Please tell me you guys don't actually consider this joke of a movie to be one of the best movies of all time.
Please tell me you guys don't actually consider this joke of a movie to be one of the best movies of all time
Pick one, and fuck off back there.
>1,114 days until Avatar 2
0/10 you're just butthurt
>t. enjoys capeshit
>Citizen Bane
Haha wow!
I shaved my cat and painted it blue. You fucking bet this is one of the best movies of all time.
RIP Sandy. I loved you more than you ever could know.
CGI: good
STORY: same as pocahontas but with aliens
it's visualkino, but the story kind of sucks
Never understood how anyone could stand seeing it more than twice, im pretty sure Sup Forums has a high concentration of mentally ill degenerates who became obsessed with the movie because they want to be blue aliens because their lives are shit
what are you gay?
I consider it the best
You're not in Kansas anymore.
Butthurt haters should fuck off back to plebbit.
Looks like she has downsyndrome
Haha I saw this on /r/funny too :)
hah, this was posted in an avatar thread here back when the movie premiered.
It's just Dances with Wolves with mediocre CGI and worse lines. The one old dude was cool though.
Epic simply epic
friendly reminder that this is James Cameron's best film
>le noble savage
>army boi goes native
Brah you can't deny that it was Dances with Wolves in Space. It's a narrative ingrained in our culture, Avatar is just one more brainlet shot at capitalism and Western civilization.
T2 was pretty good, so was Aliens
lmao what a dumb nigger
>get out!
Do it again
The highest grossing movie of all time. Not once. But twice though? You're just butthurt
Cry more.
fucking based
i used to actually argue and debate with ABATAP , and now after some time is passed i actually miss the bastard. FeelsBadMan at least i used to laugh when i saw his threads