Best and worst Bond films?

Best and worst Bond films?

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I have decided to watch all the James Bond films from beginning to end, this is because there's a lot of the older ones I haven't seen. I have just finished On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and have already seen all the Brosnan and Craig ones along with Moon Raker, A View to a Kill, and The Man with the Golden Gun.

Out of all those I like Casino Royale, Golden Eye, Tomorrow Never Dies, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, The Man with the Golden Gun.

Thunder fucking ball
For both

Thunderball wasn't good, it was an overly long, badly paced and boring chore of a film.
Goldfinger was 10x better.

Best: Goldeneye
Worst: Spectre

Best: Moonraker
Worst: Casino Royal (2006) (but I haven't watched any other of Daniel Craig's, so maybe they are worse)

Goldfinger is the worst!

Casino royale is kino

IMO Goldfinger was really, really bad, even for its time. IMO the best Connery Bond film is From Russia, with Love.

It deliberately abandoned everything that made Bond films good. It's just some generic action movie now.

Who else /pleb/ here?

I have only watched Goldeneye, Casino Royale, World's Not Enough, and Skyfall.

I want to watch a bond movie that isn't too ridiculous like World's Not Enough but idk where to start.

>From Russia, with Love
aside from the scene where bond only survives
because his foe is damn stupid it is great, and yes the best SCB

Right at the start! Till the end!

Live and Let Die is a riot.
>Those funky funeral scenes where the black people dance with a coffin to kill people
>Bond using alligators as stepping stones
>Black guy with clearly fake metal claw hand
>Bond inflating mr big to death with the shark gun and saying 'He had an over inflated opinion of himself'
>Baron Samedi's voodoo shenanigans
It's the first film I show to people who have never seen a Bond film before.

best: on her majesties secret service
worst: the world is not enough

Quantum of Solace might be a good film, ruined in editing.
But as it stands it is the worst, with best girls though.

Saw Goldeneye that everyone praised of the Bosnans and it was shit
There better be better ones

Living Daylights is the perfect Bond movie!

The fact that that post implies Moonraker is the best should tell you it's bait

Yeah but kino

who cares

Casino Royale 2006 is shit!

The one where Jamal Al-Bondi fights with the Mujaheddin

God Tier: Goldfinger, From Russia with Love.

Top Tier: The Spy who Loved Me, Goldeneye, The Living Daylights, License to Kill, Dr. No, On Her Majesty's Secret Service (Might have been GOAT if Connery had played Bond)

Good Tier: Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, For Your Eyes Only

Shit Tier: Diamonds are Forever, All the other Moore films that weren't mentioned previously, Never Say Never Again,

Reboots don't count tier: All Craig Films.

WTF are you even doing?/2 hour long BMW and Watch commercial tier: All Brosnan films other than Goldeneye (which was mainly good because it was written for Dalton).

On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Casino Royale
The Living Daylights

The Man With The Golden Gun
You Only Live Twice
For Your Eyes Only


I always thought this too like if it had been a half hour longer it wouldve improved the end result

Living Daylights. One of the absolute most kino Bond films.

Dude, mein negro. Live and Let Die is the best background movie to play during any occasion. Everyone forgets too that Moore was originally picked for Bond, not Connery.

why was Dalton only in two films?
also, nobody does it better is the best bond song.

Best Bonds

1. Connery
2. Dalton
3. Lazenby
4. Craig
5. Moore (had two good movies)
6. Brosnan. (only had one good movie)

Are you basing it off their rendition of bond or the quality of their films. Cause brosnan might make #2 for me

its 10/10 like goldeneye, they're both directed by the same dude too. Quantum was wank but the moment they steered towards the "roots" again to cash-in off of the 50th bond anniversary his films are shit
>both the GOAT bonds only had one solid film

The ones with the Daniel Craig are the worst.

Pretty much this, I'm happy I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Moore was a great bond. It made me laugh how in each scene of him where he was relaxing he would be wearing a different dressing gown.
This international spy when on missions to take down crime lords would make sure to bring multiple fucking dressing gowns.

It was fucked up at the time.

They originally wanted Brosnan but he was doing Remington Steele. Dalton had been approached when he was in his 20s but said he was too young. He was approached again and agreed to take the part since Brosnan couldn't. Dalton absolutely crushed it from the get go. He did all of his own stunts and brought the character back from Moore's comedic stylings to a gritty realistic borderline alcoholic who didn't care if he died in the line of duty as long as he got the mission accomplished. Dalton also carried the source material around on set and won arguments with directors on how Bond should be portrayed.

In the end, Remington Steele was cancelled, Brosnan was a available, Dalton got fucked (even though Goldeneye was written specifically with his version of Bond in mind), and after Goldeneye, Brosnan brought the character back to Moore comedic levels.

Spectre is way worse.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Casino Royale
From Russia With Love
The Spy Who Loved Me

Jesus Christ how much of a brainlet can you be?

As a lifelong Bond fan, Spectre is a huge insult to James Bond

It's a classic Bond movie. Just a poorly written, lifeless classic Bond movie that ruins everything the reboot saga sought to do and brings things back full circle.

I just finished Diamonds are forever, like two minutes ago. It's the worst James Bond film I've ever seen. I don't even know where to begin. Blofeld in drag, that moon landing set where the astronauts were fighting in slowmotion while everyone else was moving around normally, stupid car chase scenes, that ending scene with the cake bomb and that assassin coming at bomb with flaming Shish kebabs.

Is that the one where they're having the boat chase and they're ramping out of the water over chunks of land back into the water?

>Casino Royal (2006)
Spotted the pleb. One of the best films and maybe the best.

Top 007 Tier
>Dr. No
>From Russia With Love
>The Spy Who Loved Me
>Licence To Kill
>Casino Royale (2006)

Good Tier
>You Only Live Twice
>Live and Let Die
>The Living Daylights

Mediocre/Average Tier
>Man With the Golden Gun
>For Your Eyes Only
>World is Not Enough
>Quantum of Solace

Camp/Fun but Shit Tier
>Diamonds are Forever
>View to A Kill

Just Shit Tier
>Tomorrow Never Dies

Die Another Day Tier
>Die Another Day


perfect list.

Dude, Diamonds are Forever is complete shit tier. Watch a better Bond Film.

Jill St John = Worst Bond Girl

That's literally what I just said. I'm watching them all in order because there are a lot of the older ones I haven't seen.

I'm getting ready to start Live and Let Die, but I've seen that one and The Man with the Golden Gun already. But I'm going to watch them anyway.

Not joking, this is one of the best bond movies

I would disagree with some things, but it is definitely the most wholesome list ITT.

Casino Royale is great when it isn't trying to dig deeper into the character of James Bond. I loved watching Bond get on the trail of Le Chiffre, and then it dumps a love interest on you and drags the rest of the movie through the gutter.

I don't like that the world of James Bond seems to keep getting smaller. Blofeld isn't a shadowy mysterious criminal mastermind, he's Bond's dickhead half brother. Bond movies aren't detective/adventure stories anymore, they're just action movies.

In Skyfall was the old caretaker originally written for Connery to play? It seemed like him introduction on screen was supposed to have some dramatic impact but the actor isn't known or significant within the movie franchise?

Anyone ever find it was supposed to be Connery in Skyfall as the caretaker?

Alright, I had to pause the movie and come back to this thread to comment on this fucking claw hand in Live and Let Die. I totally forgot about that shit and it looks so awful.

even weighting IMDb User score, LetterBoxd Score, RT User and RT Critic the best is Casino Royale and the worst is A View to Kill.

A view to kill isn't that bad though, it's campy but fun. i recently watched On Her Majesty's Secret Service and that was pretty shit from start to finish. there were some really oht babes at that clinic but the subplot with Bond impersonating the lineage expert was very dull

oops this is the pic i meant to use

mendez is bullshitting that he changed his mind, but it's clear they wanted kincade to be connery so badly

>On Her Majesty's Secret Service and that was pretty shit from start to finish
you have to go back

cold war is over, bond movies can't work anymore

people said the same thing before goldeneye
and casino royale

Why does he always order a margarita shaken not stirred lol

Not him, but I thought the movie was kind of dumb, but it was still fun. I really liked Lazenby. The way Sup Forums kept talking about it, I thought it was going to be this incredible film and it was just alright.

Ah, my bad friendo. You're entering middling Moore tier now.

It will be worth it when you escape into Based Dalton and Living Daylights.

Dalton > Connery > Craig > Moore > Lazenby

Top 3 Girls By Hotness
>Maryam d'Abo
>Jane Seymour
>Claudine Auger

Top 3 Opening Songs
>You Only Live Twice
>Live and Let Die

I wouldn't call View to a Kill the worst Bond film but at that point, Moore had run that shit into the ground and it seemed like he was 70 years old. The critics at the time were getting really worn out by it.

OHMSS is objectively the best Bond film

I think that would only really be reflected in the RT Critics score, but having had quite a bit of time since then for the online ratings, i'm not sure that makes that big of a difference

I mostly agree with this. I would slip Brosnan in between Connery and Craig since you left him out. I also think Moore goes last, because Lazenby wasn't that bad.

can you explain your reasoning? I watched them all this past summer and it really didn't stand out for me.

It had a great story and acted almost as a proper origin. It laid down the foundation of Bond vs Blowfeld and told the story of why Bond will never settle down again. Also in a way explains the alcoholism and panty chasing nature of the central character.

The only flaw is that Connery did not play Bond, Lazenby nailed it though. It is like watching Blazing Saddles, knowing that Cleavon Little killed it as Bart but always wondering what if Richard Pryor had played the role as originally intended.

The Spy Who Loved Me had the best opening song, the best opening credits and the best opening scene with the ski chase.

Casino Royale and Skyfall were the only two good Craig ones. Quantum was some great moments couched in a bad movie. Spectre was shitty and not in the enjoyable way.

Goldeneye was the only good Brosnan one. The rest were varying degrees of poop. Tomorrow Never Dies was the least enjoyable as a movie--at least Die Another Day was campy retarded fun.

Moore movies were slightly better than I remembered. Live and Let Die could've been a lot better but was still enjoyable. TMWTGG was pretty good. Spy was actually pretty retarded for how much it's fondly remembered (and the villain was crap). Moonraker was Die Another Day-tier campy retarded fun. For Your Eyes Only had a lot of good stuff going on. The last two were abject shit.

The Lazenby one isn't as good as everyone thinks, but it definitely has some of the best cinematography out of all of them. I also liked how it restricted the chase scenes to one very long one toward the end so that the plot could breathe.

Didn't rewatch first 3 Connery yet. Thunderball was mostly good. You Only Live Twice was retarded fun. Diamonds Are Forever is campy retarded fun. I forgot how much Bond liked shlapping bitches.

It was good.

Damn forgot Brosnan. I grew up with him, but after rewatching these, I would probably put him above Moore. Craig fits well into his movies IMO.

That opening scene is definitely great and I do enjoy the song.

>sees Diamonds are Forever and YOLT for his first Connery films.

dude what? go fucking see the first 3 Connery films you absolute donkey

>Didn't rewatch first 3 Connery yet.

You're in for a treat when you re-watch Goldfinger and to a lesser degree, From Russia with Love.

He said re-watch the first 3 Connery films.

>Spy Who Loved Me


Die Another Day level shit
>Die Another Day

With Connery era I'm going backwards. Then I'm going to watch Austin Powers.

Brosnan goes after Moore. Take off your nostalgia glasses. Moore had two good films, Brosnan had one, Goldeneye, which was written specifically for Dalton. When Brosnan had full control of the character, it became campy Moore 2.0 lengthy car and jewelry commercials.

From Russia with Love?

Casino Royale is by far the best one and even it's ok at best. From Russia with Love is by far the most overrated one and an outright bad movie.

Not sure about worst, I remember kinda liking every one of A View to a Kill, The Man with the Golden Gun and Die Another Day when I was younger but I have absolutely no intention of watching any of those again because Bonds really aren't very good films. Also Brosnan is the best Bond.

It's hard to deny Skyfall and Casino Royale are excellent.

Brosnan films are all pretty terrible, except Goldeneye, which has some great stretches. Oh, and, although the absolute worst, everything before the Madonna song in Die Another Day is pretty good.

Favorite Connery is From Russia, With Love for some reason. They're all good, but I fuckin love that one.

Moore ones are just plain fun. Who doesn't fuckin love some good Octopussy?

I can take or leave Dalton.

Lazenby one is boring as shit, but I say that having not seen OHMSS since I was maybe 14. That was a decade ago - I should give it another shot.

I love the Bond series, though. Lot of fun, even at it's worst, with some actual great films sprinkled in.

Can't take Man with a Golden Gun seriously with that stupid sound effect they added to the car flip and the stupid redneck too

That's why I think after Craig's time as Bond is up, the next reboot should be set in the 60s/70s.

I read each movie's imdb trivia on the shitter afterward. Tomorrow Never Dies was the first one to FULLY build its budget with fucking product placement. I remember how much we were inundated with Brosnan in car/watch/whatever ads back in the day. You're right, his movies were just overblown commercials.

>From Russia with Love is by far the most overrated one and an outright bad movie.

The only argument you have here is that it is the 2nd film, there were no gadgets, and they didn't nail the winning formula until Goldfin-

>Also Brosnan is the best Bond.

I've been trolled.


100% agree with this, or just set it in its own time and place outside of reality. The problem is Bond movies are and always have been very much products of their time. Each one unabashedly references whatever's hot at the moment. The series has gone on for so long, that they should just hire a young actor, stick him with a 20 year contract, and redo all the novels but set in a nondescript time period.

I. . . actually think you might be on to something there.


I've always preferred from russia with love

Brosnan is literally objectively the best Bond and only retards with nostalgia goggles disagree. Brosnan is straight from the books.

I honestly don't know what people see in Skyfall. The plot is downright retarded. Now Bond movies had retarded plots and plot devices before. But they had the courtesy to not take themselves seriously. Skyfall is dour as fuck.

The only shitty thing about Spectre was the villain and his motivations. Everything else was good.

>Best girl
>Best henchman
>Best M

Best: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Worst: Die Another Day.

I feel like Dr. No doesn't get enough love. I think it's the most solid movie on its own, way better paced then even the later Connery ones.

i was baffled that they killed silva in such a fucking retarded way. he deserved a better death scene and not some BOND OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE THROWS A KNIFE AT HIS BACK.

This was what I thought when I first watched it. After a few years, the next time I watched it I appreciated all the little nods to the previous movies, I liked Moneypenny, the climax (although kind of asinine) was unique, and it's one of the most gorgeous movies to look at.

But yeah, Chigurh's whole plot is one of the stupidest fucking villain plots in a series filled to the brim with stupid fucking villain plots.

Wow, wrong on three accounts, any other insights?