Holy shit I'm literally tearing up Sup Forums.
We grew up with these Marvel movies and this will be the culmination of them.
I've never been so hyped for a piece of media in my entire life.
Is it the same for you too bros?
Avengers Infinity War Trailer
Fuck off with your capeshit
Next time use the catalog.
Underage leave
>We grew up with these Marvel movies
How old are you
>never been so hyped for a piece of media
>He wasnt here for LOST and BrBa
Fuck off underage also capeshit sucks dick
looks as shit as the rest of them... you guys are so dumb falling for disney's musical manipulation of emotions. so fucking dumb.
>No X-men
>No Fantastic Four
>No Adam Warlock
>No Magus
>Half the story focuses on le magic epic black people and how AFRICA RULES AND SAVES THE WORLD
>other half is le epic 80’s joke space man
I hope they get Infinity War right in Phase 25
10 years and 18 movies
>expecting positive feelings from here
>for a popular brand
This time it is not an offense: you need to go to Reddit to actually share your excitement.
>Holy shit I'm literally tearing up Sup Forums
Your entire post literally screams shill
Go back to plebbit and take your shekels with you
I did get teary eyed. that Avengers theme is just so good.
Well, Iron Man came out nearly 9 years ago. Someone who was 10 when that came out would have pretty much been raised by those movies and could post here without being underage.
I'm unironically hyped as fuck, this shot got me so excited
I'm surprised that Captain America still front and center, I thought straight white male old-fashioned american heroes were out of style?
vibarinium claws Nomad
Is that solid snake?
>those same 3 extras copy pasted in the background
I mean, I'm hyped, but that's borderline Hobbit
Who would you cast for a movie based on this?
Is Captain Memerica Big Boss now? Is he going, "nuclear"?
>hyped for yet another capeshit movie
It's not nearly as noticeable as what Hobbit did.
Ironically, I think they would have got away with it if they had stuck with the armor guys. It's the big dude with the bandolier thing that's giving the game away.
Why is Iron Man a black girl now?
Thanos and Spiderman look like total garbage
My nephew was 11 when Iron Man came out. He's started/ing college.
You idiots do realize 20 year olds now were 11 when Iron Man came out right?
>Solid Snake
So you are just repeating shitty comments from reddit/youtube/facebook without actually knowng what you are talking about? No need for that, there are no upvotes here.
I don't know or care who half of those fuckers are, and neither does the majority of the world, nigger bitch.
>M-my safespace!
>tfw was in 20's when iron man came out
where did it all go bros. dont get old
Same. Was 22 when Iron Man came out. I was already shit posting here too.
I'm not ready for Vision and Cap to die.
Crying is a bit much but as a guy who was comic obsessed as a 9-14 year old, it's pretty awesome and Im very happy about not. Not 10 years ago and the best a comic fan could ask for was Spiderman vs Doc Oc (which is a very surface level story). I could never dream of some of my favourite more grand and obscure stories like Infinity War actually getting a legit movie.
Im nearly 30 now with a family so it's not as insane as it would have been 15 years ago but god damn if it doesnt make me a happy man.
Steve Rogers has adopted the identity of Nomad and is leading the Secret Avengers, formed by Black Widow and Falcon. Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye and Ant-Man went their different ways. Ant-Man is not in the movie in any significant way.
Steve and his team have minor roles. Early on, they rescue Scarlet Witch and Vision from the Children of Thanos and send them to Wakanda so Black Panther and his sister Shuri can extract the Mind Stone from the Vision and guard it against Thanos. When Thanos' forces invade Wakanda in the end, they return to help. Steve is the one that manages to kill Thanos' main enforcer Corvus Glaive after he kills Vision and defeats everyone else that tries to stop him.
Thanos attacks the Asgardians' ship in search of the Space Stone, which Loki trades for Thanos' pardon and the lives of the refugees, becoming Thanos' advisor. Thor is severely beaten and cast out into space by Thanos, where he is later found by the Guardians of the Galaxy, who had been following Thanos' trail of destruction across the galaxy.
Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax and Mantis go to Knowhere to consult with the Collector, but find him being tortured by Thanos for the Reality Stone. Meanwhile, Thor, Rocket and Teen Groot visit the Dwarf King Eitri (Peter Dinklage), who forged Mjolnir, for weapons. Eitri has also forged the Infinity Gauntlet, and Thanos has cut off his hands so he can not build something powerful enough to destroy it. Thor finds an axe, Jarnbjorn, made from the same metal as Mjolnir, but it is unfinished, so Teen Groot gives his wood to make the handle.
There's a gag that, although Eitri is considered a "dwarf", he's actually massive by mortal standards. Thor goes up on his knee. Thor also doesn't get his eye back. He wears the eyepatch for the entire movie.
Iron Man takes the spotlight, heading into space with Doctor Strange to meet Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy and stop Thanos. Spider-Man tags along and ends up getting injured in battle.
Black Panther unites the Wakandan tribe leaders - including M'Baku - to defend Wakanda, and brings Winter Soldier out of cryosleep to help fight Thanos' forces, providing him with a new arm. Hawkeye also joins the battle in the end.
Bruce Banner makes it back to Earth in a escape pod, but can't turn into the Hulk anymore. He pilots the Hulkbuster armor during the battle of Wakanda and fights Thanos' strongest enforcer, Cull Obsidian, who tears the Hulkbuster apart. He eventually turns into the Hulk again, bursts out of the Hulkbuster and defeats Cull Obsidian.
Doctor Strange develops a rivalry with Thanos' smartest enforcer, Ebony Maw, after he breaks into the Sanctum Sanctorum and uses his psychic powers to mindfuck everyone and steal the Time Stone.
Doctor Strange becomes good friends with both Iron Man and Spider-Man. Thor also gets along well with Star-Lord. Lots of humor come from Iron Man/Drax and Spider-Man/Teen Groot interactions.
Valkyrie has a minor appearance, having led the Asgardian refugees to safety after Loki's betrayal and Thor's apparent death.
Wong's appearance is also minor, hanging out at the Sanctum Sanctorum when Ebony Maw attacks and when Strange and Banner later meet Iron Man.
Red Skull also briefly appears, having been stranded in space since WWII, when he was seemingly disintegrated by the Space Stone.
Thanos kills Gamora to get the Soul Stone. Its guardian reveals that one can only wield it by sacrificing the soul of a loved one. Since Gamora is one of Thanos' daughters, he "loves" her (as an asset, not as person), and her death grants him control of the Soul Stone. It is also what compels Nebula to join the others in order to avenge her sister.
Now fuck off.
>That trailer
I'm literally shaking, bros
>Thanos effortlessly takes down Vision and Spider-Man
What hope do the other heroes have? Hulk, Vision, and Doctor Strange are the only other heroes who have an actual chance.
Looks like capekino's back on the menu
the only good thing about these movies is GotG
the rest is shit
I'm 24 and I didn't grow up with these movies.
Am I too old for this board?
the trailer is so god damn good.
things that better happen
>Cap gets the killing strike on Thanos, using Thors hammer
>Cap also simultaneously gets killed by Thanos in that process, cementing him as a godamn hero
>Vision better fuck Wanda for all of us
>Banner better fuck Widow for all of us
>Strange being used well, and his presence and powers are felt tremendously throughout the movie
>Quills celestial powers coming into play somehow
>Loki getting BTFO once and for all
>Spidey being useful
that's it. not so hard
>We grew up with these Marvel movies and this will be the culmination of them.
i think you might be too young for this site
>Thanos kills Gamora
Who else dies?
>We grew up with these Marvel movies
What a shit generation you and your cohort are. How does it feel that you will never have any sense of asthetics? Never know real cinema? Never go to a theater and see a motion picture that wasn't scientifically engineered to appeal to your demographic?
>Holy shit I'm literally tearing up
Good, I'm glad. Literally happy to hear that. Fuck you.
>"[Thanos] has a more casual approach in this film, and it's very philosophical for him," Russo explained. "It's part of his character definition. It's a spiritual journey for him to collect the Stones and one with which he doesn't need armor. Once he starts acquiring the Stones, he doesn't need armor in the same way he did when he was a warlord. It's a very symbolic costume."
If Black Panther doesn't kill Thanus by creating a temporal paradox from flying a pyramid into his butthole it will be a disappointment.
where is the shield btw
>Quills celestial powers coming into play somehow
Didn't he lose them killing his dad?
>>those same 3 extras copy pasted in the background
Found the racist, those are clearly 3 different Africans. Are you saying all blacks look the same?
>We grew up with these Marvel movies
yish, Im 30 and you make me feel old
>What a shit generation you and your cohort are. How does it feel that you will never have any sense of asthetics? Never know real cinema? Never go to a theater and see a motion picture that wasn't scientifically engineered to appeal to your demographic?
>Steve Rogers has adopted the identity of Nomad and is leading the Secret Avengers, formed by Black Widow and Falcon.
Redpill me on this. What is Nomad? What is a Secret Avenger? What do all these things mean?
Iron man has to die sacrificing himself to save Cap to complete the arc.
will they answer the question in this movie of why it's ok for Wakanda to be an ethnostate and Asgard needs diversity
I really can't believe it. Seeing this is so unreal. For every single Marvel Studios movie since the first Iron Man came out in 2008, when I was only 9 years old, I've shown up tto watch it in theaters almost exactly on release day , sometimes even multiple times. These movies have always given me something to look forward to, something to be excited for. They've given me a chance to bond with others, especially my wife's son, who I've gone to every release with. My friends may claim to have "grown out" these movies, and make fun of me for getting so excited for them, but that will never get in the way of me being a fan. This is a culmination of ten years of worldbuilding, thrills, laughs, and action. Seeing all these characters come to life is a dream come true, and it's finally happening.
ah shit. you're right
This post says more about you than it does about me.
>literal teenposting
Grow up. I was 16 when Iron Man came out.
>liking this shit
they'll do that right after you answer the question of who said it's ok for Wakanda to be an ethnostate and Asgard needs divserity
kill yourselves you basic bitch faggots
>we grew up with
Time to grow up Timmy.
The trailer seems to match with the leaks of a few days ago
>90% of Sup Forums was 8 years old when Iron Man 1 game out and less than a year old when the first X-Men came out
Jesus fuck.
>tfw cant keep my beard like that because of work
Nobody is going to watch this, stop pretending. Bet the video has less than 3 million views
and? If you need a safepace oldman, go to pleddit or an asylum
>in 2 years the majority of the people you're responding to will have been born after 9/11
9/11 is part and parcel of diversity. get with the times.
>disney's musical manipulation of emotions
That's funny since the theme sounds fucking retarded in the same vein has Rogue One's autistic theme.
>No Adam Warlock
wasn't he teased in guardians? he could show up
not bad.
he shows up (and kills) Star Lord in GoTG3, which comes out in 2020
>What is Nomad?
An identity Steve Rogers adopts after giving up the mantle of Captain America. In the movie universe, that probably has to do with the fact that Captain America is now considered a fugitive.
After Civil War, the Avengers team as we know them has been split up. While Iron Man's side is now considered the official, government-sanctioned Avengers, the heroes on Captain America's side are now considered outlaws and are living and operating in the shadows. Hence the name.
Why do you refer to Captain America as Steve but Star-Lord as Star-Lord?
>grew up with marvel movies
But who in their right mind watches capeshit past the age of 14?
This is the best Spider-Man costume in film. Do you think he'll get to keep it?
>500~ million dollar budget
>shitty CGI on one of the most iconic characters
What do the Secret Avengers do that is worth of note? Same question for the "official" Avengers.
Also, do they work together or are Tony's Avengers trying to hunt down the secret ones? Didn't Cap die in the comic civil war? Who is part of the secret avengers then?
What if cap dies in Infinity War? Would it mean you were wrong?
Lurk moar.
We need him to play Snek in the MGS movie
>best Spider-Man costume in film
>What do the Secret Avengers do that is worth of note? Same question for the "official" Avengers.
We'll have to wait for the movie to find that out.
>Also, do they work together or are Tony's Avengers trying to hunt down the secret ones? Didn't Cap die in the comic civil war? Who is part of the secret avengers then?
See the answer above. But it's likely that they don't work together and will only reunite once Thanos' threat becomes known; Cap dies in comic Civil War but not in the movie version; the movie version of the Secret Avengers likely consists of Captain America (now Nomad), Black Widow and Falcon.
>What if cap dies in Infinity War? Would it mean you were wrong?
Chris Evan's contract is up after Avengers 4 so he'll probably die in that movie, yes. I doubt it'll happen in Infinity War, though.
It looks fine
>thinking being 20 is a sign of maturity or good taste
>I thought straight white male old-fashioned american heroes were out of style?
Why must you Sup Forumstards be this way? Literally all of the MCU's top heroes (Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Star-Lord, Spiderman, Hulk, Antman, etc.) are straight white men. Marvel has never tried to make any political statements with their films, and haven't ever done anything liberal or SJW. You're complaining about literally nothing.
Oh, so movies that don't have straight white male leads are automatically liberal kike propaganda? Fuck's sake man, everything seemed so much simpler before Obama.
>thinking people grow up after the age of 15
I have yet to meet a single woman, no matter the age. That doesn't behave like a high school teenager.
Literally didn't say anything about good taste or maturity, nice projection though
Fuck he looks good. MGS 3 movie now.