Hey murr call that rabbi an oven dodger

hey murr call that rabbi an oven dodger

Other urls found in this thread:


hey murr say that kid is sexy in front of his face

>Sal we told you steal the old man's cane, not bash his brains in with a rock!

hey louis pull your dick out and jerk off on that girl

>It's a Sal falls on the floor of laughter episode

hey matt pinch your coanchor on the ass

I hate this show so much

every punishment:
>sal touches something gross
>physical abuse
>jump out of a plane/helicopter/etc
>give wacky presentation

>it's a Q punishment
>it's kino

Q is best Joker

Murr is a HUGE piece of shit. I met him once and he farted in my direction while I was eating my Subway Sandwich

Then don't watch it?

tell em steve dave.

Sounds like /ourguy/

Sal isn't always about touching gross things. His phone ringing at the poetry reading, and the Bingo punishment were cringe-kino.

i watch this at the gym and laugh like some sort of retarded giant

Underrated post

Those women seemed quite respectful, they let him talk

Are you a giant?


How low does my IQ need to be to enjoy this crap?

Here's your reply

Whose phone is ringing?

The UK version of this show is infinitley better, but I guess that's a given.

It's one of the only truly funny shows on tv. I have seen almost every episode and it never really gets old

So quite low then.

hey reddit, go fuck off to somewhere else

prove it.

How fake was the Imagine Dragons punishment?


>Murr without his eyebrows

>Murr wearing Q’s literal hair

Where will they go next?

This is basically Downtown. But I don't think that was intentional or they even know about Downtown.

The best is the gag where they try to make each other gag with that smoked window. That's 100% downtown No Laughing type shit.

Aren't they super famous now? How is the show still running? Everybody knows them

Good question

They had a cruise a couple of months ago, so they are popular to a certain audience. That being said, I don’t think a lot of people watch Tru Tv and they film enough to find people that don’t know them.