When will white people be completely removed from film altogether?
When will white people be completely removed from film altogether?
twitter is for kiddies & bitches.
grown assed men shouldn't even be on there.
But... TRUMP...
This guy deserved to be a super star, fuck Jewllywood for hating pure Aryans.
says the guy posting on a mongolian shadow-puppetry forum
This. If anyone on Sup Forums uses social media besides maybe having a facebook they don't deserve to be here.
Was this "article" written by a 15 year old?
he is literally descended from communist jews
> Armand's own parents were Russian Jewish immigrants, and Armand's father, Julius Hammer, who was from Odessa, Ukraine, "founded the Communist Party in New York."[6][7][8]
nice fake news brah
I'm supposed to feel sorry for a guy who won both the genetic lottery AND was born to a wealthy family? Fuck him.
armie pls
damn that's a pretty man
>having a facebook
You have to go back.
What a massive nu-male
>be a communist jew
>star in slaveshit and gayshit, both pandering to liberals
>they still skewer you for being white and male and handsome
I love it when liberals eat themselves
I am missing something here? This gay movie of his actually has high RT score. Critics seem to love it. Obviously because it's gay. So what do writers hate him.
I just hate him because he's a silver spoon motherfucker.
>So what do writers hate him.
Maybe cos they're feeding into the current anti-white narrative. And Hammer being a handsome, tall, white successful male is a prime target.
That he comes from a privileged background has to be the reason why he's constantly getting roles, right? Not cos he might work hard, be a decent-ish actor and have a good agent. It has to be because his grandfather was a oil man.
They tried repeatedly with him but it wasn't going to happen.
because its Hammers fault that a movie sucks
armie hammer is so handsome in uncle it's breathtaking
Really the only fault this film had it was 1/2 hour too long
Jesus! Go squeeze one off there buddy.
Some of us are normies. T. Linkedin facekike and twitter
He wasn't the reason that movie sucked, but he certainly wasn't a highlight. Pretty generic, even Depp too
So you think she is right then? That somehow his acting career should have been binned?
He was alright in uncle, but mostly because his character was more serious and didn't talk much. Maybe it was just the role or the director, but his attempt to blow up in the lone ranger was very unimpressive and failed. Not sure how many chances you get in the business when you aren't already famous
It's nice to see that Vulture hires junior-high kids with special needs to write articles for them.
But it's not like he's been continually cast in big-budget blockbusters since then though. His career after Lone Ranger/UNKLE has been mostly bit parts and small indy films.
Don’t understand why they turned on this guy, he has been a seemingly stand up nice guy throughout the years. I enjoy the guy and think he gets a bad rap for things outside his control, his agent is the one that should be getting shit for the roles he picked.