Do you get a cut out of whatever crap they sell or something?
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at least they'll be around to shit on star wars
They love StarWars now.
uh they ripped rogue one to shreds.
bring back fat funny jay
new jay is an impostor
There's something off about RLM through the years.
Like, their humor/quality has changed and not for the better -- at least aside from BotW. HitB doesn't feel as fun as it used to be.
holy shit, how haven't I seen this yet?
Could it be Political Correctness? I watch BotW and they seem really PC/SJW'ish, especially Jack & Josh.
Jay and Rich make rape jokes all the time.
Jack and Josh were always like that though. The more interesting stuff came from Mike, Rich, and to a lesser degree Jay. The truth is they likely just got kind of lazy and stopped caring, plus the older you get the edge (for lack of a better phrase) just kind of dies off. There are still touches of their old humor though, they made fun of Chastity Bono in one of their new(er) videos.
Mike doesn't really give a fuck, Jay tries to whiteknight because he really, really would like to have more sex, and Rich depends on whether he's drunk or sober. The others are just awful period.
Is that why the girls stopped coming on BotW?
When did Jay stop looking like a retard?
Speaking of Jay, where is he from? He sounds like a cross between Bobby's Mom from Bobby's World and a gay Canadian.
Thought it was just Mike's gf. She was horribly annoying though, so it's a good thing.
When he accepted his homosexuality.
When he cut the top beard, I can't think of a single man that looks cool with that. Thor would look like a retard, even Wolverine. Maybe Sabertooth looks okay, and just barely.
Oh I agree but there was also the redhead who wanted Jay's dick up her, and we never got anything else with Tits McThicc Ass from the Troll 2 episode of HitB.
Rockford, Illinois, the heart of Rust Belt.
>the funniest thing they ever did was an ad for their shitty webstore.
That's kind of depressing.
This all day long. They need to bring Lady Cop back.
Yeah they loved Rogue One, that must be why they shit on it at every opportunity.
The redhead popped up in some HitB iirc. She was a moron, but Mike was surprisingly rude to her it was kind of refreshing
What a value
I will hopefully come across that soon as I am currently watching the HitB playlist. Also, I hope to never see Max Landis ever again, he was so cringe I couldn't finish that episode.
Mike has patrician taste
>top beard,
The fuck is that?