It’s a Spenny wins episode

>It’s a Spenny wins episode

You know the problem with that show? It never gave me someone to cheer for.

>It's a Kenny wins by cheaply cheating then editing footage when Spenny should've won

It got a little old when Kenny cheated EVERY episode. I guess that was the point though.

>its a spenny gets drugged with acid and shits himself

>its an obviously scripted episode that is also obviously filler (the episode where spenny gets suicidal comes to mind)

>tfw you live in the same city as Spenny and he now spends his days doing depressing open mic nights at a local shitty bar

Spenny's humiliations for Kenny always involved some weird sexual shit. Really makes you wonder if he did try to fuck Kenny in Amsterdam.

was that from the "greek rapist" one

in the end... it turned out neither was a winner

What did Kenny do to Spennys mom?

Oh yeah they are totally fag for each other

>its a white supremacist guest star episode

Well don't you know Spenny always tries to Kiss Kenny? He tried to kiss him in Amsterdam

>He was brought on as an expert of cool
>Still is


>t. Kenny Hotz

>The Virgin Spenny
>The Chad Kenny

>The commentaries where Kenny just rips on Spenny for the whole video

oh no no no no no

Kenny was always a lumpy ugly fuck though.

spennys mental health was totally fucked in the later seasons. crazy to see him decline mentally throughout the show. fuck i wish netflix picked em back up for another season.

what's everyones favourite episode? mine is who cant stay in a gorilla suit the longest. pure hotz kino

>its a spenny "loses" by making out with a qt tranny episode and thus winning in the end

who's the biggest retard and who can intimidate the other person better are top tier

he was pretty good looking in s1 i thought

Who can imitate the other person better
Who can blow the bigger fart
Who can commit most crime

>It's a Spenny gets numerous blowjobs from a tranny while believing "she" was a 6/10 Filipino chick episode.

>Its a Kenny nearly murders Spenny episode
>It's a Kenny brakes the law on TV episode
>It's a Spenny nearly goes crazy in paranoia of Kenny episode
>It's an asian pharmacist episode
Literally the greatest reality show of all time.

>its a 50 year old man shilling his dead show on Sup Forums
Go to bed, Kenny.

>"It's a Kenny decides to fucks a 7/10 actress he hired for a stunt instead of attempting to finish/win the competition episode since Spenny likely wouldn't come up with a difficult humiliation anyway episode.

>It's a Spenny comes up with a humiliation where Kenny has to jerk off in front of his mom episode, but it all backfires since everyone turns on Spenny for how weird and gross his mind must be to have come up with something like that episode.

Of standup comedy?

Holy christ that must be awful.

KvS started 18 years ago (this isn't even a joke)

Nah Kenny won.

>it's a Kenny swaps out drugs in Goldfield's store and he never speaks to Kenny again episode

Honestly the most photogenic corpse in the universe.

That humiliation literally ended with Spenny apologizing and agreeing to take Kenny's mom out for dinner. Pure fucking kino.

nah the real reason was that kenny made a joke about goldfield being one of the masterminds behind 9/11 and goldfield freaked out. was mentioned in one of the commentaries i believe

Kenny's overall goal was to break Spenny, which he did, so he won

I was listening to a podcast interview with Kenny a while back and he said the reason he ended KvS was because Spenny called him up and told him that they weren't friends anymore which led to Kenny pulling the show even though they were renewed for another season

Then Spenny realized he's nothing without Kenny and did that KvS tour

how do you ever get like that

You live in Toronto?

Holy christ that must be awful.

gotta admit he's got the 55-year-old lesbian science teacher look perfected tho

Spenny lives in Kingston.

probably either the who can smoke the most weed for it's absurdity or who can 69 the longest for the mutiny the crew pulls

I wonder what they did to get fucked with Comedy Central. Cause they had KvS which was underappareciated at the time and then they tried and failed with that Testees show which bombed but still you’d think they’d still be given a shot

I feel like the story of the show's cancellation has expanded or has changed numerous times.

In the christmas finale Spenny says he would've liked to end the series knowing they did all that they really could and go out on a high note which result in that exchange where Kenny said "Oh just admit it. I was the one who killed Season 7". Kenny said on the tour another reason is that Shaw communications bought Showcase network and were changing up their programing blocks which resulted in KVS and Trailer Park Boys' getting the axe. And absolutely Spenny had a hard fucking epiphany after Single White Spenny crashed on arrival that he needed Kenny more than he knew.


>it's a Kino vs Spino thread
Aw hell yeah. Are the episodes with commentary worth seeking out? Obviously haven't seen any but I'd assume they were just 20 minute long roasts of Spenny

Anyone watch this show when they get bummed out? It always makes me have a good laugh

Pic related, who is the better actor and first one to laugh loses. I remember liking first one to be mean loses a lot. It wasn't overly funny but it was comfy.

Season 1 in general wasn't as laugh out loud funny or outrageous as the others but it has the most comfy episodes, like who can live in a van the longest.

The season where they went to different channel was the beginning of the end for this show.
Fake or not, it used to be grounded, but that last season was so over the top and stupid that I couldn't watch it.

Earlier seasons were the best, where it wasn't so much about the how "crazy" the competition was, but instead about how they could outsmart each other, which of course this was almost always Kenny.

What was the worst episode and why was it "Who do black dudes like more?"

the rapper episode or the arm wrestling were far worse

Haven't seen the arm wrestling one but surely it can't be worse than
>Spenny virtue-signalling for 23 minutes
>random clips of sfw Kenny standup comedy