Post movies Sup Forums was wrong about
Post movies Sup Forums was wrong about
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Thread is dead, you are wrong
Your baseline was way off and now you are gone
take it back.
Fuck this board and it's hipster weeaboo tendencies.
>no characters are present, only talking heads made to say the narrative of the movie over and over again for half hour long intervals
>CG is piss poor more than half of the time and no amount of cheerypicking is going to make it better
>Every english line, even by native speakers are horrible
>one of the movies least faithful to it's source material ever, the faithfulness is down there with 1998
When does OP start?
Fuck off, it was one of the best movies of the year, easily
You should kill yourself someday, preferably very soon
i agree haha
gay lol
Every other opinion on it is either it was amazing or garbage so are you implying that it was somewhere in the middle?
I'm thinking about going to see this loaded on shrooms. Good idea or no?
Yea, driving while high sounds like a good idea.
do it the second time
fuck off
I'd be on the bus. Either way, I'd time the trip to set in as the movie starts.
Alright. Any particular reason.
it's probably the only way you'll enjoy it
eat shit
when will uridon get the utv treatment
Movie is pure garbage
I forgot, who was utv?
>Trusting Anno fans
You have made a terrible mistake.
pretty much, the fact that people couldn't even remember the names of the main characters should've given it away. But he shot purple laser beams so all is forgiven
>the characters are so deep, great and interesting, I cannot even remember their names!
Aw no it's not it's cute
what mental disorder is this? Because autism doesn't fully cover what I am seeing
the deserved fate of any and all tripfags
Better than reddit runner
doesn't seem so bad. at least they wouldn't be trying to kill me like the bjork stalker
I didn't even know what this was supposed to mean because lately I just see a lot of butthurt unemployed faggots trying to shit on this movie.
Meanwhile I've seen it ten times and will probably see it at least two more times before it leaves theaters. It's playing at two theaters in my city at 10pm until Dec 6th at least. They seem to know that's my time because it feels cool as hell driving home at 1am with nobody on the road playing the soundtrack.
> Normie "movie buffs" Reeeing over "another classic being resurrected for nostalgia bucks"
> Point out who the fucking director is and his track record
> "Who?"
disregard that, i suck cocks
Fuck no.
I liked it
The ones who loved it or the ones who keep making threads bashing it? Because both are wrong, movie was fine and that's it.
t. 20-year-old who still wants a 3DPD gf before the waifu age
>actually complainign about faithfulness
not only is that a nonexistent argument, but its literally like one of the only 5 movies that ever addressed an issue of importance similar to that of 1954
>expecting any godzilla movie to have well spoken english
i assume only because you mentioned 1998, you actually watched some of these, literally 90% of english actors/line sin this series are awful (the worst are in the 90s)
Sup Forums is wrong most of the time, this thread would be way too long.
Its awful
it's not.It's kino
This was actually garbage despite Sup Forums's claims to the contrary.
Blade Runner was great
but everyone was saying it was garbage
I've honestly seen more positive than negative about Valerian here
It's fucking awful dude, admit it. Did you see the ending scene? They clearly used a dummy with explosives implanted in the head.
The only good thing about the movie was the disappointed abortionist. He was hilarious. Nearly saved that shit sack of a movie.
Vince Vaughn was lol
Did UTV ever respond to this?
bullshit. they were being ironic. are you autistic