Will it be the new animu kino?
Will it be the new animu kino?
Probably, the original was good and I liked that first anime series they did so hopefully Castlevania was just a blip.
Castlevania was so shit
I heard the reviews for the first three episodes are good. It has a defined end so they can't really fuck this up like Samurai Jack.
Any other adaptations or continuations of this that are good? I finished Devilman Lady but was meh through most of it
Castlevania didnt seem that bad, short and kind of aimless but otherwise entertaining. Then again, Ive never played those games.
Read the manga. It's edgy crap
>one armed guy literally dabbing in the bottom right
Netjewcks shills will literally defend this. Anime is truly dead.
That is weird to include her on the poster.
Probably not, considering how fucking good the original mango/animu was.
Theres was such fucking purity in the cruelty and EDGE Devilman had.
>will it be the new animu kino?
No not a chance, the best anime in the past 5 years only came out a couple of months ago
You're joking right? That anime is garbage.
it'll be competent but largely forgettable
> Doesn't like made in abyss
The OST alone made it fantastic, as if the plot wasn't already great.
Wasn't even the best anime of it's season. And it was a bad season.
Devilman is a pretty beloved series, and Yuasa is one of the big director names that people remember nowadays, even if some don't like the style he uses.
Plus this looks to be one of the only reasonably faithful adaptions of devilman out there, since it's on netflix they can get away with a lot more shit from the original story that would normally be censored or cut entirely.
>dude edge and pedophilia lmao
ironic-weeb reddit tier show
Oh man I can't wait for the orgy scene from the beginning with Yuasa style.
This has nothing to do with CAstlevania shit, this is directed by Masaaki Yuasa and with the original author involved.
> anime has harsh elements in a harsh place but always places focus and emphasis on the fact that the characters will overcome their hardships and keep moving forward with hope.
> Edge
Fuck off with this buzzword shit.
Why didn't they used the same guy who draw Devilman in that 009 crossover?
end yourself meme lord
There's going to be S2 with did nothing wrong guy.
Yeah that's what i thought when i first looked at it and then i properly watched it.... nope its actually fucking great
Music, artwork, worldbuilding is all top notch
Characters are actually likable and the world is super interesting.
The 'edgy' moments are all really effective too, if you go into this blind episode 10 is like being repeatedly punched in the face after a warm bath
Its a top top anime
literally kys, the state of Sup Forums contrarians are worse than on Sup Forums
>the state of Sup Forums contrarians are worse than on Sup Forums
Does Sup Forums hate it? They literally translated the manga. Or do they just hate it because it's popular now and got an adaption.
A lot of people on Sup Forums will just hate shit like this if it becomes the hot new thing that season.
The people who like it are always quieter than the people who rag on it.
>anime has ridiculous over the top gore fetishism that goes on for tens of minutes and children forced to crossdress and put in bdsm situations and boy robots that get erections when they grope their furfag friend
dude i'm so avant-garde lmao
i could never find an eng sub to the original
>lol look at this mary sure loli and her robot slave
yeah bro top notch
>lol what if we took a children's show and shoehorn gratuitous amounts of gore and sex to make it """mature"""
hecka fr**king EPIC
> My delicate sensibilities!
> Mary sue
> Would have failed on her journey multiple times if it weren't for Reg, and has still fucked up and gotten injured due to her mistakes and/or the mistakes of others
> Robot slave
You contrarians will just make up anything to go along with your hate won't you? What exactly makes him a slave? He literally has nothing better to do than to help his friend out, added bonus he also gets to find out where he came from.
>character design decides the target audience
> show has children in it
It's not even really good after the first 3-4 episodes. CG is shit, animation quality drops too much and the pacing is shit.
Hope it ends with apocalypse it's probably gonna get a different end than manga
>character who gets carried through the plot by absolutely no virtue of her own
>indestructible deus ex machina robot meme shota
shut up and post luluco, lulucuck
>show has gore and sex in it
>it must be a mature show for intellectuals like me :)
The first few episodes were great. Then it became a boring slog.
p/a/ls, please stop being baited so easily
>if i disagree it's bait
the absolute state of Sup Forums contrarian contrarians
>mfw you capeshitters can't defeat Altair.
my interest just died
Fuck you, Jojo and Drag Meido are kino
>calling any anime "kino"
that image really hit home huh, kid? how many cropped porn images do you have ironically saved on your ironic hard drive to attach to ironic posts?
what's her power besides fluid druidism
Devilman is objectively shit. There's a reason Mazinger Z became Go Nagai's most popular work
We truly were the Re:Creators©
literally who?
>Mazinger Z
literally what?
>Go Nagai
>literally who?
is re:creators re:lated to re:zero
btw i hate that fucking generic blue maid
>not knowing what Mazinger Z is
fucking kill yourself Gen Z shit
>comes into an anime thread without knowing the topic that's being discussed
I'm going to fucking kill you with my bare hands for saying something about about Rem you fucking sack of shit.
come at me nu-reifag i'm behind 7 abusive tsunderes with a warm color scheme
I expect this to shit but I hope we finally get Shin Mazinger Great-hen
i just don't think it's a great mix of material and team, plus the art loses a lot of the dynamism of nagai's inking (which imo is really the draw). it'll be like the recent lupin stuff, well made but with no staying power. doesn't have the panache yknow
Not them, but is it really that hard to admit that you don't like it because the "edge" part makes you squeamish? I mean I was pretty much triggered with Yukkuri abuse initially but it's never meant for children so what's the actual harm?
She is basically Doctor Manhattan by the end of the show.
>We truly were the Re:Creators©
Remove "anime" and you've got pretty much every single person on this website.
>a masterpiece of Japanese fiction is getting an adaptation funded by Americans for the first time in decades
>instead weebs are arguing whether their flavor-of-the-month seninshit is edgy or not
or maybe i don't like it because of the reason i said and i'm not lying at all? oh wait nobody who dislikes your shitty meme show is telling the truth.
it's just a generic kids show but Sup Forums acts like it's high art because a few kids get abused. only good thing about it is bonedude.
omg did they kiss that's haram
You do know Devilman already had OVAs, right?
They are fucking great too.
>first american anime adaptation in decades
It's pretty good but the manga is more enjoyable.
They are gonna create the YuruYuriverse.
should i watch the show? is the sexual violence of the high impact variety?
Meh, looks like a 1:1 adaptation of Devilman, which is kind of underwhelming and almost pointless given how the entire Devilman franchise is just an endless groundhog-day style loop for Satan. Also, while I like how the monster designs fit with Nagai's original, I can't help but wonder where Jinmen is. He's just as iconic as Psycho Jenny or Sirene's Beta Orbiter.
I enjoyed it but its really not about action, its about the creative process people in the anime industry go.
Just disguised as a 'Oh noes! Animu/vidya/novel chars invade the world and one of them wants to raep the world'
Sup Forums has a real love hate relationship with it because 90% of the predictions they were doing during it literally got btfo by the show.
I said give it a try but prepare to for it to get slow by the middle of it.
How do I know you're not memeing right now? Every single discussion thread at Sup Forums about the show are overloaded with detractors and counter shills.
>Arm clearly held up by chains
Fuck this gay bait/earth
>No sideburns
Fuck off
how do you know i AMmemeing right now? how do you know that those detractors and counter shills don't actually just dislike your show?
mfw Netflix remakes an american live action version of Attack on Titan.
Because the frequency of postings don't feel organic and offer just parrot specific aspects without providing actual discussions. It's really off putting.
Why does anime have to be so fucking gay man, like why can't there just be a good anime thats not gay as fuck.
Homosexual tendencies are inherent in male dominated cultures. You're just brainwashed if you think that gay males are strictly effeminate.
>Devilman already had OVAs
Birth of Amon was like 20 years ago and DM vs 009 isn't a real Devilman series. This is the closest thing to a TV series that the franchise has had in almost 40 years.
>he doesn't know how to read
The absolute state of burgers
>without providing actual discussions
i was on Sup Forums during the time mia was airing. the "pro-mia" side was basically full of
>if i don't agree with your criticism it's not a REAL criticism
>your opinion isn't a REAL opinion
>your discussion points aren't REAL discussion
and if you actually tried to explain why the over the top violence detracted from the show they would just insult you and call you a kid.
you act like an obnoxious cunt and others will follow suit, desu.
I've just been fired and want to get back to NEET life. What good anime aired this year. Any genre I watch anything.
Go full JoJo.
I was in the minority then, because my experience is the exact opposite. Maybe I got in when the backlash is going against the pro side. In any case I'm sorry to accuse you of simply memeing; i know now that you're genuine.
But I never said that user, you must be a fag.
Welcome to the NHK. Also just lurk on Sup Forums.
If I am, so what? Are you really insecure that you need to watch 100% "not gay" anime?
Nigga wanted a current animu mang, also watch Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou and Kino Travels.
See now, your taking everything I type literally.
If I have offended you're weeb ways I am sorry, you fucking faggot you.