Kinoplex has child playpen area

>Kinoplex has child playpen area

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does this have a no singles policy?

Reported to FBI

So that's how Pizza is made.

i'd be like fuck the movie if i were a kid, that looks way better

holy fuck

Would you like some popcorn, or perhaps a beverage to fill up after a satisfying go at our newly built playpen?

Hey, I made that sound clip. Glad my troll kino is finally making the rounds. Hope I'll be e-famous one day

>Rey fighting Kylo on screen
>Reilly fighting Kyle (a black kid) with light saber in theater
Good time

I wish my kinoplex had a bazinga pit

Robert watch OUT!!!!

I'd climb to top and piss on everyone in their seats.

..I.. jus...t wan..t..e..d... to.....

Thanks but i only eat gluten-free soycorn

>burger children can't sit in a chair for 90 minutes

where the fuck do these abominations exist?


Places populated by wealthy white people

This is some next level shit posting

>no designated shooter

wow i hope you got your money back

how long did it take you to do this user?

Isn't there another one of these somewhere

Is this what hell sounds like?

good job user. that's that good shit

>this is how americans experience a movie
fucking disgusting

I'm still fucking laughing holy fucking shit.

how dare those kids want to have fun when watching my kiinos x(((

They sit down for the action scenes

is this the same theatre with showers and crab legs?

Took about a half hour to find the sound effects and music and another half hour to put it together.
Yeah but it's not mine. I was inspired by it though.

> being this much of a retarded faggot

are you the same guy who made this

> When you make it through the popcorn mines

>being this mad

Putting something like that inside a dark room with a loud movie is kind of a recipe for molestation right?



to be fair, I think molesters view pretty much any scenario as a recipe for molestation

what a nightmare we have created

>no applause when gunfire starts


i'm saving this for if I ever try the devils lettuce again

My theater's popcorn "butter" is actually partially hydrogenated soybean oil flavored to taste like something approaching butter. So the soyboy shit actually applies here.


wtf this exists? they made me rip the legs off live crabs myself, i was crying like a bitch the whole time


>they are alive

>Be me
>go to kinoplex
>Bring my mother so I can get past no singles policy
>Ordering my ticket from Robert
>Only remaining two seats next to each other are near the Kinogym
>Instantly begin to sweat
>pray to the Kino gods that no parents will bring their kids
>enter theater
>20 kids playing in the kinogym
>Manage to get through the 30 minute long previews and used car dealership advertisements.
>Kids get even more rambunctious and noisy after the kino starts
>girl goes up to me
>"Hey mister! can I have some of your popcorn?"
>ignore her
>she is persistent
>"Hey faggot! Give me your popcorn or else I am going to scream!"
>I give her my popcorn in defeat... perhaps I can get more from Based Robert during the intermission
>Regardless I have never felt more beta in my entire life, I could feel myself shrivel 2 inches, I knew I was going to fail penis inspection for sure now.
>Another girl comes up to me
>she starts hitting me
>she tells me she can tell i'm a virgin by the way I smell
>I try to resist looking at her
>she keeps hitting and hitting demanding I looks at her
>finally I just snap and look at her
>Sirens start ringing
>intercom says that the FBI has been called
>I flee but they chase me
>all 20 of the kids tackle me to the ground until the cops arrive.
>They sentence me to 10 years in the popcorn mines

Robert ... Robert .... Robert ... no ....
God ... I never thought ...

Reddit garbage

finally, the perfect way to watch the new avenger's movie!

so these are the autism friendly movie screening theaters right?

Needs Blade Runner soundtrack to make it more kino


Hii reddit, thanks for your input

>still no penis inspection


Is anything in America actually made out of the thing it's supposed to be made out of?

>sorry sir, the beds are reserved for couples only. We have seating available in the singles section

the moon is american, and we're taught to believe it's made out of cheese before we learn the truth in school. so... no.

if you managed to guzzle that down (minus popcorn) you'd gain 9 pounds of straight fat

God this is so good

Honestly, not really. It has no trans fats (the bad fats that make you gain weight). And looking at the rest of the nutrition, it's got to cholesterol or sodium or sugar, but has 8% vitamin A.

In the end it's actually healthy, you could have 12 tbsp a day to get your full vitamin A intake.


>The cinema falcon screeching

what a boring vocaroo. teenagers i swear like anything and exaggerate how good it is

you're neglecting all the industrial lubricants from the compressor and chemical seperators like hexane, though.
> wikipedia on hexane
>They are also used to extract cooking oils (such as canola oil or soy oil) from seeds
> soy oil

won't the kids be loud as fuck though? I mean they'd probably be loud as fuck from watching a movie but now you can hear them banging on things

That is fucking disgusting.

t. soyboy

Fuck off Robert you ruin all kinoplex threads with your idiotic behavior. This is serious

We cultured Americans have reached the point where we only watch film to relax our eyes. In front of a large screen our minds are conditioned to go blank, as such background noise is not an issue.

Made one just for you, user.

It's a company from Mexico you fucking dipshit

>meanwhile here in mexico cinepolis doesnt let childs under 3 years old to get in
feels good man, i fucking hate em

>sea beans clip

kek, i almost feel insulted that these fake people are talking over my precious blade runner kino.

That shit better have sound insulation tech

>>girl goes up to me
>>"Hey mister! can I have some of your popcorn?"
>>ignore her
>>she is persistent
>>"Hey faggot! Give me your popcorn or else I am going to scream!"

>glare at her defiantly
>she sucker punches you "Wrong answer nerd."
>disoriented, you can do nothing as she pulls you from your chair and drags you by your hair into the darkness of the kinoplex playpen
>no one even glances in your direction, and before you can cry out for help you are bound and gagged
>as your eyes begin to adjust to the dark, you realize the inside decor is not the same as the outside
>its a Fisher Price stylized sex dungeon
>a whip cracks behind you
>you struggle to turn and look over your shoulder
>your eyes widen in horror
>popcorn-loli is now latex-dominatrix-loli, surrounded by a gaggle of other lolis, all grinning sinisterly
>"Shoulda given me the popcorn faggot."
>for the remainder of the three hour film you are raped and defiled by wave after wave of nubile young mistresses
>as the lights go up, they shuffle by you, each spitting on your shivering form as they pass
>mothers snicker and high five their daughters
>a single tear rolls from your swollen left eye down your bloodied cheek to mix with all the other fluids on the now filthy floor
>no one can ever know


this is the best photoshop i have ever seen

>this nightmares the crab

C'mon you would've fucking loved these as a kid.

Alpha Creatine is a product that gets you jacked
Beta Carotene is an ingredient an a soybased capeshit fattener

I'd be ok with that

you're w atching a bugs life who gives af

I've been pirating and watching things in a comfy environment for so long I'm kinda shocked to see how shitty actual movie theaters feel like. What kind of fucking idiot would pay for that?

No singles allowed

>>meanwhile here in mexico cinepolis doesnt let childs under 3 years old to get in
Good shit. Mamás luchonas deserve no rights.

put me in screencap

put me in that fb page, sadmin

>alpha of the playpen tribe "noruleznoschoolz" stands upon the top of the kinopen and issues a decree to the audience
>"the tyranny of kinoplexes has persisted because of your artificial sustenance!"
>"the revolution commences here, your kino will-"
>designated shooter shoots child with his patented Kinodefender Mark 3 (KM)
>child rebels run and hide in the dug out recesses of the kinopens
>movie immediately stops and Robert appears on the screen
>"you have shown great valor in your defense of our ideals. one free large popcorn has been credited to your account"
>everyone begins clapping
>designated shooter gleefully cries while firing into the audience

there's also this one

or black people who can't afford a babysitter

what did he mean by this?


pure QuEeNoA

I closed my eyes and imagined the inside with Refn tier neon lighting, pure fucking kino
