Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Cersei went a little overboard in this scene?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Cersei went a little overboard in this scene?

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Those bitches knew exactly what they were getting into, and deserved everything they got.

Nah, if anything it was underwhelming. I can't go into details on what I wanted to see her do to the cringe snakes without looking like an edge lord. Still this was pretty satisfying.

Fuck they put fucking Niobe of all people in there. When the fuck does James Purefoy get a god damn role in GoT

Funny you mention Purefoy.

Turns out he refused a role in GoT because he's still salty over how HBO ended Rome (rightfully so).

Wut? She was tame as fuck, i would have had her raped to death by a horse in front of her mother

I was a little disappointed she didn't go further, especially since the Martells not only crossed her but fucked with guest right. The nun that tried to get Cersei to confess had a worse fate, I had hoped the Mountain would have been involved.

She was great in this scene too.

That's pretty much the only time she didn't go overboard.

Oh shit, I actually remember reading that now. Based. Didn't a couple other guys do the same? Or at least call out HBO on that shit.
Mckidd and Stevenson not getting roles is also a travesty.

Bronn is saving her. Notice he asked Pod to come with him during the big meeting scene? They went back and Bronn is smuggling her out. She has built up an immunity to poison and is still alive. Bronn and bad poosi for life

So why did bad poosi cry once poisoned?

Dream on dude. Bad pusy is bad beef jerky now.


because she is sneeky snek

>characters based on north africans are literally named sand
damn, truly a worldbuilding genius

i haven't watched the video because i want to be suprised but i hear all the season 8 leaks are accurate and totally legit im sure they are. fuck you they are

dornish are not north africans. they are based on the moorish spanards that are kinda close to arab

I'm still salty that Euron didn't parade them naked throughout kings landing. GoT is cucked as fuck since that sansa rape scene hysteria

>that four-year-old bullshit story
He made a joke and GoT fans got all assreamed taking it for fact
Don't be a moron

Moors are about as north African as it gets.

I mean, bastards from the Riverlands are called Rivers. That's a bit worse.

>he thinks they are going to spend time in a 6 episode season on saving a character nobody likes

Given how awful and brain dead the writers are, you are probably right.

Fucking stormlanders get the name Storm. What is the reach?

Not really, it's typical of her

RIP Bad Poosy

all they have to do is fight the night king. the episodes are supposedly going to be 1:20 if rumors are true. so why can't they save the bad poosi?


boom, creativity

Stone, I think. I vaguely recall some bit talking about bastards in the book series, how they take the name of common things that are beneath your feet and yet cannot avoid- Rivers, Flowers, Snow, Stone, etc.


Fuck you newfag

>be me, young actress
>get a part on one of the most popular TV shows ever
>Role is badass assassin with assassin sisters, tons of cool fight scenes
>start filming
>lines are kinda weak
>fight scenes look kinda weak
>don't worry, they'll fix it in post
>they don't
>season releases and you are immediately hated by everyone
>no one cares about you
>become the turning point when many people say the show dipped in quality
>be so popular that when a deranged psychopath murders you, people actually like him more

What do you think it was like to be one of the Sand Snake actresses? You think it was awkward when they started filming season 6 knowing that they ruined the show?

It's for the best. Brutus and Caesar will look back on their involvement in Game Of Boars with embarrassment.