.
And more importantly, what happened to his crotch?
>implying he ever had one
*consumes soy products daily*
I was talking about Marvel Final Boss™.
he doesn't need one, he is definitely a bottom
Why does his chin look like the elastic sleeve of a fleece sweater?
>thinks this board's going to be high-fiving each other in solemn anticipation of ultimate capeshit gang-bang
>dominated by purple grapefruit bantz instead
t. soyboy
Only soyboys obsess over this meme, can't fool us with that projection.
I've always hated that his eyes look too human. In the comics his sclera is black and his pupils glow blue or red.
>n-n-no YOU
The absolute state of DSoy fans
Your use of asterisks suggests you are the one consuming soy products daily, not what you intended, I don't think. To suggest the posters to whom you are responding are the ones consuming soy you should've used greentext (put > in front of your text). I gather from this mishap you are rather new to this website, and although I appreciate your attempt to fit in by posting shitty memes, you don't seem to be very good at it. Might I recommend you go back?
Does anyone have the CGI of Spiderman gliding or wonderwoman and the airplane, I'd appreciate it
so is he blue or purple? can they not make up their mind?
I 100% agree with this fellow DC bro!
i agree. though i like how russo's cgi looks in general, it has a very fluid and natural look to it. but the colors seem too off and the eyes look too different. but maybe it's the color in the specific scene.
don't compare web of shadows to this paki turd
don pearlman
He keeps looking more and more human, he’s a fucking alien, go all out
Definitely looks better now. Actually has presence on screen. Gunn's was OK too.
I don't watch DC or Marvel films. I happened to see the post I was responding to on off chance and felt a sense of obligation to help the newfriend adjust - offering some helpful advice. To be honest, I gather you are being sarcastic? You've named yourself SOYBOY and you are calling me fellow DC bro - intending to impute that I and DC fans are soyboys. It's a rather underhanded trick. It ascribes a particular trait to a vilified group then tries to lump me in with them to further an us vs. them mentality. It's highly damaging. I really, really would prefer it if you'd go back.
t. soy
they fixed it finally. heres the new pic
Why are the directors names there and not the movies? This image makes no sense. Do you honestly think Any of the directors actually had a hand in designing thanos? If anything you should have whomever disneys head of marketing research there
yes it does faggot.
>Goes from huge purple alien to Bruce Willis but orange
>"Definitely looks better now"
he changes color as he gets stronger
Oh, you've responded soy again. It's a meme which attacks men for a lack of masculinity, something to which most men are acutely sensitive. Of course, to deny it makes me appear defensive which makes me seem like I am sensitive to it which makes me seem like I do lack it. It's a very effective meme for that reason, like U MAD? before it and other variations. Mostly I just dislike people who engage in this kind of carry on because they use memes in place of wit because they can't actually come up with anything witty or intelligent and memes provide ready-made stock phrases. Further, though, your use of the meme is probably also damaging for you in the long run, as within the meme is a certain discourse about what a man oughta be, and if you don't actually fit that idea you're unconsciously contributing to feelings of insecurity and self loathing. This'll be my last autism post trying to give you so guidance so you can enjoy the lousy last post I know you desperately need to feel good about yourself. I wish you would go back though.
this actually doesn't look that bad
It's called different lighting retard
Ooh, user, that could be controversial. The last thing you want is for it to seem like Thanos is an ambassador of the lgbt community. Especially since marvel has yet to have an lgbt hero in the mcu...
>the more stones you get the more human you look
What did Marvel mean by this?
Yeah, right.
2018 Thanos looks fine to me. I like it.
THIS HOWEVER IS SOMETHING ELSE. Why can't they just get him a real suit?
How do these work?
you have to go back soyboy
thanks for admitting it capeshitter
Looks legit good.
Looks much better than the cartoon villain Steppenwolf from Justice League.