What's Sup Forums's opinion on comedian Bert Krischer?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on comedian Bert Krischer?
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I don't find him funny.
I don't think hes funny
He's not much of a comedian really but he knows how to rile a crowd up
I do not care for bart chrysler
I like him.
He's not funny. Nor is Tom Segura or Rogan.
Comedy sucks.
No one on Rogan's embarassing comedy cult is fucking funny, it's kind of impressive how they managed it.
He gets worse the more you listen to him and he should really feel in his drinking for the sake of his wife and kids.
joey diaz is funny
Yep, and Rogan is the least funny of the lot of them.
His nips look pretty fucking hard
You spelled Hinchcliffe wrong.
Lying is bad user.
I enjoy segura’s one standup special I saw. The other one mostly stories I didn’t care for.
Joe Rogan is a mid grade comic who would only be mildly better if he didn’t shout his comedy at us like a male Whitney Cummings.
>im da macheen
I don't know much about the guy other than the Sober October JRE episodes but he seems like a nice guy. More likable than Ari Shaffir. I like hearing about how he gets drunk on airplanes and drinks 6 doubles a day because it reminds me of when I would get drunk all the time and it inspires me to be sober.
I saw Joey Diaz at Helium in Philadelphia and he fucking slayed the room for 40 minutes. It was really impressive.
Segura's wife > Segura, 2bh
Duncan Trussell seems like he would be insufferable to be around.
Burnt Chrysler is fat, i never seen his shows when they where on travel channel or whatever. but he's funny enough. i hope he moves past the machine story and does new shit, because it's easy to fall into that one note comedian zone like Pablo Francisco. which just do the same act special after special and it's like yeah we heard that already.
honestly kys if you find his shit funny
The only thing remotely interesting about him is that he's the inspiration for that van wilder character. That he's still basically the same person is actually quite pathetic.
He's a fat slob who makes up fake stories to appeal to normies.
that's some shit taste, segura's specials are 10x better than mother superior.
LOL he has no shirt on. LOL wonder what happened to get to that point!!!
how about you desu
Peaking in college and trying desperately to cling to his youthful years, that's what happened
It should be fucking illegal for """""""""comedians""""""""" to giggle and laugh interrupting his ""jokes"" and fluffing the lenght.
If this clown didn't take such an incredible ammount of time on each joke his """""""act"""""" would be like a quarter of it's length. Fucking despicable.
I keep seeing his russian mob story on normiebook but can't watch it because he looks like a guy who has to gimmicks like resort to taking his shirt off to draw attention.
his high pitch giggle/laugh is infectious and makes me laugh after a while. though i do agree with you.
Bert is so fat.
>Watching Jim and Sam with him on
>People stop paying attention to him got 2 minutes so he runs out of the room and cames back shirtless screeching
Its no fun when you learn it isn't, in fact, an act, and he actually is retarded.
Jealous much?
without memes or antisemantics can someone tell me why jews are so prominent in stand-up comedy and why i don't find almost any of them funny
A friend of mine made me watch one of his videos where he recounts some ebin fuckin story about Russia and I couldn't stand it. He seems like an overgrown college kid who centers his personality over one crazy thing he did in his life and blows it out of proportion the more and more he tells it. It's not a funny story and he doesn't tell it in a funny way. If that video was any kind of general impression, he's immensely obnoxious and grating. I'd be happy if I forgot he existed.
I hate Joe Rogan comedy
He seems exactly like that kid in school that no-one finds actually funny but he's fit and cool so everyone pretends he is funny so they can hang out with him
jewish people tend to be cynical, observant and irreverent towards christian taboos culturally, and they have established connections in the entertainment industry. you probably don't find them funny because comedy is a very subjective field and most comedy is dependent on some cultural/historical/social background. if you don't share the same heritage (not necessarily jewish) chances are it won't click. how your sense of comedy develops as a kid/teenagers counts a lot also, unless you acquire a taste for any kind of comedy (barring a few universal types like slapstick) it's hard to get into it as an adult.
good answer actually. i think jewish comedy doesn't really speak to me very much but black comedy makes me laugh at least. I can't think of a single funny jew despite how numerous they are, but i like the kings of comedy.
i can just imagine the guys bit just by this description of it.
to each his own. OPs dude is pretty bad but I think there's a bunch of jews who are good at it. that said, one thing I genuinely never understood is why people get mad over what other people find funny. comedy is one of the if not the most subjective things around, it's not like everyone has to get all forms of comedy.
>laughs at his own joke
>the set-up doesn't even make any sense
>fake fag
>doesn't have his shirt on
>brags about being mentally retarded
I hate him
>I genuinely never understood is why people get mad over what other people find funny
people actually do this?
sure, especially with fringe/absurd humor. not necessarily offended at the material, just the fact that someone finds something funny when they don't get it.
His Russia story/monologue is obviously fake and retarded. Not even funny
>lol Russia, right?
>i thought it was spanish
i can't post an annoyed frog big enough for how retarded this was
The fact that it's the exact sort of shit normies eat up just makes it worse.
why is this jew so schlubby? a lot of them are twink bugmen but at least they keep themselves cleaned up in some weird kosher way. is he self parodying?
He's a Jesuit (was) so close enough.
joey diaz is funny if he's just talking normally, not as a standup
he's fat
>joe rogan lemme tell you about the time i killed myself in harlem. it was 1967 i was 11 fuckin years old and a crack head had finished blowin me and my buddy club foot larry
who the fuck would lie about the Russia thing? It seems so fake that it couldnt be could it?
Give me examples of funny comedians, I have time to waste.
ricky murphy and dave chappelle are decent ones
the story is so contrived it has to be made up
Unfunny fat faggot
He's funny on Joe's podcast when he goes off, his standup isn't funny
Jealous much?
Enjoy listening to him (for awhile) on Rogains podcast but his stand up is weak.
he's fat. Bert's fat.
he's not funny. watch the social dynamic when Bert is in a group of comedians and you'll see that Bert never has a joke, he only laughs his over-the-top-to-the-point-of-being-fake laugh at other people's jokes. but the other comedians feel bad for him so they keep him in the circle.
Burnt Chrysler is alright, needs to lose some fucking weight though
fat fuck
I turned the video off at that point. What's so impressive about saying "I'm the car"?
His wife is hot in a homely kind of way.
And his daughter is cute.
fUck you
Rogans clique all huddle together because not one of them has genuine comedic talent and they know it. so they have to use word of mouth and support each other to have careers.
Genuinely good comics like Burr know to stay far away from that shit
His delivery is awful
Need nine more joe rogans and some is this guy going to fucking die ? Breathing into the mic
Is he the guy that accidentally bought a cow
I have never heard of this individual and I can tell you he is unfunny and insufferable to watch.
He's fat.
Literally name ONE funny comedian. You can't