This is what a grapefruit looks like
yellow on the inside :)
Thats an orange what the heck
DCucks btfo
>fr**t cucks will defend this
bait or retard?
>tfw dcucks only think Thanks looks like a grapefruit because the only grapefruits they know are the ones their mummies peel all the skin off for them
>tfw phoneposting and Thanos -> Thanks
>tfw phoneposting
mfw it's a fucking phoneposter
Sup Forums was made for pooing. Does anyone seriously laptoppost from their toilet?
Sup Forums was made for pooing through your fingertips not your butthole
Grapefruitposters btfo
a girl wanted to grapefruit me one time
ate it instead
woah buddy, you really think you could pull out such an obscure meme as the first post? try again friendo
>this what Damage control OP post looks like
>grape is a fruit
>grapefruit has nothing at all to do with grapes
should be called orangefruit
>calling an orange hybrid a grape just because of the clusters
Americans are fucking retarded
in my language it's like "bull orange"
is almond milk a fuit joiuce
>not posting Galko
>are nuts fruits
no because then why would it be called Muesli Fruit & Nut
it would just be called Muesli Fruit
t. Muesli Fruit & Nut shill
and whats the deal with grapenut?
>tfw onions are leaves
>formerly heels
how do people enjoy these? theyre so bitter
does this make onion soup a wet salad?
This is what a plum and a prune looks like.
Really? I've always thought they were a vegetable. this is VERY unnerving
> Despite the name, the cereal contains neither grapes nor nuts; it is made with wheat and barley
for FUCKS sake
They are all genuinely sociopaths
he’s a purple grapefruit
>The bulb of the onion contains both a modified stem, in the center, but most of what we eat are layers that are modified underground leaves
who /bananaeverymeal/ here?
the perfect fruit
Oh jeez nice meme
bananas are basically just candy.
just a fancy raisin
is an entire meal packeged inside a yummy shell
Anyone ever fuck a warm grapefruit?
wtf is this thread
ahahahaha THIS is the final boss of the mcu. a literal grapefruit. jesus christ.
Its mostly just sugar. If you eat it when its green, your body won't be able to break down the sugars and you will get stomach aches and bad digestion.
If you eat it when it begins to brown a bit (which you should), its just as much sugar as a small bottle of coke.
If you need potassium you can just eat salmon.
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all me btw
salt on them really improves the taste
dude some of those are mine
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>the top thread on Sup Forums is a FUCKING FRUIT
the absolute state this board
formally sneed
All fruit is basically sugar. Don't understand when mommy says to eat fruits and vegetables when it really should just be vegetables
suger from fruits isn't the same as cane suger and not bad at all for you, in fact,good for you
why are they sliding this?
It's still sugar which you probably get enough of from carbs.
fucking amerifats
fruits have a lot of good vitamins and minerals too but yeah they're pretty much a meme "health" food
Is this a new bts shot from Infinity War? My man Thanos is looking R I P E