Alright lets get this onto a tray...
Alright lets get this onto a tray...
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Gotta say.
Truly decadent!
Steve needs to write a book. "MRE Instant Coffee; A Shameful Decline."
>intro music made by Steve
I don't get the appeal.
His music reminds me of tangerine dream
>''ugh this tastes horrible''
>takes another bite
Neither but i always end up watching this shit for some reason. Same with braille skateboarding and i don't even skate!
Started eating MREs because of him and it's fun. Got a pack of 5 US MREs for Christmas, and my brother bought be a Russian 24 hour pack from Moscow that I can't wait to try.
Want to start getting MREs in the UK but dont know where to get them
Way too expensive.
I really wanted, because I'm tired of my country's food.
probably my favorite parts of his vids
The virgin nosh
Thankfully mine have all been gifts, but I agree, it's so expensive even if you just factor in calorie content.
it's like happy meals for grown men
>that was the best thing I've ever had
Hey vinnny
>I know what will make this perfect
>combines two of the food
>yeah that's the way to do it
>awright lets check this out
>oh man that smells awful
>just gonna have a little bite
>oh wow that tastes terrible
>better have another bite to be sure
>what am I doing with my life
I love this shit
I can't say why but watching him is comfy as fuck.
Steve is alt-right, correct? I'm trying to keep away from any media that goes against or isn't related to a far right narrative.
he's a normal person
I'd say he's slightly right of center, probably goes to church and stuff
Even the simple shit like peanut butter on crackers has a nice appeal to me.
he's a white male so its more than 70 percent likely
really wanna try these.
Lmao are you serious? What a pussy
God forbid your views get challenged by a piece of entertainment. That would just be too much for you to handle.
Where can I get coca cola chocolate bars? They looked so cool
hmm dont you mean Coffee Instant
Sup Forums
>Steve has migrated from /k/ to Sup Forums
I know where to draw the line
>being literally this retarded
kill yourself loser. daily reminder trumps entire power structure is being dismantled day after day and it won't be long until hes impeached too. don't even know why a loser like you is on Sup Forums. literally every show and movie is left leaning so fuck off, you're kind can stay in a basement fapping to anime.
hello me
Lol not quite as exciting if you served, but then again it's an added nostalgic value
Instant (You)s.
jesus christ why are Sup Forumstards so insecure and ignorant?
Somebody needs to make a virgin vs chad meme about steve it would be hilarious.
Why does he shave his arms?
He's a self insert for these autists here. They act like he's their friend or some shit like how Sup Forums does with let's players.
>hurr durr i refuse to see anything that rejects my Sup Forumstard circle-jerk bubble, but i'm not the triggered one, the people pointing out my cowardice are!
way to go white warrior!
how can people get this angry about a internet comment
Take your cancerous political arguing to somewhere else, this is a comfy Steve thread
i dunno but it couldn't possibly be as pathetic as some white kid getting angry at pic related
triggering liberals isn't hard, they live their lives finding something to cry about
has he ever said anything actually tastes bad? I wonder if he just lies about things tasting great
the alt-right isnt real
this bait is just right
you could tell who is the soyboy liberal in this picture and who is the chad alt-right
I know he loves smoking moldy cigarettes and drinking fucked up chalky coffee from WWII
says the loser who cries the moment he sees anything that rejects alt right narratives. why are you losers even here nothing about hollywood or media caters to your kind. go back to anime faggot.
I don't think I ever stated my political stance on interracial marriage in my comment
>Incelda II: The Adventures of Twink
I didn't either, then I watched a few episodes. The comfy levels are on par with The Joy of Painting. Except it's MRE's instead of oil paint and canvas. Even bought a few MRE's because of this channel just to see what they're like. And I gotta say, they're nice. Essentially canned food that comes in bags. Not bad, but nothing extraordinary either. The constipation thing seems to be a meme too. Ate them for a week straight once just to see and I didn't have any constipation. Just drink plenty of water and you should stay regular.
Why is he so cool bros? He's got me interested in something I never I would be interested in
Amazon and ebay are the easiest sources. I think Steve shills an MRE shop on his show too.
He has a patch from /k/ in every vid
the schoka-kola video is the best one he has done, so far
see how his hands tremble at the mere suggestion of opening & savouring the delights of a german ww2 cola-infused chocolate ration
successful bait is successful.
Also, exactly how long is Longcat?
>tfw someone tried to shame him for his Kebab Remover patch
It is funny because the first replies are bait thinking that they could get more (you)s than u did
My wife sticks her head through the doorway into my office, "Honey, dinner is ready!"
"OK, I'll be there in a second."
She notices the slightly glazed look on my face as I sit down at the table, "So what have you been doing for the past 4 hours?"
"Oh, just watching a guy eat old military food; MREs." There's no hint of apology in my voice.
"Really? Uhmm...ok...really, 4 hours? Anyway, dinner's ready."
I replace the beautiful china dish my wife has provided with a military compartmentalized tray. "I see that...let's get this out on a tray...NICE!" Each entre is placed in a compartment as I pour boiling water from my canteen-cup into a glass with freeze dried coffee.
"Huh?" She looks at me with doubting eyes and moves her chair away from me slightly. "So what do you think of my biscuits? It's a new recipe!" I notice the pride in her voice, but I can't help myself.
"They're a little thirst provoking!"
>Takes risks no mortal could survive
How many times has he gotten food poisoning now? Like over a dozen right? Dude is a paragon of food reviewers.
he apparently almost died from getting food poisoning from some polish or something ration
does anyone have the link to the episode where he gags and vomits cause of the stench?
shouldn't that be "Coffee Instant Type 1: Funeral For A Friend"
>tfw you will never eat Civil War era rations
there's an episode where he shoots off a flair and gets a stern talking to in the comments where he apologizes
that was a modern MRE or something too, on some forum he was answering questions and said he had never gotten food poisoning from anything he has consumed on the channel.
>Last time I did was in 2015 - admitted to ER October 2nd, 2015. Ukrainian Ration. ($15,531 medical bill - still no health insurance my rates are a tad too high to justify)
Get your 8 hours already
anymore youtube food kino?
KingcobraJFS has some good cooking vids
LA Beast makes for good binging
Holy fuck that's Gothic King Cobra. The documentary about him is 1000% K I N O.
This is what every American should be
Seconding this, I'm shocked to see people here who know about it. Gothic King Cobra is pure youtube kino and is worth an hour of anyone's time. Just out of curiosity, in what context did you originally see it?
The last video with the food eating was fun.
I don't binge him too much, I think his challenges have gotten less interesting over time. Still enjoyable though.
>that episode when Steve nearly busts a nut huffing back on a 70 year old smooth redwood cigarette
His "Pros and Cons of owning a sex doll" video was what really made me fall into the deep hole that is the Cobraverse.
I've been keeping up with him ever since. The documentary is an underrated piece of internet lore. His life is a fucking mess right now and it just makes me feel better about myself daily.
korean kino
indian kino
>village food factory
chinese kino
>food ranger
Top things you want to taste from Steve's vids.
-Chocolate with cola leaves
-Halva spread
-Chocolate halva spread
-Cereal bars
-Fig bars
-REAL energy chocolate
Don't bring your insecurities into this thread. We're trying to have a good time. I'm going to smoke a cigarette.
Cookie bar
Why does he shake so much?
I want Steve to bully me
From what I've seen the videos where he shakes the most are the ones that have cigarettes in them. He only smokes ration cigarettes which are very strong, so it's probably the nicotine expectation.
Usually does a hard workout before making a vid to get his energy levels up, still buzzing from the adrenalin
it's from lifting
"these fast carbs, this white bread make me wanna nap all day...and I've got 5 shots of espressso to counteract the carbs, so i'm gonna be up and down all day...and I'm gonna be an emotional wreck"
>that video with the near-perfectly-perserved nazi drug chocolate ration and cigarettes
Actually made me a little concerned until I realized it was likely nerves from such a well-preserved ancient ration.
Same argument could be made for literally ANY fucking fanbase out there you dimwit, including those two film critic fucks that get posted frequently
But more to the point it's confirmed that this Steve dude lurks on imageboards aswell
another bit of youtubekino
Top tier youtube kino. I put him on when I'm on my computer and it makes perfect background noise.
This is an ancient Roman bread and meat ration. Produced from circa. 57-83 AD, this ration was designed to feed a legion for one day! Alright, Let's get this out onto a tray
>Video cuts to several piles of dust sitting on a tray surrounding a petrified loaf of bread
Nice! As you can see, these are in great shape! Let's start with this vegetable ration
>Camera zooms in on one dust pile
That's in such great shape, I just can't help myself
>Grabs a pinch
Hmm... Tastes vaguely of grass and dirt.. No, that's not good at all
>Grabs another pinch
No, that is not edible. Let's move on to this meat ration.
>Camera zooms on other dust pile
Now, this would have been chicken or mutton, no real way to tell now except a taste test
>Takes pinch
Hmm... You know, I can kinda taste the meat here.... Tastes kinda like chicken... I gotta have more
>Takes another pinch
>Camera cuts to tray missing one pile
Now here we have the real star of the show, the bread. It kinda looks like a rock but this really is in remarkable shape. I'm gonna try and cut it
>Pokes it with P38, chipping it slightly
No hiss
>Footage speeds up as he slowly chips away at the bread
Hmm, didn't really break up evenly. I can't wait to try it
>Camera cuts to face cam, loud crunching can be heard
Hm.. No, this is definitely rancid. It's leaving a sort of mouldy film on my teeth as I chew it... I'd probably die if I took another bite
>Takes another bite
Hmm... No this is terrible
>Cuts back to tray
What an experience. Anyway, this is Steve1989 off MREInfo. Hope you liked the video, and I'm gonna be comin at ya with something new. Or old! See ya!