post the discord i missed it last time
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
ive been asking forever and no dice
They posted it like two days ago in one of the other threads but the links are expired. :/
Season 3 looks wild.
i want it
Stg is basically dead on here right now so I've been wanting to join the discord even more lately, too.
ausfag shitposter here
can i join?
no, based meta posters only
they cant have police getting into their pedophile club
>implying not
do i look like a cop?
can i get in with a rare, never-before-seen based finn?
in America, anything is possible.
P-please post it.
I just wanted a gf like Millie in my puberty.
Why God?
this thread is fake an gay come to the real fun
Tfw no one posts the discord.
makes me think
Teary girls is my fetish.
You guys don't get it. I already told you about the discord. Jesus christ.
Do you think a producer is fucking froggos boipusy?
ive only ever seen one time use invites that immediately expire
Have you guys seen this rare froggo pic?
>...and then you'll blow up!
Not going to lie. I would rape froggo if I had the chance. I would pound his boipusy with my 8.3 inch benis.