Episode airing now.
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Porn betty is cute! CUTE!
Toni/Cheryl WHEN!!???
keep me posted
> when the spinoff is better than the original
>some user claiming right is prettier and has better body than left
Negro gtfo.
Im liking this split screen
How is this show? Is there any nudity/sex involved?
I tried to make it through the first episode and got bored pretty quickly. Is it worth watching more ?
>you can have some of my protein shakes, little girl
>Is there any nudity/sex involved?
It airs at 8 pm on a broadcast network
>Is there any nudity/sex involved?
Yes lots of it
>Get out of my way, Bert and Ernie
Based Cheryl. Also she's being gay. A gay stalker.
Is Veronica getting the Sheriff D?
Its like a xxxmas miracle!
Now i just want Toni to fuck the crazy out of her.
>P U R E.jpg
yeah, sure.
gdp 404 and 409
Obviously Josie will get with Reggie so enter Toni in her cherry vag
Thank you
so can we all agree this poster is dylan sprouse?
>everything in my logbook is true because I wrote it
Goddamn I wanna go Frank Booth on this cunt, then actually fuck her
I have no idea, I just see it in my Netflix
The fuck is this?
>Cheryl as a yandere dyke
I approve of this.
>you'll never eucalyptus steam with her
y do people like this show so much? because its all white people????? i smell problematic
>jughead going full tunnel snake
>sultry betty confirmed next episode
Or a hue?
Madelaine Petsch @madelainepetsch
Even I’m creeped by Cheryl #RIverdale
just watch it and you will quickly understand
Anybody else here think Veronica is fucking ugly. She looks like she has downs.
>Jug being blackmailed to run drugs under threat of the cops being told he runs drugs
>when he could just as easily tell the cops who was making him do it, where the drugs are delivered to and who picks them up
This lawyer woman is one dumb bitch
Cheryl raping Betty ep when?
perfect yandere gf t b h
He was also doing it under the illusion that FP would forever be a prison bitch if he didn’t get him out.
Especially since he's a minor and has no actual idea what was in the crate beyond some type of drug likely
The FBI/DEA should already be there, but if not they would be very interested in a case involving this number of federal crimes and would love a snitch
Brazil gets the episode an hour earlier. There have been leaks for at least the past three episodes posted.
Some fucking bullshit about Varchie that nobody cares, Jughead's dad is back and CHERYL IS ABOUT TO MOLEST JOSSIE IN THE LOCKEROOM!!!!!
>Cue the next morning, when Cheryl and Josie find a new gift inside the music room: a drawing of Josie captioned "If I can't have you, no one can" and a bleeding pig's heart. Cheryl immediately confronts Chuck and gets him dragged out of school. For some reason everyone just agrees it's Chuck, despite the serial killer on the loose. I actually kind of feel bad for him.
>But it wasn't Chuck or the Black Hood. It was Cheryl, who we see drawing herself and Josie while listening to the head Pussycat on her iPod. WHAT? I'm screaming.
Holy shit I love Cheryl.
>Chuck BTFO again
BASED Cheryl
A-are they naked?
my dick is diamonds
>still no episode rip
no torrents yet user
Its out
praise be
>private torrents
One day I'll get in, one day
>At the school, Josie is staying late to rehearse — so late that the janitor has to lock up and she agrees to sneak out the side like she usually does. But her mom is not a fan of that plan. She gives her daughter a curfew to try to keep her safe, and yet all she’s really doing is stressing her out, and stress is not a good thing for Josie (or anyone, really) because it affects her vocal chords and apparently she’s trying to go solo.
>After Josie helped save Cheryl from Nick, Cheryl decided to repay her debt by putting Josie in touch with a music producer friend, and he’s offered Josie some studio time…but only if it’s JUST Josie. (Is that the new Just Jack?)
>But that’s not all Josie has to worry about. Someone put a stuffed animal in her locker with a note that says, “I’ll be watching you,” which doesn’t alarm her nearly as much as it should. Apparently, this is the third gift she’s gotten from some “secret admirer,” whose name might be Chuck Clayton? At least that’s what Josie thinks after Chuck asks her out. (She turns him down, obviously).
>That night, Josie also turns down the recording studio in order to get a “eucalyptus steam” for her voice, which they have at the high school?! Maybe if they spent a little less money on steams and more on better training for their cops, Riverdale wouldn’t have so many murderers!
>After her steam, Josie has a run-in with the Pussycats, who got a note in their locker about her solo career and are understandably pissed at her for ditching them. And in return, they ditch her right back. Now, Josie really is on her own…though not literally. For some reason, Chuck’s still at the school, so Josie takes her mom’s advice and asks for a ride home. Chuck, seeing this as an opportunity, decides to stop at Pop’s on the way.
>At Pop’s, he tries to convince Josie that he’s changing. He’s started going to church, and he does things like randomly ask a person to dance in the middle of Pop’s. And you know what? Josie doesn’t hate it…until her mom walks in and interrupts the two of them doing the twist. Josie’s been so caught up in her non-date that she hasn’t answered any of her mother’s texts, so Mayor McCoy tells Chuck to stay away before taking Josie home and explaining her fear: The mayor has been getting death threats, not even from the Black Hood, but from others who are emboldened by the Hood. And in the last letter, Josie was mentioned.
>The next day, Josie has a package waiting for her in the music room. It’s a drawing of Josie that says, “If I can’t have you, no one can,” and it comes with a box. Inside the box? A pig’s heart! (Fun fact: Josie knows what a pig’s heart looks like.)
>Josie and Cheryl — who was with her when she found the package — head straight to Chuck to accuse him of being a stalker, but Chuck claims he has no idea what’s happening. The creepy janitor, listening in, takes Chuck to the principal’s office, and from there, Sheriff Keller promises that Chuck will stay away from Josie even though there’s no evidence he was behind the heart.
>That night, Josie has a dream that the Black Hood shows up and slits her throat, and then she wakes up grabbing her throat and not talking. Did a dream just damage her vocal chords??
>But that’s not the biggest question surrounding this entire Josie situation. Nope, not even close. The real question is WHY IS CHERYL DOING THIS?! Yep, the camera cuts to Cheryl drawing a photo of her and Josie, and it’s identical to the drawing Josie got (though that one didn’t have Cheryl in it). Is Cheryl obsessed with Josie?!
Lads I love this insane bitch.
got food and torrent downloaded, time to watch some comfy riverdale
Is this dude a fag or what?
She is doing it for the delicious dark chocolate.
I want Cheryl with Toni but I'll take this in the meantime. How do you explain Cheryl drawing herself with Josie and listening to the fucking Pussycats.
How can betty even compete?
I'm going to assume this is going to explode all over Cheryl and they are gonna start moving into a Toni/Cheryl thing after this.
Anyways Yandere Cheryl is going to be hilariously awesome.
>dem titties
Same size, no?
I really hope they will move into a Cheryl/Toni direction, even if KJ said something like "fans will be pissed".
Cheryl is still pretty dykeish now though.
If i remember correctly that was about Toni and Jughead kissing and that happened already.
It was? I don't give much thought to what KJ says anyway.
GDP E409
>pussycat drama
>valerie plays with archie
>josie freaks out
>josie does solo stuff
>valerie freaks out
i enjoyed the chapter format, and the effort to make betty and veronica look a lot like the comic silhouettes
betty's ponytail gives me soft wood that i enjoy very much
when they _____ josie i was like aw yiiiisssss
and then when she _____ i was like fuck me
I don't give a shit about the pussycats but I do give a shit about stalker Cheryl.
Can't stop the Chad Archie.
Your school didn't have a eucalyptus steam room? Lmao
>betty's ponytail gives me soft wood that i enjoy very much
Would you pull it?
>starts ChadSIS
>cucks his best friend
>fucks his teacher
>every female wants his D
Is there no stopping him?
I miss them ;_;
H-how is a whore have a more symmetrical face?
Set pictures confirm they kiss, but maybe not next episode.
Plus recent synopsis all point out Betty and Jughead get distant, that Archie and Veronica break up and that Archie and Betty get closer as they team up to take down the Black Hood together.
It'll happen.
I'm not against it user, I just didn't believe it...but barchie is def a better fit then varchie, so I hope it happens.
There are no pictures, liar. But that paparazzi guy who spoils DC tv shows pretty much said it's happening.
They'll kiss but Betty will turn him down.
that's because she's saving herself for me user
gross domestic product
They'll do more than just kiss.
No, Betty is a pure virgin.
> pure
> virgin
I can't get over the fact that Chuck was literally a good boy who dindu nuffin going to church about to get his life on track.
Greendale sounds like fucking Kino, i legit hope Sabrina happens next year.
Also Cheryl confirmed for best girl.
> first scene
> main char is in bras
why do they do this?
>Archie sees a ghost deer
>Jughead becomes a drug dealer
>Cheryl is legit batshit crazy
>Kevin's a giant nerd
>Betty and Veronica are low budget Veronica Mars
Best episode ever lads