>I dislike CGI
I dislike CGI
Well, that's fair enough. You dislike CGI. Who am I to tell you otherwise? Like the hat, too. Bringing some of that old-school fashion into the new world? You'd rock it better without the facial hair, though.
t. 2006 era "Oh I'll just try and stop the shitposting by being a sarcastic faggot and actually make the problem infinitely worse" guy
sorry i had a bad day, i didn't mean it
>I like CGI
probably the most rddit post ive ever read
Ah don't sweat it. We all make mistakes. I'd be a bit of a dickhead if I told you that I never made any, myself.
>Why is this CGI? A practical effect would have worked
Practical for up close and CGI for far distance is the patrician choice.
>This is why Nolan is my favourite director. He always uses practical effect instead of crappy CGI, and that's why his Dark Knight trilogy looks so much better than Marvel or DCEU movies.
Just don't ruin the aesthetics. Why add outdated CGI rontos when you already have Banthas which were basically elephants in costumes?
>Not even explaining why practical effects are bad
Come on now.
>movie uses CGI for something that could easily just have been real or simply cut out of the movie all together
I dislike movies
>Ugh, why is Thanos CGI instead of Dwayne Johnson covered in purple clay? It would've looked so much better
>Go back to your containment board Sup Forumstards
>prosthetics aren't realistic enough!! I need to see the whole thing because ADD XD
you speak from experience faggot now go back
I REALLY dislike CGI.
>I REALLY dislike CGI.
delete this
I'm so glad I hardly ever notice CGI.
>I like CGI
>I disagree
what did she do?
This is very uncomfortable to watch
>i post opinions i disagree with next to images of nerdy men on the internet