Has anyone ever actually finished this movie? its so fucking boring

has anyone ever actually finished this movie? its so fucking boring

Awesome discussion! You're really great at using public forums.

3 times actually, you're just a soyboy brainlet. I think La La Land's on TV, go watch.

nah it's shite

t. Marvelcuck

Literally better than this!

as opposed to "figuratively" better than "this"? what even is that anyway? retard

Learn how to read nigger.

says the guy who doesn't know what "literally" means

literal borekino

At least I know how to read nigger compared to not knowing the definition of one word nigger.

source: your ass

Shut up non reading nigger.

make me, retard

You're a turbo non reading nigger faggot.

nice rebuttal

Replies: 15
Posters: 6

I knew a turbo non reading nigger faggot such as yourself would not be pleased with said comment.

what an astute observation
you must be pretty proud of yourself

The final chase scene was one of the most pulse-pounding action scene I ever saw. great social commentary on fake news and news broadcasting in general.

Great performance from Jake and it's better than Drive

Fuck you capeshit nerd.

Tried a few times but never made it

>its so fucking boring
And just what would you recommend instead?

>Nightcrawler better than Drive
I mean, I liked Nightcrawler, but come on.

Most movies are better than Drive.

Both were kino.

Fair enough

Sh-shut up

fuck these "real and gritty" x-men movies, both this and logan are hot dumpsterfire and you never even see nightcrawler fucking teleport even once