Is Sup Forums still pretending that Homecoming isn't the best Spider-Man film?
Is Sup Forums still pretending that Homecoming isn't the best Spider-Man film?
Take her out, then, perfection
not even a footfag but I'd kiss those feet along with every other part of him
Because that would be Raimi's Spider-Man 2.
Homosexuality isn't gay
It's still the most accurate representation of Spiderman in any movie, so yes.
Yes it is
Nope because literally all of raimi Spiderman are better even 3
It's the best Spiderman flick, maybe.
>Raimi's movies were good
Tired of this meme
Gay means "faggy". Fucking a man in the ass isn't necessarily gay. It can be a very masculine thing to do.
/lgbt/ pls
spiderman 1 is on the level of quality of homecoming.
a very different, very sam raimi quality; but quality, nonetheless
Are Spiderman threads code for gay threads now?
Are you trying to create a paradox or something?
I like him a lot, but that's gross as fuck
Foot fetishits are animals 2bh
i bet u kiss girls fagit
came here to post this
you have to be dumb to think MCU, Iron Man does everything when he has barely any ties to
peter parker in the comics, Zenyatta with her mulatto sjw lies, is good
I didn't even watch it.
Did the infinite warfare trailer confirm that he has spider sense now. Because that being missing from homecoming was disgusting.
zendaya was ugly af though
>>being this much of a fucking pleb
if you unironically believe Homecoming, a studio-driven, ticket-selling gimmick, is better than Raimi's story-driven vision you are absolutely 100% fucking retarded
The Raimi movies are garbage unless you were force-fed them as a child and can't see their flaws because of it.
Don't spend it all in one place